Mock Job Application: Accounting Related Job Application – STAR Method Of Selection Criteria


Star selection criteria is the till date best option for understanding the best criteria to be selected for. Every candidate before applying the dream job of their own they must consider providing their time towards star method of selection criteria. Star selection criteria include situation, task, action and result.

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Situation describes the work situation that one will face after being collected in the job you are supplied for. The task describes the work that he or she will be entitled to do in the organisation or she will be working for. Action describe the effect that are to be included in order to complete the task that is provided by the management in the organisation they are applying for. Results will entitle the end aspect of the action incorporated by the one.

In the job advertisement at least eight below the word file we observe that there is specific fulfilment of the requirement that one will consider when staff selection criteria is taken into consideration.


Coming to the viewpoint of situation we observe the point where organisation WVP Services ltd are in urgent requirement for fulfilling their back end position of accounts manager based at Canada and Australia. The situation here is clear that the human resource management team of the organisation are looking for desired candidate who will be capable enough to deal with the vacant position of accounts manager in the organisation. The situation also have provided the requirement of 2 to 7 years job experience

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In consideration of task we see that that the organisation will be providing the candidate work of preparing financial statement and report along with cost finding and internal reporting. There will be job related to control procedures and may be trusted with responsibilities related to bankruptcy procedure


When discussing about the action to be incorporated to ensure that the job application is selected candidate must be capable enough to contact the provided contact details of the organisation. Provided in the job advertisement there is call and WhatsApp number of the human resource manager which will be considered under the action format to be fulfilled by the candidate for applying in the job


The end result would be the awaiting of the call from the organisation regarding their review about selecting or not selecting the application for the job keeping in mind the resume and the

Situation: I have been interested to work at the position of Management Accountant at the Kangaroo Investments Pvt. Ltd. For the past 4 months, I had been suffering from a health related issue and so I had to leave the job at Perron Group Ltd., where I had been playing the role of a Management Accountant for more than 2 years. Now, without any kind of job, I am being haunted with different kind of mental issues (Weisshaar, 2018). This is because of my current economic position. I have a family to run and I have old parents at my home.

STAR method of selection criteria

I am without the job and facing a huge economic crisis. This is the reason I am desperate to search for a good job in an esteemed company. It shall also help me in growing my skill and knowledge and make me more productive (Australian Public Service Commission, 2018). It shall help to keep my mind busy with work and help me to keran new things. In addition, I shall also be able to earn a huge amount of money by taking up this job. These are mainly the situation, which has urged me to search and apply for this job. 


In order to apply for this job, I had to undergo different kind of processes. I had to be well educated and qualified in order to fit the criteria for the job. I had to be a graduate in accounting and management field; I had to have a good communication skill on which I have been working for the last years. I had to have a work experience in other companies. In order to apply for this job, I had to prepare the cover letter and fill up all the details related to my education, my qualifications and all other such kind of details. Further, I also had to fill in with information related to my past experiences of work and what other qualification I have in the professional field. I had to prove myself worthy of the post and the role that are being advertised by you and your esteemed organization. For further details and other things, please do refer to my Cover Letter that has been attached with this file (Risavy, 2017). 


I have completed making my resumes and each of the details in order to apply for this job. I have checked for all the criteria related to this job and have applied in accord to that. I have seen that the qualification needed is also possessed by me (Southern Cross Computing, 2018). Therefore, I have provided them in the Resume along with the professional qualification and education completed and scored by me. I have also attached and made the Referee list (from where I have to know about this job details and job profile). So, please refer to resume and the referees lists that I have attached with this file.


The result can be said to be ultimate selection and the interview that I shall face. If the organization shall be satisfied with my abilities, qualifications and educational background, then, I will be intimated and alerted by them. A message shall be sent to be or I shall be called by them in order to inform me with the job interview and other details. I shall be able to secure the job role then with the sending and taking the task of preparing all these documents and sending them to the company based on advert about the job that I had seen (STAR Selection Criteria, 2018). The result if positive, shall also aid me in solving with my all kind of economic issues and monetary problem (the situation that had been mentioned by me before in this STAR method). 


I have gathered the information and have known about the advertisement from my LinkedIn profile. I have also seen some ads related to this job in the Job portals pages that I followed in Facebook. Further, this job role advert (Management Accountant) was also provided in the newspaper of some days ago. After some days, I was watching the Television. From there valso, I got information related to this job role and job role in this big Investment concern. I also came through that ad and then I have decided to apply for the same.


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