Methods And Study Proposal For Investigating Mental Health Relationships And Illnesses

Background to the topic

You will have been working on a group topic in workshops and should have much of this material prepared. You will also be doing a group presentation in the last week of the module on this topic and that material and the feedback from the session will also help you complete this workbook.

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Note that throughout this workbook you are NOT required to use full sentences (apart from the last question) and are encouraged to use bullet points, lists and diagrams if appropriate to get the facts across in a concise format.

Please answer ALL sections – the workbook will be marked as a whole using standard university assessment criteria as given in the module guide.

Note that although you researched this topic as a group THIS IS AN INDIVIDUAL PIECE OF WORK and each student must submit an assignment. Although some elements such as key references may be similar we expect this work to be unique and individual.

  1. Your Name

Sabina Rokib

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  1. Names of all students in your group

Ashley Morrit

Lauren Bowmer



  1. Your workshop day and time

Tuesday 2pm

  1. Topic of your student led practical

How do mental health relationships affect illnesses

Background to the topic you have researched

  1. List FIVE key references that you have used in full APA format
  1. Summarise what you have learned about the topic – be concise and use bullet points. What are the main things you have learned? (This section should be no longer than one side of a page)
  • Learned about all the ways how a mental health illness can affect a relationship
  • Mental health can affect any type of relationship, whether it be a parent/spouse
  • It can affect the sufferers’ family to an extent that they may need counselling or treatments as well as the patient themselves.
  • personality disorders consist of three clusters: A, B and C. Cluster A has been categorised as odd/ eccentric behaviour. Cluster B shows dramatic behaviour and Cluster C is the high degree of anxiety and includes avoidant, dependent and obsessive compulsive personality disorders.
  • Borderline personality disorder has been given the most attention by psychologists and psychiatrists and they consist of antisocial behaviour and psychopathy (Bennett, 2011) – Which falls under Cluster B.
  • Cluster B is the dramatic behaviour which consists of the antisocial, borderline, histrionic and narcissistic personality disorders (Comer, 2013).
  • It has been explained as the enduring pattern of inner experience and behaviour that deviates from the expectations of the individual’s culture in two of the following areas which are the cognition, mood, interpersonal functioning of impulse control (Bennett, 2011).
  • I learned about the treatments and different therapies that can help people with borderline personality disorders.
  • Treatments such as using antipsychotic drugs can help reduce suspiciousness of the three cluster A personality disorders such as the paranoid, schizoid and schizotypal (Coid, 2006) Also it can help with borderline personality disorder if people feel paranoid or feel like they are hearing voices (Coid, 2006)

You are required to propose a study in the topic area you are researching that uses a quantitative methodology that we have studied this year (observational, correlational or experimental). Use bullet points and be concise

  1. Proposed research question
  • Cognitive behaviour therapies for borderline personality disorder
  1. Brief rationale
  • The study will make use of experimental design, where individual will be randomly allocated to a particular cognitive behaviour therapy.
  • Randomized controlled trials will help in reducing the variance error and ensure we follow up the person under treatment.
  • The study will make use of psychodynamic therapy and dialectical behaviour therapy as treatment and check their effect on self-harm and self-destructive behaviour on borderline patients.
  • Previous research on borderline therapies showed methodological problem limits findings and their replication due to follow up lose and decrease of sample size due to withdrawal
  1. Proposed method
  1. Proposed participants
  • The study will use in-patients in community based mental facilities, emergency and accident centre as well as those in psychiatric treatment centre.
  • To be eligible in the study, you must be of age 18 years and above, have more than 6 items of borderline personality and can be able to give informed consent.
  1. Proposed Materials
  • Participants will be invited for an interview to confirm exclusion criteria and diagnosis of borderline.
  • The participants will sign consent form and randomly allocated to the two cognitive behaviour therapies.
  1. Proposed Design
  • The study will use experimental design that is randomized controlled trials.
  1. Proposed Procedure
  • The participants will be randomly allocated on the two treatments which are psychodynamic therapy and dialectical behaviour therapy
  • The treatments will be replicated in different community based mental facilities to reduce chances of error
  • All the other factors except the two treatments will be controlled to reduce effects of confounding factors
  • The sample size will be 100 patients diagnosed with borderline, divided into 10 groups each containing 10 persons.

