My Health Record App – A Mobile Application For Healthcare

Functioning of My Health Record App

A Mobile Business solution for customers can represent an expensive and complex proposition for a companyto implement. Assume management has contracted you to consider such an implementation for their business. Write a report discussing the technologies, platforms, success factors, and enablers for a successful implementation. Discuss the different cost factors and key components of a mobile solution that will influence these costs.

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The tool that is chosen in this report is My Health Record App that can be used or is used by many companies in Australia. The application of My Health Record is a mobile application that can be used in any android users and in iPhone users. The initiative of using the application of My Health Record had been done by Australian Digital Health Agency (Bush, Stahmer and Connelly 2016). The patients can get multiple services from the app of My Health Records. The app stores all the information of the patients who registers in the app and then uploads their details on the network of the app (Yoon et al. 2016). Here are many services that are provided by the app of My Health record. Many organizations also use the system of My Health Record to register the names of their patients.

This report gives the details of the structure of My Health Record and how they are carried out in different organizations. There are certain technologies that are followed by the app of My Health Record which are elaborated clearly in this report. The result of the diagnosis can be achieved properly and the way to cure them is also described in this report. The application has certain success factors that are clearly elaborated in this report.

The application of My Health Record has an effective, efficient, and safe delivery of healthcare which is based on the good communication and the application can be run smoothly on mobile phones (Turvey et al. 2014). The providers of healthcare in Australia can uses the technologies that are involved in the app of My Health Record by making a registration with HI service in the application. There is a particular term known as “Seed Organization” for the participant organization. There may be a Seed Organization that is network based in case of complex organizations (Gunter and Terry 2015). The organizations that are based on network are included in the part of the participant organization known as Seed Organization. The technology that is used by My Health Record is a B2E operation of business included in Seed Organizations so that they can serve the patients.

Technologies and Success Factors of My Health Record App

The application of My Health Record is used by an organization of Australia known as Ramsay Health Care. Ramsay helps their clients to serve with the medical treatment in Australia (Liu et al. 2017). The Ramsay is not only famous for day surgery in United Kingdom, France, and Australia, but they have 220 hospitals all over the world. Ramsay uploads the personal information of its patients in the cloud of My Health Record and stores all the details of their patients. The application of My Health Record has a great success rate because not only the health care of Ramsay in Australia uses the app, but it is also used by many health care centers like Sigma Healthcare, Healthscope Hospitals (Duckett 2017). The hospital who uses the services of My Health Record is a part of the system. The hospitals only have to register their names in the account of the app and can avail the advantage of storing all their patient’s information in the system. The patients can easily use the mobile app of My Health Record so that they can store their personal details online. From the information that are stored by the hospitals in My Health Record, doctors from all over the world can get the access of the information of patients and proceed for the treatment they can serve to the patients (Kidd et al. 2017). The information that is submitted to the cloud of My Health Record is done online and the control of the information can be done who can view the information in the app. The application of My Health Care is successful because it allows specialists to read the information of the patients and specialists get to know about their information from the patients and guide then to have a better treatment and care. In case of an emergency, the doctors can suggest a treatment for an emergency purpose. My Health Record app can provide the service to their healthcare without concerning the location from where the patient is.

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There are many people are involved in the monitoring and handling the app of My Health Record. The people who have responsibilities that are carried out in Ramsay Healthcare in Australia. The people who are responsible are as follows:

RO (Responsible Officer): The Responsible Officer of the Ramsay Healthcare mainly works with the System Operator. The Responsible Officer deals with the System Operator. There are some rules and regulations that are involved in implementing and registering the app of My Health Record (Walsh et al. 2017). The Responsible Officer follows all the rules and regulations that are involved in implementing the app of My Health Record. There is only a registration process that the organization has to follow so that they get attached to the database of My Health Record.

My Health Record App and Ramsay Healthcare

OMO (Organization Maintenance Officer): The Maintenance Officer of the Ramsay Organization is mainly responsible for the administrative tasks that are related with the system of the My Health Record. OMO is an employee of the organization and connects with the app to update the daily administrative tasks involved in the system. There are many Organization Maintenance Officer in Ramsay Healthcare.

The records that are to be uploaded or updated by the OMO and the RO of Ramsay Organization have to be correct. If any mistake occurs, it is the responsibility of the OMO and the RO of the organization. For the mistakes that are done, the organization should take the responsibility to update the data within a period of 20 days without any delays.

