Operational Faults And Solutions For Glass Co. Australia

Structure of Glass Co Australia

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The report focuses on the use of the advanced software by the Glass Co organization of Australia. Glass Co is one of the largest glass manufacturing industries in Australia. The main purpose of the report is to show the operational faults that are present in the organization due to the implementation of the old form of structure. Solutions to the problems occurring in the organization are presented in the report. This report is structured in a format such that to initially present the loopholes and then bring out solutions to do away with the issues. Strategic information system is the most probable solution to increase the efficiency of the organization. Strategic information systems help in building of the work- flow architecture and planning of proceedings of the organization. Most common form of issue faced by the organizations in the recent times is the management of the large volume of data and prevention of the confidential information from outside threat.

The structure of the Glass Co involves the use of the database management system for the successful storage of the information. A manufacturing industry has to store the information regarding the tracking and the status of the raw materials. The structure followed by the company is that investments are made for the manufacture of the bulk amount of products. This strategy helps in maximisation of the profit after the sale of the products. In the proper designing and the engineering, a number of technologies have to be used and bulk information needs to be stored. The information involves the information regarding the raw materials that are required for the designing and the manufacture of the products. Till date, the organization has been using the traditional method of the database management system for the storage of the information. Managers and higher authorities have also been making the use of traditional methods such as the cost benefit analysis for the making of the decision regarding the investments or the analysing of the profit.

Due to the following of the structure, the organization had to face a number of issues. The organization faced bankruptcy due to the excess investment in the different glass materials. The major reason for occurrence of the bankruptcy was the use of the traditional structures for the making of the decisions. The use of strategic information system for the making of decisions helps in the making of efficient decisions by the organization. The use of the strategic information system will help in the obtaining of the competitive advantage. Use of strategic information system by the Glass Co Australia would have allowed the organization in making the proper planning of the investments thus saving the company from becoming bankrupt.  Glass Co. Australia follows the mechanism of investing in bulk without the proper analysis of the market and the profit.

Issues faced by Glass Co Australia

The organization also uses the database management system for the storage of the information, which also may lead to issue of loss of the data. The database management system is responsible for the handling of only the structured data. Database management procedure does not have the capability to handle the unstructured data and neither has the capability to manage large volumes of data. Thus, a more reliable form of data storage method has to be used, which can not only store the data but also manage the data. The use of technologies such as big data or cloud computing can be used for this purpose. Strategic information system is responsible also for the stating of the technology that has to be used for solving a particular issue.

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The use of the cost benefit analysis is the traditional form of analysis of the profit. Due to the advancement in the technologies and the methods that is used by the organizations, use of traditional methods does not provide the same amount of efficiency. Strategic information systems help in the calculation of the profit by considering the investments and the other factors. Strategic information system focuses on the utilitarian approach in order to take the decisions. The utilitarian approach focuses on the making of the decisions keeping in mind the maximum benefit of the people.

The most likely acquisition method for the solving of the issues in the organization is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). The ERP technology will be able to address the issues arising in the organization. The ERP helps in the planning of the work- flow of the organization by the help of a number of architectures and models. The ERP also puts forward the correct methodology, which is the best possible solution to the problem. The Enterprise Resource Planning is one such technology that is used by the various businesses in order to gain an edge over the other organizations. The ERP model analyses the risks, both internal and external and puts forward the best possible solution for the elimination of the risks. ERP helps in the proper management of the data by the implementation of the technologies such as big data or the artificial intelligence. There are also vulnerabilities that is present in the manufacturing industry from the rival companies regarding the loss of data or the attacks on the system in order to get access of the confidential information. Thus, ERP methodology is used for the protection of the data and the information of the systems of the organization. ERP also makes the use of the machine learning concept in order to analyse the risk and present the best possible solution by the comparison of the past records. Thus, the ERP helps to get rid of the issues that is present in Glass Co. ERP also has in store the design and the procedures that is required for the achievement of the requirement of the manufacturing project.

Solutions proposed for Glass Co Australia

The diagram that is presented below shows the system flowchart of the glass manufacturing industry. The process starts with the collection of the raw materials. The next process is the carrying out of both open and closed system reaction for the processing of the raw glass. After filtration the residue is collected separately and the solution is made to react with the sodium silicate solution. After the reaction the process of neutralization takes place and is again filtered. The final product is processed and quantified in order to achieve the final product.