What sort of analysis would you use to analyse your data (be specific as to the statistical test) and why. What results would you expect to find

  • The study will utilize complete randomized trials (CRT), analysis of variance is used to analyse the data. The source of variations is from treatment and from the blocks, where F statistics will be computed
  • The level of significance 5% level
  • The advantage of using CRT is that is simple to calculate the analysis of variance mostly when replications are not the same in all treatments. It will be useful when we lose follow up.
  • The two cognitive therapies will affect the level of self-harm and self-destructions among the patients of borderline exposed to these treatments

You are required to propose a study in the topic area you are researching that uses a qualitative methodology. Use bullet points and be concise.

  1. Proposed research question
  • The self-image in borderline personality disorder
  • The study aims to solve the complexity around the subject of self- image and identity disturbance
  • The study will help us contextualize and discuss the concept of relationship and self-disturbance
  1. Proposed method
  1. Proposed participants
  • The study will engage 12 patients with borderline personality and 12 patients without personality disorder
  • The study will use primary sources of data
  • Data collection method will be transcribed interview through structured interview of personality organization
  • The transcribed interview of 12  borderline personality disorder and patients without personality disorder  will response of self-image and affection towards will be analysed using grounded theory and content analysis
  1. What sort of analysis would you use to analyse your data and why. What results would you expect to find
  • The study will use content analysis and grounded theory
  • The analysis will offer interpretive descriptions and persuasive assumptions on self-image of borderline patients
  • The expected results is that borderline personality disorder patients will have emotions challenges and will portray destructive self image

Write a brief description comparing the information you would gain from doing the two studies and pointing out the differences between quantitative and qualitative methods.  If you had to choose one of these research studies you have proposed which would you do and why? Which of the two methodologies appeals most to you and why? This section should be written in continuous text (not bullet points) and be no more than 750 words.

There two main methods used in scientific research which are qualitative method and quantitative method. Both methodologies make us various techniques to perform research operations which include data collection methods, data analysis and reporting. Qualitative methodology is explanatory research. Explanatory provides understanding of reason behind certain theory, opinions and motivations. It provides mental vision into certain problem. It provides insights to a theory which will lead to quantitative research. In this study qualitative will describe characteristics of Borderline Personality Disorder that is emotion and self-image characteristics which will lay foundation of the complete randomized trials. Which will test the effects of cognitive therapy on borderline patient? It will help uncover and contextualize the characteristics of borderline patients. The method of data collection in qualitative research includes focus group, interviews and observations. The size of sample is usually small, mostly from certain quota. In this research we have two quota, patients with borderline personality disorder and patient without personality disorder and sample size was 12.  The method of data collection was individual interview.

Quantitative Methodology Study Proposal

To quantify data obtained from the research in order to conduct statistics test on hypothesis and conclude on certain assumption quantitative research is used. It generated numerical data that can be transformed to testable statistics. It made use a sample to generalized information about population. It uncovers trends and patterns and formulates facts using measurable data. The methods of data collection include survey, observation, experiments, interviews and longitudinal studies. In our study we used a sample size of 1000 to generalize effects of psychodynamic therapy and dialectical behaviour therapy on borderline patients. This will help us gather facts about effects of cognitive therapy on borderline patients, can these treated reduced the level self-destructions among patients.

Qualitative research is used to formulate theory as compared to quantitative research which tests concepts that build up the theory. Qualitative methods describe the problem under investigations from side of those experiencing. In psychology qualitative research is most appropriate because they will help the researcher to describe and formulate theories around borderline mental effects. It will help the researcher to understand the behaviour behind borderline patients and how to use cognitive therapy to reduce these self-destructive behaviours. Therefore the most appealing method is qualitative research.

The main advantages of using qualitative methodology are that the data collected is comprehensive and complete. The researcher can use open –ended question to capture all information needed from borderline patients which will not be so in quantitative methodology. Qualitative methodology focuses less on data metric and more on what information can be obtained from research. Therefore the research can evaluate the subject material (borderline patient) in more detail. Also qualitative methodology does not follow a static of data collection. The researcher can shift gears if the current source of information does not offer relevant data and find information from relevant sources. Qualitative data is more human experience and observational in nature, the research will be able to describe the experience of borderline patients. Therefore the best research methodology to be applied in psychology is qualitative method.


Bateman, A., & Tyrer, P. (2004). Psychological treatment for personality disorders. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 378-388.

Bennett, P. (2011). Abnormal and Clinical Psychology (Third edition ed.). Berkshire: McGraw Hill Open university press.

Coid, J. e. (2006). Prevalence and correlates of personality disorder in Great Britain. British Journal of Psychiatry, 188, 423-431.

Comer, R.J. (2013). Abnormal Psychology (Eighth edition ed.). New York: Worth Publishers.

Evershed, S. (2011). Treatment of personality disorder: Skills based therapies. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 206-213.