The individuals those who want to take up the My Health Record service will have to register to myGov first and then will have to avail the benefits of My Health Record. Once any individuals get registered with My Health Record, My Health Record collects those data. After that My Health Record share those data with the healthcare centers. Since, Ramsay is registered with My Health Record, the patients of Ramsay can be benefitted from the e-health Record. The patients of Ramsay can get help from the My Health Record app (Armani et al. 2016). The patients can use the app free of cost. The report will explain how the My Health Record app can help Ramsay Health Care to connect with the employees.

My Health Record organisation structure

Health care providers and the organisations located in Australia who are willing to use the app of My Health Record register with their service. The healthcare organisations those who want to participate and want to connect with My Health Record are known as ‘Seed Organisations’. Ramsay Healthcare is one of the Seed Organisation, and it has been chosen for this report. My Health Record carries out B2E activities with Seed Organisations to aid the patients.

My Health Record needs an association of people of Ramsay Healthcare. The Responsible Officer must act responsibly and must follow the regulations and make arrangements in Ramsay accordingly. The Organisation Maintenance Officer is responsible for carrying out the administrative tasks associated with My Health Record. Ramsay’ OMO is in charge to monitor and manage the data of the database of Ramsay Healthcare which is synchronized with My Health Record. If any error incurs, they will have to take the responsibility to modify and update the database. Both RO and OMO set appropriate access flags (Yamin et al. 2011). The access flags will let Ramsay Healthcare know the issues occurring within the structure. The RO and OMO will have to make sure that the Ramsay Healthcare database and system works well with My Health Record system, the patients of Ramsay Healthcare thus can get the maximum benefits from the My Health Record app.

Policies and Regulations

The patients and the employees of Ramsay those who want to avail the benefits of My Health Record will have to register with My Health Record via myGov. Every individual will have different username and password. My Health record can track the activities of Ramsay employees and patients with the help of My Health Record iOS and Android app. My Health Record thus can assist Ramsay in many ways.

Ramsay Healthcare must provide appropriate training to the employees so that they can cooperate with both the patients and My Health Record. The training can help the Ramsay to provide fast and effective service. They can solve any issues incur within the database and the system. The whole training session must be carried out with compliance with both My Health Record system and Ramsay Healthcare. Moreover, they must have the expertise to use the My Health Record app (Druss et al. 2014). They must have the skills with regards to app usage, then only they can provide quality service to the patients.

Ramsay Healthcare must always follow the policies and the regulations imposed by My Health Record all the time. Ramsay Healthcare registered with My Health Record can serve multiple patients at the same time, this approach can give them the competitive edge, they can get increase their customer base.

My Health Record System comes with advanced security. This helps RO and OMO of Ramsay Healthcare to carry out the business operations effectively, the employees of Ramsay must be educated with all kinds of security aspects so that they can conduct business activities with ease.

The My Health Record app can cater multiple benefits to the patients. The patients can go through the data of the database on the go; the data is accessible to anywhere and everywhere (Leroux, Santamaria and Smith 2017). The patients will not have to collect and store their health records in the form of hard copy. Since My Health Record has secured database, the patients will not have to worry about the security issues.

The diagnosis results are stored in the database; for this reason, patients will not have to visit doctors, again and again, they will not have to explain their illness to the doctors repeatedly (Jackson et al. 2015). The mobile app database contains all the relevant data, the doctors can access the database and can get to know the details of the patient. The chat box can help the patients to communicate with the employees. Thus the mobile app can help Ramsay healthcare in conducting the business operations, can help the patients of Ramsay Healthcare so that they can receive better treatment.

Benefits of My Health Record App to Patients

Assisted Registration

Assisted Registration is one medium by which they Ramsay Healthcare can provide quality treatment to the customers. Ramsay Healthcare assists in recognising the patients. The doctors can get an overview of all the patients’ health report, and the doctors can provide healthcare to the patients accordingly (Frank 2016). The patients are also provided with IVC. The IVC enables patients to record all their details on the app.


It can be concluded from the above discourse that My Health Record app can provide multiple advantages to the patients of Ramsay Healthcare. The app can help the My Health Record system and the Ramsay Healthcare to carry out B2E business activities. My Health Record app is also beneficial for the patients. The patients can access their diagnosis report on the app anytime and anywhere. The doctors can view the health report and based on the health report they can carry on their treatment. The app can provide the 24×7 support to the patients. Ramsay Healthcare can stay connected with the employees. The patients will not have to visit doctors and explain their illness again. The report has explained the My Health Record organisation structure. The report also defines the roles of RO and OMO in details.  The benefits of the My Health Record android and IOS app has been detailed in the report.


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