Niche Insurance Brokers: Core And Non-Core Competencies

Core and Non-Core Competencies

Insurance is one of the most applicable things people need in this present time period. There are a few insurance broker firms that have been set up who help the people and additionally the different companies in prescribing the insurable products that will shield their assets from any mishaps. Insurance helps in providing financial assistance in case of mental and physical damage of any assets of an individual or any company.  

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The accessibility of such a large number of products confuses the clients to comprehend the product that is appropriate to them. Subsequently, the clients take help of insurance broking firms who bolster the clients in understanding their needs and prescribing and helping them to buy the suitable insurance product that will be perfect for them.

The current paper focuses on Niche Insurance Brokers, an insurance brokers company that is located in Nicosia Cyprus. The organization has the principle point of broking brokerage services to the clients who are looking for an insurance product and in the interest of their services that are provided, they receive a brokerage fee. It is a financial organization that aims to offer direction to the customers who are looking to purchase insurance products with respect to the product that is ideally perfect for the clients to secure their life and other important assets.

It is fundamental to distinguish the core and non-core competencies of the company as it will be useful in examining the components and after that embrace a concise discussion with the goal that the activities of the company is appropriately known and proposals can be accumulated that will up raise the operations of the firm and will build their position in the overall industry.

It is seen that the organizations move their way through the intense circumstances and it is key for Niche Insurance Brokers with perceiving and utilizing the activities that conveys the precise product differentiation that picks up the competitive advantage and the value of the company that are in nature undeniable.  

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The core competencies are the primary functions to the activities and the non-core competencies are viewed as the fringe, coincidental and in some cases viewed as a costly diversion to the company.

It is seen for a considerable length of time that Niche Insurance Brokers have been moving themselves away from the of the non-core activities and operations with the goal that they can focus on the operations that will help the core business strategy of Niche Insurance Brokers to maintain their market share and even accomplish their aims and objectives.

It is seen that more the administration of the company are throwing an extreme viewpoint towards their end processes in order to examine the most appropriate in-house operations and what an external supplier can embrace to deal with the tasks all the more viably and cost-proficiently. One of the core areas that require to be considered by the company is the Accounting and Finance Department.

Decision Making Authority 

Niche Insurance Brokers is watchful to expand their share in the market by making use of inventive and insightful processes that are appropriate for the company. Insurance broking firms are accessible in bounty in the economy of Cyprus and subsequently there is a requirement for the company to undertake several decisions that will be useful to the company. The process of decision making is an essential role for proficient operations of the organization. It is seen that Niche Insurance Brokers has a powerful decision making authority as the management of the organization have appropriate knowledge about the market and the activities of their rivals and along with these can change their decisions with respect to the transformations in the market demand in Cyprus. It is seen that the administration assesses the extrinsic and the intrinsic operations of the firm thoroughly and from there on tries to construct decisions that are found to be appropriate.  

Problem Analysis 

Core Competencies

Niche Insurance Brokers are in the sentiment of breaking down their business activities every once in a while so as to remain in front of their rivals. The organization assesses their day by day operations and with the assistance of the client feedback, and in like manner can comprehend the issues so they can amend the issues easily.


Niche Insurance Brokers gives direction to their customers concerning their decisions in regards to buying their insurance products and activities without directly having an impact on the management.

Undertaking Change

Niche Insurance Brokers are in the supposition of undertaking changes as indicated by the changes in the market and the adjustments in the taste and inclinations of the customers. As discussed in the paper above, there is a considerable measure of insurance broking firms and along these lines it is indispensable that Niche Insurance Brokers starts the progressions initially so as to remain ahead in the market from their rivals.


The entrepreneurs and the management of the firm attempt basic transformations in the change in the viewpoint and along these lines embrace changes in the behaviour and attitude of the employees and the firm and in this manner expanding better quality of administration and services.

Consensus Building 

Niche Insurance Brokers constructs consensus, by keeping in mind the end goal to amend the issues in regards to the power and explains the imperviousness to change and set up the feeling of trust and compatibility between the employees and the clients.

Business Acumen

The most critical competency of Niche Insurance Brokers is their insight about the nature of the business and the key issues and the commitments of the broking firm.


