Opportunities And Analysis Of Career Patterns In Event Management

The current opportunities in Event Management

Events and occasions are very important part of the life of all the people. Every part of the World celebrates occasions and festivals and ceremonies. Ceremonies are an integral part of the social life and existence of the humans. Everybody in the World celebrate weddings, birthdays, celebrations and many other social gatherings. Events are celebrated by us throughout our life, from the school event such as the annual functions, sports which is followed by college fests and then our office meetings and exhibitions and conference (Adams, 2015). Events such as cultural festivals, promotional campaign and also the religious occasions are held throughout the year.

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In order to organize and make these events successful it is important to seek the help of event planner. Here comes the role of the event manager who is efficient enough to organize the events.Event management is a career in which one needs to be very creative, meticulous so that they can build relationship so that they are able to market themselves and their work (Armstrong et al, 2014). The degree in event management imbibes in the people the principle which is associated with the planning and managing of the events. An event management course helps in the successful management of the events and it provides facilities to the students in have an understanding or organizing an event (Berndt et al. 2013).

As an event planner, the person is able to organize and coordinate various events and functions. They will be able to have the skill of teamwork, communication which helps them to interact with the people on a close term. An event planner is someone who organizes the event very nicely, people gather to organize such a function to make such an event successful (Chakraborty et al. 2015).

A good event planner is skilled and creative and have the organizational capacity and the one who can handle work pressure and is able to do multi tasking is best fit for the jobs as a event planner. With the changes in the current trend most of the people hire professional who are specialized in managing events and plans. Therefore there is a huge demand in this field and people hire specialized people having the skills and the expertise to do the work and organize the function. A person who is strong in written and verbal communication allows the person to negotiate with the clients and thus it helps them to build a good customer base.

There are employment opportunities in event management as a career and field of professional practice. There are huge prospects in the event management but due to the current global scenario there is a slowdown and the event management has grown from leaps and heaps. As a event planner the persons organizes the wedding, reality show, cultural show and many occasions on religious events (Chen, 2015).

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The external factors that influence the career in event management and the most demanding factors that affect the job in event management are:

  • Personality of the trend of the employee is a factor for growth
  • Performance in the job position
  • Company situation or the work which is creative and which need organization of a occasion
  • Willingness of the people  to work in an environment which is a team who works together to organize a function

The performance of the employee and the motivation towards working is necessary and prerequisite for working in the event management job. The personality of the employees and how the person interacts and communicates with the clients plays a very vital role and the ideas which should be unique and creative plays an important factor to directly affect to career development in the field of events (Dalton, 2016).

Analysis of current employability trends with respect to the field of event management

There is adequate education and the completed courses and the training program which serve as the important factor and thus they are able to influence the career and it will help in the promotion in the organizational structure. In some companies which takes into consideration that  the degree from a recognized university serve as a major force to achieve the major task and the employee who does not have an adequate degree from the university cannot have advancement in the work .(Gassmann, Frankenberger and Csik, 2016.).

In this field of events, the behavior or the conducts of the person towards its client serve as a important factor for the performance and growth in the job. They must employ the career goals and learn to implement new skill in their current job so that they can grow their career both as working in a company as well as practicing and organizing events by themselves.

One has to be skilled in giving the people the best service play a key role and this helps in the influence of the career and bring more clients who will be willing to organize their events from the person, thus it is important to seek guidance from experienced people in this field who will help grow. It is important that the superiors are able to evaluate the performance from the job. The superiors decide that the progress of the subordinates in their career (Hiriyappa, 2013).

The performance in the job shall be set according to the career goals of the student .The employee will be in accordance and in line with the career goals of the people. If the person wants to build a good career in the field of event management then the person must be a specialist in that field. The person shall have sound understanding in this field so that they are able to learn and grow in the field of events as a career (Nakamura, et al.  2015).

Recruitment is a process which helps in the search of the potential candidates with the desired knowledge and the preferred skills and experience which allow the organization to be able to select the most appropriate people and so that they are able to fill the job vacancies against the  position or the descriptions and the  specifications.

The main purpose of the recruitment process is that they are able to select the candidates from the applicants and they are able to provide the opportunity to select the best people and which reduces the required roles and it is best for the growth of the organization.

In this process the HR selects the best candidate in the field of events management so that that they are able to work for the client and organize various occasion for them, thus the best candidate is selected and which helps the people in reducing the interpersonal difficulties or the interruptions of operations.

The candidates are selected from the pool of the recruitment process and then the most appropriate candidate is selected so that they are selected through the process and they are interviewed and selected for the job. The purpose of the selection process is that it is able to ensure that the recruitment team is able to select the most effective candidate in the role by using fair activities. Thus they are able to give their service to the people and to communicate effectively so that the clients are happy and satisfied with their work.

An evaluation of the impact of external factors influencing work and career patterns in Event Management

It is important to have an effective recruitment strategy and this paramount to the success of any organization.  The recruitment and selection is a cost to the company and this process is a function if it is not approached properly or systematically (Thompson et al.2012).  A recruitment and selection strategy:

  • It ensures that the supply is able to meet the demand requirements
  • It can have an impact that the candidate can accept the offer for the job
  • It increases the organizational effectiveness

The professional standards set the benchmark for professional practice, by the following ways and thus it can be recognized as professional.

As like the long-established professional standards for event planner is met, the professional standard which is laid and is important in the growth in the line of event management including the field of practice is the triangle of Learning, Development and Practice. Training which is available help the practitioners to gain experience and meet these crucial standards (Van Rompay ,Deterink and Fenko 2016).

This is where the latest qualifications for event management have come in to provide benchmark training, opportunities to experience all facets of event management and to facilitate the start of lifelong learning and continued professional development for those forging a career in events management.

With qualifications paving the way to meeting the benchmark standards, the quality and the professional in event management needs to meet standards of professional recognition, so fledgling and established event managers look to obtain relevant qualifications and seek those qualifications which do offer such recognition and accreditation from established professional bodies.

The accreditation includes monitoring the content and quality of courses in line with industry best practice, which is also now aligned with the new national standards.

The national standards and qualifications, supports events managers in identifying gaps in knowledge or practice and can help identify the steps in experience or training which need to be taken to meet or maintain those standards. These steps can also include qualifications not only relevant to event management, but also to the purpose, with recognition of “equipping people with the academic and practical skills to be effective in the workplace”.

In the fast-moving events industry it’s also about those professional standards and making progression within the industry. The skill development in the field of event management is instrumental in promoting good practice as well as being a springboard for making progress within an industry, something which raises the bar of overall practice higher as those with the best professional practice make the progress within the industry and those who don’t make the grade move on elsewhere.

As the demand for events in the UK continue to grow throughout 2016 as in 2015, this makeover of the professional face of the event management industry is timely and has never been more relevant. By using the qualification routes they effectively meet, maintain and ideally exceed the new industry standards.


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