Opportunities And Challenges In Sustainable Heritage Tourism In Australia

Sustainable Development of Tourism

In the respective paper, the main discussion is regarding the opportunity of the tourism along with understanding the visitor market needs along with the different kinds of motivations. The main role of the discussion paper is to understand, inform and drive the discussion on the different kinds of untapped potential for the heritage tourism which is done in Australia (Nationaltrust.org. 2018).

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Furthermore, the discussion paper enables in advocating the strategic action as to drive the next stage which helps in development of the heritage tourism in Australia as well. The tourism is essential and this is one of the major opportunity in the recent era and this has been analysed that the domestic day visitation as grown to more than 2.8% per annum over the last 10 years (Alami and Tahmasebi Aria 2016).

Sustainable development of tourism is the main part of the discussion paper that has been taken into consideration. The paper is based on the ways by which tourism has acted as a catalyst for different positive changes. The analysis in the paper has thereby stated that tourism is able to contribute to three dimensions of the sustainable development which include, social, economic and environmental. The ability of tourism industry to improve the lives of people is an important part of the discussion that has been made in the paper. The tourism sector in modern business environment is able to contribute to the quality of lives of the people (Cismaru and Ispas 2015).

Identification of Issue: The main issue which have been identified in the discussion paper is related to the wants of the visitors are not being fulfilled in an effective manner. Furthermore, this has been seen and analysed that there is lack of digital enhancements in the technologies which are being used (Healy, van Riper and Boyd 2016).

Analysis of the Issue: This has been analysed that in the present scenario, the needs and wants of the customers have changed to a large extent and this are not being met by the tourism companies in the market. This has been seen that proper sustainable and technological advancements is required to be done which will help in managing the different kinds of needs of the customers. In order to gain competitive advantage in the entire market, the sustainable development of ICT is essential in nature by training the employees in the organization which will help in managing the different demands of the customers in an effective manner (Nationaltrust.org 2018).

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Challenges Faced by Tourism Sector

Policy based instruments: There are different possible policy instruments which can be adopted by the companies of tourism in the entire market which will help them in bringing more competitiveness in the different activities which are being performed by them. ICT tools of innovation along with eco-labels can be introduced as this will help in satisfying the certain environmental criteria and this will be recognized internationally as well. The other policy instruments include the financial incentives wherein the government can introduce different introduction of environment friendly equipment for water and energy saving at different hotels as well (Nationaltrust.org 2018).

Identification of the issue: The major issue which has been identified in the discussion paper is based on the ways by which tourism sector faces challenges in making the operations sustainable in nature. The requirement of careful planning for implementation of sustainable tourism is also a part of the issue.

Analysis of the issue: The discussion paper has thereby stated that sustainability plays an important role in the operations of the tourism industry. The immense contribution that is provided by the tourism sector is an important factor that needs to be considered by the countries. The revenues that are generated by the tourism sector has increased the importance of tourism sector even more. The structural challenges that are thereby faced by the tourism sector is the based on the issues that have been discussed in the paper (Cf.cdn.unwto.org 2018).

Policy based instruments: The major policy instruments that have been considered in the paper for sustainable development of the tourism sector mainly include, environmental tax, access fees, eco labels and financial incentives. These factors can be considered by the countries in order to increase sustainability with the help of tourism sector (Cf.cdn.unwto.org 2018).

The main discussion in the discussion paper is relating to the different kinds of tourism which can be used as the opportunity in an effective manner. Furthermore, the understanding of the visitor market needs and motivations have to be introduced which will help in managing the different kinds of needs of the customers in an efficient manner.

Furthermore, the understanding of the visitor markets along with motivation is being analysed in new and emerging markets in the recent years and the growing market sectors have been identified as well (Nationaltrust.org 2018).

Additionally, there are different wants of the visitors in which this has been seen that personal experiences along with dining experiences along with the tour and activities. The new language and direction is required to be done and provided which will help in managing the tourism activities in an effective manner (Nunkoo and Gursoy 2016).