The firm has a broad correspondence structure and they step up with regards to collaborating with their customers and along these lines picking up information about the issues that can be disposed of. The organization even communicates with their employees and discovers approach to enhance the structure of the business with the assistance of tact and administration expertise.

Risk Management 

Risk Management is a standout amongst the most crucial operations that each firm investigates so they can lessen their losses and watch out for the operations of the firm and in this manner undertake important transformations to limit any losses. Niche Insurance Brokers tries to introduce different risk management policies like analysing the services they give to their clients and dealing with the grievances of the clients viably so the clients are satisfied. The firm even examines the market consistently and changes their business procedure in like manner when they see any risk in the economy. The organization even investigates the areas like accounts receivable with the goal that losses because of bad debt can be reduced to a certain extent.


The vision of the firm is one of the crucial core competencies that is helpful for the advancement of the insurance broking firms in the economy of Cyprus. The construction of a vision is fundamental with the goal that the organization can have a goal for their future that can drive them to start their operations. The vision of Niche Insurance Brokers is to give extensive broking services to the clients and to build their clientele base with the goal that they can turn into the pioneers in the insurance broking industries and capture a solid share in the insurance industry.


The companies while gazing their business principally builds their methodology of the firm and can legitimately work their business with the assistance of an unequivocal way and heading so disparities and faulty operations are terminated. Niche Insurance Brokers has a constructive technique and that is to look at the market precisely on a consistent basis. The organization looks to acquire additional knowledge about the different insurance products with the goal that they can give advice to their customers. The organization composes different marketing and promotional strategies so as to pull in potential clients inside their clientele base. The organization knows about all the new items that are being presented in the market and hence they can stay updated with the market accordingly pulling in new clients. The organization making utilization of the useful processes grows their business and hopes to wind up plainly the pioneer in the insurance broking market in Cyprus and later globally.

Policy Setting 

Niche Insurance Brokers with the assistance of their effective administration tries to build polices that will build up the operations of the business. The organization outlines their polices taking a gander at the requirements of the administration and the representatives so every one of the general population who are working in association with the firm inside and remotely are fulfilled and fake exercises can be killed inside the firm. The policies are adaptable in nature and as indicated by the adjustments in the economy and the demand available, the company changes their approaches keeping the core strategies in place. The correct development of the strategies prompts compelling operational exercises of the firm.

There are different non-core skills that are accessible in the business and these capabilities even affect the operations of the business. The core skills are discussed below accordingly:  

Niche Insurance Brokers is a standout amongst the best insurance broking firm and it is seen that the explanation for their development in the market is for the most part because of their broad investigates. The organization embraces consistent researches in order to comprehend the market and the necessities of the clients. The exploration is essential as it would prompt legitimate development of their methodologies and in this manner enhancing the advisory services to their customers.

The organization hopes to comprehend the changing patterns in the market so they can start changes inside their working structure and can enhance the administrations of the association. The organization is dependably on the search for advancement and subsequently tries to enhance their business by rolling out improvements in their strategies.

The organization works their business by giving advisory services to their clients and hence, the firm embraces different investigation to comprehend the example of the data that is gathered by the firm. The data that are accumulated by the organization is valuable for their business procedure and in this way the data is broken down with the assistance of analytical tools to isolate the data into various segments so the knowledge covered up inside the data can be considered appropriately and afterward can be passed on in like manner so exact business choices can be undertaken. The method of analytics is attempted Niche Insurance Brokers so the pattern of the data can be comprehended and as needs be choices can be taken to enhance the function of their business.

Niche Insurance Brokers hopes to enhance their business with the assistance of techniques that are effective and exact. The choices that are taken by the firm are knowledge driven as the management establishes decisions that are necessary. It is critical that the management knows about the arrangements and methodologies that are being actualized so that in the event of errors the administration can take care of the issues effectively. This is a decent strategy as taking a decision just by taking a gander at the market deviations can be defective and can prompt ruin for the organization.