All the processes in the system flowchart can be implemented efficiently and effectively by ERP technology. The ERP technology helps in the identification of the best possible design by analysing the advantages and the disadvantages of the design. The risks are that the design may have is also detected by the use of ERP. This helps in the prevention of the wastage of the investments and the other resources. Had the error or risk been detected after the project was started then there would have been wastage of time, energy and investment of the organization. The ERP thus helps in the saving of the resources of the organization. The Australia Aircraft and Engineering suffered the bankruptcy because the organization had made the investment without the analysis of the target market and the risks. ERP contributes in the analysis of the target market. The identification of the proper target market can help the organization to achieve the double profit. The ERP analyses various factors for the analysing of the target market. The main driving factor for the choice of the target market is the cost and the quality of service factor. In case the product is of high cost then the target market is referred to be the rich section of the society. On the other hand, if the costing of the product is low then the target market can be all the people, more preferably the weaker section of the society.  The higher section of the society would also prefer for the opting of the higher quality of service. ERP by checking of these parameters makes the decision related to the target market and the ration of the investment that has to be made.

Database management usage and the improper working architecture can often lead to attacks of the organization. Usage of older technologies of database management system cannot manage unstructured data and as a result of which attacks mostly occur in this form of data. The improper management can lead to the data loss by the internal staff of the organization or by the external agents such as the hackers. There are frauds that can take place, which involve the attack on the systems of the organization or the attack on the network of the organization. The network attack is the more malicious form of attack whereby the hacker gets the access of the systems of the organization. Interpretation of the data and the stealing of the data may take place. The other fraud may involve the getting hold of the transactions that is taking place during the purchasing of the raw materials or while selling of the manufactured glass.

System Flowchart of Glass Co Australia

Due to the poor organizational structure, it is also possible for the dealers to make the fraud to the organization. Due to the large amount of investment that is made on the bulk products, it is not possible to carry out a check on the whole bulk of products. As a result, the end user is affected and as a result of which the reputation of the organization is affected. The dealer may cheat the organization by the supply of the lower quality of products. The organization without the use of the strategic information system cannot keep a check on the overall products. Moreover, the database cannot solve the purpose of management of the data, thus giving a scope to the employees of the organization to carry out an internal fraud.

Strategic information system helps in identification of the software which are to be used for the elimination of the risks and carrying out of operations in the organization. Software that may be used for the storage of the data is big data software or the cloud computing software. The advantage that is provided by cloud over big data is that the storage of the information does not require the space of the system. Any information that is uploaded to the cloud can be accessed from any place and does not require the physical space of the system. The cloud can also serve the purpose of the prevention of the loss of data and protects the network from any theat. The use of the snapshot concept under cloud computing helps in the creation of copy of the actions that is carried out in the system. The copy of all the information and changes made to the information gets stored in the cloud by the usage of the snapshot concept. The use of the image concept is also similar to the snapshot concept, which helps in the creation of the copy of the  data regarding the project and the transactions that have been made by the organization. Thus, even if the system is attacked the data loss does not take place and the organization is not affected.

The installation of the private keys helps in the denying the access to the outside users from getting the access of the systems of the organization. IAM role is another such concept that can be implemented for the protection of the data. The use of IAM role requires the user to enter the security credentials in order to get the access of the systems. Thus, the use of cloud computing can help in the prevention of the cyber crimes and the prevention of the data loss.

ERP Technology as a Solution

The Glass Co. Australia occupies about $4bn of market share. The Glass Co has the largest glass manufacturing unit in Australia. The market size depends on the usage of the technologies, quality of service and the easing of the work of the customers.

There are other glass-manufacturing units and there is a stiff competition in the market.  All the organization wants to obtain competitive advantage by the usage of them most recent form of technologies. Some of the other giants in this field are:

  • Alfa Glass and Mirrors
  • All Aussie Aluminium and Glass
  • Alliance Glass and Glazing
  • Airlie Glass and Aluminium

The organizations gain competitive advantage by the usage of the most recent form of technologies. The use of strategic information system helps in the planning of the organizational structure and the taking of the smart decisions.

Glass Co. Australia should improve the organizational structure and should do away with the usage of traditional and old form of formulas for the making of the decisions. The manufacturing organization should be using advanced technologies for the storage of information regarding the transactions and the projects that are carried out by the organization. The use of ERP should be made for the creation of the plan of the investment in the different projects. The analysis of the chances of profit should also be made by the organization before investing in some projects. Glass Co does not have the proper methods that are necessary for the calculation of the profit. The organization also requires skilled personnel who are necessary for keeping track of the decisions taken by strategic information systems as the complete dependency cannot be on the use of automation.


From the above report, it can be concluded that the strategic information system is necessary for the storage, collection and integration of the large volume of data. Strategic information system is also necessary for the management of these data and the providing of solutions on the basis of the comparison of these data. The solutions may involve putting forward the solution for the correct usage of technology. The risks that may arise in the organization may be handled by the solutions that is given by the strategic information system. The report presents the scenario of Australian aircraft manufacturing organization that has been facing issues due to the poor organizational structure. The report puts forward the solutions, which can be used in order to better the position of the organization in the market.

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