Opportunities Of Mobile Computing In Organizational Processes

Project Objective

Mobile computing is the technique that offers many opportunities to the business and the organizations that wants to implement any of the technological tools in their processes. Mobile technology is related to the computer technology that involves hardware, software, and mobile devices that are integrated with the non-mobile organizations information system in order to support that system to communicate with other organizations or services (Satyanarayanan, Bahl, Caceres and Davies, 2009). It is the new technology that allows the organization to have quality services on the field of communication and information and technology. This is the report that discuses about some of the opportunities that the companies have in order to implement the mobile technology in their systems. It explains the objective of the study and the scope of the same. Scope helps in analysing other information that can be attained from the research. This research is conducted to learn about the factors that are considered for implementing mobile computing and the opportunities it provides to the organizations.

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This part of the research paper provides the description about the aim of the research. In this case, the major objective is to identify the opportunities making business with mobile computing. What are the factors that led to change in the technology of the companies these days provides the overall information about the mobile computing opportunities that are provided to the companies these days.

This project helps in understanding about the opportunities that the mobile computing have in the field of organizational processes. It allows the learners to understand about the concept of mobile computing and its benefits for the organizations. The details of the topic also help the learners to know about the latest technology that are prevailing in the organizations and in the environment these days.

Numbers of different technologies are emerging in today’s world. These technologies are emerging in order to support the computer networks in the world. With the development of mobile computing, the confinement to one location is eradicated (Dinh, Lee, Niyato and Wang, 2013). Some of the terms like telecommuting are very common these days that helps the organizations and the employees to work from home as they can access the system from their home as well. Mobile computing is the technological concept that helps the users to have access on various services such as data transfer, voice transfers, video calling etc. without having physical link with the helps of mobile devices along with the components such as hardware and software (Bahl, Han, Li and Satyanarayanan, 2012.

Project Scope

The invention of portable laptops, computers, smartphones etc. has supported the mobile computing technology and makes it very convenient for the people to make use of it. The employees who have these devices can have the access of all the services and the network of the company in an internal network (Aloul, Zahidi, and El-Hajj, 2009. For example, the devices like laptops and smartphones helps the users to access their e-mails, surfing the internet, sending messages, etc.

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  • Mobile communication
  • Mobile hardware
  • Mobile software

Mobile communication: mobile communication is the facility that is provided by mobile computing. In this communication system, the infrastructure is set up in order to facilitate the communication between the two devices without any physical link (Wu, Wang and Lin, 2007). This whole infrastructure involves services, bandwidth, protocols, etc. the separation of these elements ensures that the collusion should not be there in the whole communication system.

Mobile hardware: hardware is the components that facilitate communication. These are the physical elements of the communication system which are being used to make the communication and interaction possible (Laurila, Gatica-Perez, Aad, Bornet, Do, Dousse, Eberle and Miettinen, 2012). These hardware includes laptops, PC’s mobile phones, digital assistance devices etc. all these devices have some of the receptors on their system that are able to catch and send the signals that are generated from other devices. These devices are designed in such a way so that they can receive as well as send the signals simultaneously so that user does not need to wait for the message to come and go. The network that has been used or such a system are wireless in case of mobile computing.

Mobile software: mobile software can be defied as the set of codes that forms programs which are being used to run the mobile hardware system (Christensen, 2009). This can be terms and the engine of the mobile devices as the applications installed in the hardware are responsible for making the system to work. It is the very important component of the whole mobile computing system as the hardware cannot work without the software installed in it (Satyanarayanan, 2011).

Smartphones in our pockets helps us to have access on these tools of apps at the same time. This generation has become the mobile generation and can have access to all the information of the world from small device (Paquette, Jaeger and Wilson, 2010). From conducting some of the basic transactions to the sports score, to the movies the people wants to watch, everything is there in the hand of individuals. Mobile phones become part of our daily lives and it is the things that cannot be forgotten by anyone one anytime (Pitoura and Samaras, 2012). This is the most essential part of life of the people in order to communicate, travel etc. now; the mobile computing is following in the business as well.

What is Mobile Computing?

A recent global report suggests that almost 60% of the executives if the organizations expect that the mobile technology will help them to enhance their business efficiency and bring boost to the organizations and the industries. There are some reasons why this technology is becoming the part of the business these days with such a great pace (George and Palm, 2010).