Niche Insurance Brokers executes the outsourcing technique when the point of confinement of the operational operations is hit. The organization does not have any desire to contribute more funding to designate new employees, hardware and office space to deal with the clientele relationships and operational activities. The different competencies that are outsourced are examined underneath:

Customer relationship is a standout amongst the best approaches to speak with the clients and handle their disparities keeping in mind the end goal to enhance the operations of the business. The management of the clients are offered out to third party firms who on behalf of the third party receive the feedbacks and the complaints of the clients and passes on the information to the Niche Insurance Broker. Now and again, a few issues are even dealt with by the customer care executives over telephone and in this way enhancing the service of the company. These services are primarily offered out to different call centres, who for the benefit of the organization interacts with the customers.  

Niche Insurance Brokers being a brokerage organization even has the obligation of collecting the insurance premiums from the clients and manages the claim processing cases. Because of a substantial client base, the organization chooses different agencies that are accountable for gathering the premiums from the clients. The employees of Niche Insurance Brokers are burdened with different assignments and along these lines it is troublesome for them to speak with the customers. These third party organizations gather the premium from the clients and in a way reducing the time of the clients of standing in a queue and assisting the organization to obtain their payments.  

The method of outsourcing encourages Niche Insurance Brokers to decrease their weight of work. Conversely, the process towards outsourcing has positive and negative effects on the consumers. The impacts are explained as below:  

The presentation of outsourcing causes the customers to decrease their weight of work as now they don’t have to go to the office of the insurance broking firms keeping in mind the end goal to pay the premium of their products and even during the acclamation of their own claims. The executives of the third party on behalf of Niche Insurance Brokers reach to the customers in their respective address to collect the premiums of their insurance products and even accept the application of any claims that the customers have. The implementation of telephonic and online customer relationship management client even enables the customers as now they can grumble their concern over phone or through online services and in this manner diminishing their time wastage.

There are specific negative effects too. It is seen that the executives of the third party companies are not worried about the brand image of the Niche Insurance Brokers and accordingly, they don’t give effective services. There might be slack in the payment procedure and it is seen that if there should arise an occurrence of grievances through the customer care executives, the complaints may not be conveyed to the organization properly. There are examples where the data is misinterpreted and appropriate measures are not taken to take care of the issues by the company. 

There are different extents of improvements inside the operational structure of the Niche Insurance Brokers. The significant upgrades that can be seen are basically with the activities that are performed through outsourcing. The organization requires screening the duties performed by the third party companies every now and then and even requires analyzing their activities with the goal that a reasonable idea can be obtained in regards to the flaws that are found in the service and in this way correct them.

The company even needs to monitor the every one of the complaints that is received in a day and even in a month and the time taken to determine the issue. The discussions of the customers with the executives is fundamental to be recorded so the correct idea can be accomplished about the attitude and the behaviour shown by the executives and to find that the proposal given by them to the customers are exact. The recording of these discussions goes about as a record file that can be used when regarded important. It is the obligation of the firm to speak with their customers every now and then so their suggestions can be received and subsequently it is vital to build feedback forms that requires to be given to their customers to discover what the customers feel about their third party executives and what changes can be made in different departments of the organization keeping in mind the end goal to enhance the services of the company and satisfy the customers with quality and proficient services. It is known that demand along with the taste and preference of the customer’s changes with time and it is seen that it is necessary for the firm to analyse the market and discover the requirements of the customers and bring in changes that would uplift the operations of the firm. Every company aims to increase the profit as well as raise the customer base and thus it is essential that Niche Insurance Brokers monitors the activities of their competitors and accordingly implement changes in their policies and strategies as well. The company can improve their operations by keeping their activities with respect to the industrial benchmark that is prevalent in Cyprus.  


The conclusion of the paper uncovers that there are different core and non-core competencies that are accessible in the business operations of Niche Insurance Brokers and these are the genuine activities that assists the firm to achieve their authoritative objectives. The paper even talks about these functions and finds their effect on the company.

The paper even evaluates the different competencies that are outsourced and find their impacts on the customers and the company all in all. The paper concludes with the idea that there are spaces for developments for the firm with respect to their operations if Niche Insurance Brokers starts making use of the recommendations that have been given out in this paper. 

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