Organizational Behavior Theories: Enhancing Productivity And Performance

Key Elements of Organizational Behavior

Disucss about the Organizational Behavior Theories for Improving the Productive Performance of the Employees.

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Organization behavior focuses on the behavior of an individual. It is evaluated that one of the goals of organizational behavior is to revitalize organizational theory and also to develop a better concept of the organizational life. At the time of conducting the activities in the organization, it is essential to understand the behavior and to make other understand your behavior so that the activities of the organization can be conducted smoothly.  Organization behavior assists an individual to interact with the groups. The efficiency of the work can be enhanced if the organizational behavior is taken into consideration.  Organization behavior gives change in the performance and productivity level of the employees (Burke, 2017). Theories of organizational behavior are related to the human resource purpose so that the overall productivity level can be increased.  It is evaluated that if the managers want to attain positive results, then it is important to focus on various tactics related to analyzing the performance, compensation structure and also reorganizing groups. 

In this paper, the discussion will be made on the job performance, enhancing the satisfaction level of the job, innovation, encouraging leadership. To maintain a healthy environment for working it is important to adapt the environment and understand the goals and objectives that are required to be attained (Carpenter et al., 2014).

Organizational behavior helps to elaborate the interpersonal relationships that employees share with each other and also with the higher and lower subordinates.  The behavior of the human can be predicted easily and can help to attain goals and objectives. Leaders give emphasis on increasing the productivity and performance of the employees who are working in the organization.  It is seen that if the employees of the organization are motivated then it can easy to attain success (De Jong et al., 2016).

The organizational behavior theories are considered by the leaders so that performance productivity of the employees can be increased.  It is important for the workers to have proper knowledge of the activities that are conducted in the organization. Proper knowledge will help the employees to conduct the activities with confidence and dedication (Cyert and March, 2015).

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Organizational theories help the manager to manage the activities of the employees.  Dedication is also important for the employees. Satisfaction and dedication can be enhanced by assigning job according to the qualification of the employees.  If the workers are not dedicated towards the work, then it will be difficult to complete the task in an efficient manner (Mazei et al., 2015). It is important for the organization to appoint efficient employees as the competition level is increasing day by day.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory

 In the present scenario, it is important for the organization to satisfy the customers so that they can attain profitability and growth.  Satisfaction level of the consumers will only be maximized when the employees are efficient towards the activities of the organization.  It is essential for the organizations to focus on enhancing the productivity and performance level of the workers.  If proper organizational theories are taken into consideration by the companies then it can be easy to accomplish overall goals (Hildreth and Anderson, 2016).

Designing of Job is one of the processes that are considered when they want to assign the activities to the employees. So the jobs should be designed in such a manner that every employee can complete it properly. It also helps to maintain proper relationships between the management and the employees.  Quality products and services can be achieved if dedication is there in the employees of the organization. 

To increase productive performance from employees it is important to give emphasis on designing of jobs. If jobs are designed with proper management then the organization can easily accomplish overall objectives and goals in an effective manner. Salary is considered as an important factor for the employees who are conducting their routine activities in the organization. The efficiency and productivity of the employees depend upon the satisfaction level and on salary. Job designing gives a positive impact on the motivation level, job satisfaction and also helps to reduce absenteeism. It is essential to design jobs in such a way that assist the employees to become productive and satisfied with the activities that are assigned.

Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory assists the leaders to analyze the workers in an effective manner. At the time of designing of jobs, this theory helps to evaluate the satisfaction of the workers (Zipf, 2016). This theory is related to many factors in the organizations that enhance the job satisfaction or reduces the satisfaction of the job of the employees. One of the factors of Herzberg’s theory is motivator factor that is related to satisfaction and assists the employees to work efficiently. Next factor that is related to the hygiene factor gives dissatisfaction to the workers if the proper payment is not given to them.  To achieve productive performance it is essential for the organization to conduct the activities to improve motivator and hygiene factors. One of the best ways to motivate employees is to appreciate and support in conducting the activities. The workers should be given feedback so that they can work accordingly and can progress the activities smoothly (Gelfand et al., 2017).

Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory

Working conditions also help to encourage productive performance from the workers.  If there is proper working atmosphere then the activities can be conducted smoothly.  Next theory is personality-job fit that helps the employees to attain high satisfaction level from the activities. The leaders should give focus at organizational processes like job designing so that the worker’s personality can be matched with the requirement of the employees.  If the activities conducted by the employee’s matches the personality then it can be easy to enhance the overall efficiency (Cummings et al., 2014).

Companies should also give emphasis on giving training to the workers so that proper knowledge of the activities can be given to the employees.  The goals of the organization should be set in such a manner so that the workers can increase the productivity level in an efficient way. The organizations should allow the employees to share the feedback so that they can work with satisfaction and also feel happy in conducting the activities. Motivation is also the factor that helps the employees to enhance the employee’s productive performance.  The leaders should take into consideration reward theories so that the employees can be motivated. Rewards like extra pay for conducting the activities for extra time can give productive performance.

“Maslow’s hierarchy of needs” is a theory that gives emphasis to fulfill the needs and requirements of the workers. In this theory there are 5 levels like physiological, safety, belonging, esteem and self-actualization need. It is evaluated that workers give more emphasis on safety and belonging needs.  The top management gives emphasis on esteem and self-actualization needs.  If these necessities are not taken into consideration then the worker’s efficiency cannot be enhanced and also the productivity level cannot be increased (Ozguner and Ozguner, 2014).

To give motivation to the workers of the companies this theory should be taken into consideration so that the company can operate the activities in an effective manner. So to enhance the performance and productivity level the company should also allow flexible timings so that the workers can give their best. It is essential to have work and personal life balance as it helps the employees to increase the overall efficiency. It is also important for the organization to give proper wages to the employees so that they can retain them for a long time (Leder et al., 2016).

Another theory is also concerned with the goal setting theory in which help is given to the managers so that workers can be encouraged to perform in a better way.  There are leaders who face difficulty at the time of setting the goals for the employees. If the goals are not attained then it can be difficult to set goals for the workers. SMART goals should be set so that the workers can accomplish goals and objectives. It is essential to set goals so that workers can conduct the activities according to the goals (Hoch and Kozlowski, 2014).

Goal Setting Theory

By analyzing the paper it is evaluated that Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory plays a great role to increase the overall motivation level of the employees.  Motivated employees help to attract more customers towards the organization. The managers of the organization should give proper information so that the activities can be operated smoothly.  Efficient employees can assist to accomplish the goals of the organization.

So, it is important for the managers to give emphasis to the overall goals of the company so that the activities can be conducted effectively. The jobs should be designed by evaluating every aspect of the organization and also the capacity of the employees. It is important that the employees should be satisfied with the work assigned so that they can give their best.  The working condition also plays an essential role to achieve positive results by the employees of the organization. Working condition gives impact on the employee’s productive performance.  So, the company should give focus on giving proper working environment


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