Powerful network: Gone are the times when the mobile phones used to be bulky and heavy (Zheng and Ni, 2010). As far as the current generation phones are considered, they are sleek, beautiful and powerful as well. in terms of configuration, it has been observed that these devices have undergoes many changes such as in case of memory, processors, bandwidth range etc. in earlier times, the mobile phones used to support the data services with the speed of 14.4 kilobits but now they are supporting the 3G and 4G services (Mell and Grance, 2011). There are ranges of companies who are serving the market with such devices. The companies in every industry are such that the companies are looking for innovation now and then and thus people are getting better and better devices day by day.

Applications are the most important part for any mobile device. Many companies are engaged in the business of developing websites and locations and thus the people are enjoying the application for everything such as for searching restaurants to searching the road map. Applications are the support system of the mobile computing and thus okay a great rile in enhancing the mobile computing technology in the world (Takacs, Chandrasekhar, Gelfand, Xiong, Chen, Bismpigiannis, Grzeszczuk, Pulli and Girod, 2008). This is because without as those mobile devices are go no use. Many vendors of mobile such as Apple provide the customers with the pre-installed apps which helps the customers to find out new apps and also to use the pre-installed apps for their use.

These applications in the mobile computing help the business to enhance their functions. It also retains the employees in the organisation and makes their working fun. It has simplified the task that was earlier done manually in the organization using the hectic tools and programs (Patterson and Hennessy, 2017). It is not only supporting the life of the people at professional level but supporting them at personal level as well. It is creating the opportunities to the children to make their career in this field of cloud and mobile computing as it is the very interesting field and still have scope left (Fernando, Loke and Rahay, 2013). Innovations are required as the demands of the people changing. Mobile computing has restricted the barriers of distance and people are communicating very easily with each other, even the business overseas has been possible only because of mobile computing in the business (Guan, Ke, Song and Song, 2011).

Components of Mobile Computing

Improved information accessibility: mobile computing is the technology that helps in improving the accessibility of the information. The improvement in the information accessibility with the help of mobile computing leads to better information flow in the organization from both the sides of organization and employees(Mallat, Rossi, Tuunainen and Öörni, 2009). The systems can be able to access and retrieve the information from the central system. The employee who needs to be connected all the time from the fixed organizational system gets benefits from the mobile computing techniques. This is because mobile computing helps in eliminating the steps of returning to office by the employees and submitting the whole day data to the central system. One phone call or access to any applicator can allow the employees to store the data from his location only (Yoo, 2010).

The operational efficiency of the fixed system in the organizations can also be improved with the help of mobile computing. It helps in improving the power of the company’s system and the power of information contained. The mobile computer is the one which is with the employees all the time and the employees need not to go to the computer for access of any of the information. This creates the opportunity for the organizations to open their own businesses overseas as distance is not the obstacle now (Qi and Gani, 2012). The efficiency of the operations can be improved in many ways such as integrating mobile computing in the operations helps in saving time, reducing waste, reducing work efforts, increase the speed of work and information flow etc.

Management of the organization these days is also dependent on mobile technology. This is because the mobile workforce and the big businesses at different locations can be tracked and managed by using the mobile technology techniques. The company can take the benefits of using mobile technology in all the areas of management of the company such as executive information system, decision support system, report generation system etc (Hashem, Yaqoob, Anuar, Mokhtar, Gani and Khan, 2015). Even the areas of human resource management can make us of this by recording the data of the employees performance and managing their detailed that can be used by them frequently. It becomes easy for the management to manage the employers and no data is stored on papers but on the electronic medium. The data can be stored according to the requirements and need.

Mobile Computing is the Part of Business


Mobile computing is the very essential technology that provides various opportunities to the business in order to make their process more effective (Druin, 2009). It is the new technology that allows the organization to have quality services on the field of communication and information and technology. The report concludes that it provides many benefits to the organization in the form of communication, information flow, management etc. There are majorly their elements or components of mobile computing that are software, hardware and communication. All these elements collectively make the technology of mobile comouting.it makes the work of organizations earlier by developing lot more opportunities for them in business such as global businesses in other countries ad sloe in different locations of the same company. Different combinations of its components can be used in the business. The selection of the technology should be very intelligent and should be according to the requirement of the process and the company. It not only reduced the efforts of the company and the employees but also enhances the quality of the work they do.


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