New Technological System In Dell Organization: Implications And Implementation Plan

Objectives of Dell organization’s transformation through new technology

The management system of the Dell organization is largely based on the new technological system. Dell organization is easily influenced by new technology in the expansion strategies. The primary objective of the organization is to be the best software industry in the global businesses. The transformation of the business activities in the Dell organization is initiated through the following objectives (Biemans, 2018). First, the administrative system management of the Dell organization will be streamlined with the new technology. In this objective, the cloud computing technology will integrate the workforce system to necessitate active business operations. The cloud computing technology will help the administrative system to have better ways of sharing information, filling out important data and storing information (Carnall, 2018). Additionally, the cloud computing system will enable employees to utilize available resource to maximize profit in a financial year. The objective is developed based on new technological ideas in the Dell organization.

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Second, the Dell organization aims at designing better communication procedures which will effectively connect business operations. Communication channel will be modeled based on social media platforms to connect potential customers in the remote working (Collins, and Halverson, 2018). Importantly, social media platforms will help in increasing awareness of the product through different advertising methods. With these projected communication channels, it will be easy to connect with a global business organization in the broad market structures. Third, Dell organization aims at forming effective distribution channels of computer software products. The new technology system will help Dell organization to build digital channels of distribution products. In this objective, Dell organization aims at developing online delivery service to potential customers (Carnall, 2018). Finally, the organization aims at enhancing the growth of the industry with new technology approaches. The innovation process will help the firm transform customers’ needs to opportunities.

The implementation of the new technology in the Dell organization is done through the systematic approach in computer software. The management plan of the Dell business organization will be done through the following initiatives (Dodgson, 2018). First, Dell business organization is developing a good revenue generating system with new technology. The innovation of new skills using computer system will help the organization to increase gross profit in a fiscal year. This plan initiates growth of the Dell organization to fit in the international market structures of the business system. The measures of effectiveness of this plan are done through designing computer software with different visual outlook. The uniqueness of the brands in the global business will attract more customers (Biemans, 2018). Second, the firm is planning to invest in various brands and business model. Social media platforms help in launching new brands in the international markets of computer software. Better marketing strategies help the business organization to expand in the software portfolio. The new technology enhances marketing campaign for Dell products thus increase marginal profit in a financial year.

Implementation plan of the new technology in Dell organization

Third, the Dell organization is designing less integrated business operations in the market structures to help retailers fit into the supply chain system of goods and services (Epstein, 2018). With this objective, the traditional channel will be replaced by modern and more digital methods of distributing products. Dell organization can fit into the international business system with modern distribution models which are more efficient and effective. Additionally, the new technology provides sweeping innovation ideas of marketing a new brand of computer software in the extensive market system. These ideas enable Dell organization to take different business model thus increase potential coverage in the market system. Cloud computing technology is creating opportunities by designing a new brand of computer software (Hickman, and Silva, 2018). The implementation plan of the project helps Dell organization to design quality computer software to satisfy the needs of customers. As such, Dell organization will create a good foundation of generating substantial income in the market structure with new technology ideas.

A research study was done to evaluate the performance of the Dell industry in the international markets. The research involves assessing data on performances of production, distribution, advertising, and selling computer software for the last five years (Biemans, 2018). According to the research study, the Dell organization has recorded an upward trend in the sales of the product for the last five years. A significant business expansion occurred in 2013 when the Dell organization adopted new technology in marketing its products. The research study provides that the application of new technology in the Dell organization has impacted the operations in the following ways. First, the production of computer software has increase number since the organization has more digital methods of manufacturing computer software (Madon, and Krishna, 2018). Second, Dell organization has adopted social networking platforms of advertising its products in the market system. Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have helped in the advertisement for Dell products. As a result, the research study provides that the organization have increased marginal profit by 50% for the last five years.

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Third, the distribution channel of the Dell products is more efficient and effective in the global business (Kane et al., 2015). According to the research study, traditional means of distributing products in the Dell organization have been replacing with more integrated methods. This has helped in attracting more customers even in the remote working organization of the Dell organization. The research study provides that Dell organization have more users of computer software in the market system (Epstein, 2018). The popularity of the Dell organization is made effective through social networking platforms where potential customers can connect with the firm. Outcomes of the research study generate that new technology has helped Dell organization in developing different products like mobile phones, laptops, and PC. As a result, the organization has increased gross profit by 50% in the last five years.