Policy Based Instruments

The major necessity of tourism sector in the sustainable development of a country has been analysed with the help of the discussion paper. One of the important factors that has been considered for the analysis of tourism sector is the sustainable economic growth. The factors which play an important part in the sustainable growth of the economy are related to immense contribution that is provided by this sector to sustainable growth. Another major factor that has been analysed in the discussion paper is based on the reduction of poverty, social inclusiveness and employment. The role that is played by the tourism sector is an important part of the discussion that has been done in the paper (Cf.cdn.unwto.org 2018). The opportunities that are offered by tourism to the economic activity has been analysed in the discussion paper. The efficiency of different resources, changes that have been seen in the climate and environmental protection have been able to form a major part in the discussion paper.  

In the discussion paper 1, this has been seen that the main theme of the paper is to analyse and understand the different demands of the customers in an effective manner. The opportunity of the tourism is done in which this has mentioned that the different luxury instruments which are essential in nature. On the other hand, the discussion paper 2, this has been seen that the entire discussion is related to the sustainable tourism management which is required to be analysed. There are different policy instruments which have been introduced in the articles and this has helped in managing the different kinds of opportunities and sustainability effectively as well (Tyrrell and Andereck 2016).

The discussion paper 2 has been able to provide high an insight based on the ways by which tourism sector can be developed in an effective manner to sustainable development. Different factors related to the environment are able to affect the tourism sector which help in increasing the levels of sustainable development as well. The first discussion paper on the other hand is based on the ways by which the tourism sector is able to provide opportunities for growth in an effective manner (Nunkoo and Gursoy 2016).

In the first discussion paper, I have analysed and identified that there are different kinds of opportunities of the tourism with proper advancement of the technologies. In order to deal with the different kinds of customers who have different kinds of tastes and preferences along with different luxurious needs, this is essential to gain more competitive advantage in the entire market. The proper ICT tools have to be developed which will help in satisfying the demands of the customers effectively in the competitive market. The different policy instruments such as eco-labels along with environmental policy have been implemented to analyse the different factors effectively.

The second discussion paper has been able to provide me with a view of the ways by which the tourism sector is able to affect sustainability. The sustainability of a particular country is highly based on development of tourism based sector. This sector has been able to provide a contribution to the growth of economy of a country in an effective manner. I have thereby been able to understand that the tourism industry plays an important part in the successful operations of a country. The tourism industry has become a significant part in the ways by which the economy of a country can be improved and thereby sustainability can be increased as well. The communities which are a part of the country are also affected by the growth of tourism and hospitality sector. The resources that are present in the sector are also important for the services that are provided to the tourists by different organizations.


Alami, T. and Tahmasebi Aria, T., 2016. Sustainable and smart destination management: Opportunities for the DMO to act as an intelligent agent among destination stakeholders.


Cismaru, L. and Ispas, A., 2015. Improving the profile of the European tourist destinations through the European tourism indicators system. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Economic Sciences. Series V, 8(1), p.87.


Cf.cdn.unwto.org. (2018). [online] Available at: https://cf.cdn.unwto.org/sites/all/files/pdf/iy2017_discussion_paper_executive_summary_en.pdf [Accessed 10 Aug. 2018].

Healy, N., van Riper, C.J. and Boyd, S.W., 2016. Low versus high intensity approaches to interpretive tourism planning: The case of the Cliffs of Moher, Ireland. Tourism Management, 52, pp.574-583.


Nationaltrust.org. 2018 National Heritage Tourism Discussion Paper. Retrieved from https://www.nationaltrust.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Stewart-Moore-Burra-Summit-Presentation-Discussion-Paper-25.pdf [ Accessed on 10 August. 2018]

Nunkoo, R. and Gursoy, D., 2016. Rethinking the role of power and trust in tourism planning. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 25(4), pp.512-522.


Tyrrell, T. and Andereck, K., 2016. Teaching Tourism Planning through Community Engagement. (https://scholarworks.umass.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1863&context=ttra)