Research study on Dell organization’s performance with new technology

Results from research study indicate that new technology has helped transform operations in the Dell organization. Many operations in the administrative system are efficient and effective due to the new force of the digital technology. Dell organization can implement business ideas using new technology to form a stable market system of selling computer software (Van Grembergen and De Haes, 2018). According to the research study, the Dell organization was able to rebrand the existing products in the last five year to increase marginal profit in the financial year. The ideas of using cloud computing in the workforce system have helped Dell organization to establish efficient networks of marketing computer software. Social networking platforms like Twitter and Facebook are used in marketing and advertising. For example, the research study provides that Dell organization can increase market coverage in the international market since its products are advertised with unique features like visual colors of the laptop (Kane et al., 2015). With that diversification of product, Dell organization has increased marginal profits by 50% based on a research study.

 Equally important, global business has helped Dell organization to become popular in the international markets. Dell products are largely preferred in the worldwide business since they are of high quality compared to other computer software (Dodgson, 2018). The research provides that new technology has helped Dell organization to offer the variety of computer software in the market structure through innovation effort. The diversification of product in the market system has helped Dell industry to expand its operations in every part of the world (Collins, and Halverson, 2018). Besides, Dell firm is well aligned with the online activities that help in launching the new brand of computer software. As such, the information on new brands reaches potential customers at the right time,it helps in increasing sales of the product in a given time limit. A research study indicates that success in these activities is necessitated by the implementation of digital technology.

The process of applying new technology to the daily operations of the Dell organization should be aligned with the revolution of the industrial system (Dodgson, 2018). Dell organization should consider concepts of the industrial system to make the implementation of the new technology useful and fast within the stipulated time. For example, mobile solutions concepts can help in integrating workforce operations to increase their output thus designing quality computer software. Equally, the idea of mobility allows operations of distribution to be easy especially when working in remote areas. Cloud computing technology should be aligned with the operations of the administrative system (Kane et al., 2015). These concepts can help Dell organization in establishing proper channels of connecting small and large business in the international markets structures. As such, all needs of customers will be easily meet.

Alignment of new technology with Dell organization’s industrial system

There is a need to enhance solutions oriented practices in the workforce system to increase the production of computer software with reduced cost (Jenkins, Ford, and Green, 2018). This can be done by fully utilizing concepts of digital technology to prevent potential threats in the market system. Importantly, this will increase opportunities for taking market advantages when there are stiff competitions in the global business. Implications of the new technology in the Dell organization helps in initiating internet services in the workforce system. As such, there is a need to establish better social media links with the internet capabilities to increase coverage of the business system. Equally important, the Dell organization should implement digital technology based on potentials needs of customers (Hickman, and Silva, 2018). With these ideas, the implementation process will easily achieve aims and objectives as short-term goals.

The current growth of the Dell organization is primarily linked to the implementation of the new technology. The organization has been able to raise potential profit by 50% for the last five years due to innovative ideas from new technology (Epstein, 2018). The effectiveness of the latest technology in the workforce of Dell organization has helped in increasing production level. The interaction of the computer services in the administrative system initiates good communication among various stakeholders. Importantly, the cloud computing technologies have helped the administrative system to have better methods of filling and storing information (Dodgson, 2018). The automated and cloud computing technology enhance better-transforming business resources to services thus increasing production.

Social networking has helped Dell organization to interact with different customers in the online platforms (Carnall, 2018). With this interaction, it has been easy to understand the needs of customers. Customer satisfaction is easily met with the implementation of new technology in the Dell organization. Human resource development in Dell organization has been promoted by new technology through effective monitoring and sharing information on workforce system. The success of the Dell organization is well aligned with the convenient, effective, and fast services in the mobile technology system. Cloud computing creates reliable and competent methods of protecting information, especially in the transactions (Collins, and Halverson, 2018). This increases transparency in the process of selling computer software to potential customers. As such, the implementation of new technology has greatly influenced the success of the Dell organization.  

Reference List

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