Organizational Change Management And Technology Changes In Bing Lee

Organizational Structural Changes in Bing Lee

Organizational Change Management refers to a framework that can help in managing change pertaining to the business process or the organizational structure. It helps in addressing the issues of the people in relation to change management (Carnall 2018). The organizations in the present age have to respond to the external changes taking place in the environment and they can achieve this by bringing about changes in the workplace process along with system. The organisational change management necessitates that people learn new behaviour along with skills in the organization. The changes in the structure of the organization helps an organization in coping with the change pertaining to the business process. This report focusses on the organisational structural changes and technology changes in Bing Lee which is a retailing company of Australia. It also elaborates on the two themes of politics and communicative change that underlies the changes taking place in the organization.

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A retail company sells out the products and the manner of functioning of a retail company in the present age vary to a great extent from the way it used to function around a decade ago. Changes in the manner of shopping and the preferences of the people necessitate that organisational structural changes take place so that it can stay relevant in the competitive market. The retail company has a hierarchical structure and the people with more responsibilities are in the top position whereas people having entry level duty lie towards the bottom of the hierarchy. The organisational structure of Bing Lee had to be changed owing to the fact of the changing market conditions (Lozano, Nummert and Ceulemans 2016). The execution of new strategy necessitated the fact that changes are brought about in the structure of Bing Lee so that its business can be successful. Changes in relation to the product demand necessitated that changes are brought about in the structure of Bing Lee. Bing Lee entered into a business partnership with Ralphs which is a supermarket chain based in South California. Bing Lee entered into the business partnership so that it can expand in other countries that can help it in earning more profit (Doppelt 2017).

The people issues that the managers had to face relates to limited vision of the employees of the organization that caused some of the employees of Bing Lee to protest against the business partnership. I think that the employees were sceptical about the progress that can be brought about with the help of the partnership. They thought that entering into a partnership with create more amount of competition between the partners. According to me, the employees could not view the structural changes in a positive note that caused the employees to revolt against the step taken by the management of the company (Eason 2014). The partnership can shift the balance of the power which caused the employees to be pessimistic about the changes. There was the dearth of commitment on the part of the employees of the company. The failure of communication created a barrier pertaining to partnership of Bing Lee. The employees of Bing Lee felt that this will lead to the loss of the status of the employees in the organization that caused the employees to resist the organizational change. The employees of Bing Lee were thinking that this would reduce the role of the employees that provoked them to be resistant to the decision taken by the management. I feel that the employees of the organization were resistant to the change because they felt that it would not bring any rewards for the organization. According to me, the fear of unknown also made the employees to be fearful of the structural changes taking place in the organization. The absence of two-way communication made it difficult for the employees to understand the implications of the structural changes taking place in Bing Lee. Ongoing communication can prove to be an effective tool that can reduce the conflict between the management between the employees and the management in an organisation. The entering into partnership with Ralphs by Bing Lee created a change in relation to the dynamics of the power. Ralphs received capital funds for the purpose of expansion as they had been able to develop an innovative marketing approach (Pollack and Pollack 2015). This created resentment among the employees of Bing Lee as they could not accept the provision of the diminishing of power. The flow of the capital funds was a pertinent factor that caused the employees to be disgruntled and created rift with the management of the organization.

People Issues Faced by Bing Lee Managers

The employees of Bing Lee felt that the structural change taking place in the organization would shift the balance in relation to power in the organization. I think that an organization is a political structure and it operates by taking recourse to distribution of authority that can set the stage for the exercise for exercise in relation to power. The partnership of Bing Lee aroused suspicion among the employees. The merger caused the senior manager of the acquired company to resign from his post instead of accepting the relative displacement pertaining to the rank that occurred as he was not able function in the role of the senior manager. According to me, he resigned because he could not consolidate the workable definition in relation to his responsibilities (Burrell and Morgan 2017). There is a strong desire among the able people in the organization for the top position and this created complication among the employees of Bing Lee. Some of the employees are left with unfulfilled ambition on account of the partnership and this created grievance among the employees of Bing Lee. Some of the superiors in Bing Lee were satisfied with the allocating of the resources but there were some subordinates who were unhappy with the organizational structural changes at Bing Lee. Some of the subordinates who had on previous occasions supported the boss withdrew the affirmation and isolated the superior that led to the people issues within the organization. I think that it is important that the subordinates affirm the positions that can otherwise created resentment within the organization.

The use of new technology can help in reshaping the retail industry in ways that are unexpected. The market demands of the present age will cause the companies to spend more on the aspect of customer experience team that can help them in understanding the customers at deeper level. The retailers have to make significant investment in the arena of technology so that they can meet expectations of digital customer base. Bing Lee have started using Blockchain which is a shared ledgering technology that can help the employees in tracking complex digital transaction. The change have been brought about in Bing Lee as it can help in storing digital values or the objects that are involved in the transaction (Berry and Green 2016). The block chain can help in the creation of trust along with transparency and hence this was the reason why this technology was taken recourse to by Bing Lee. It can help in creating collaboration across that of different constituencies. I think that block chain was used by Bing Lee as it can help in driving efficiency with the help of greater collaboration between the different constituencies (Waddell et al. 2016). According to me, it can help in knowing about things in the real time like the location along with the source of the inventories.

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Technology Changes in Bing Lee

The employees of Bing Lee felt that block chain can act as a disruptive technology because the cryptographic feature of block chain can create hindrance for the employees of the organization. I saw that the employees of Bing Lee were averse to the implementation of block chain as they were sceptical about the changes that would be brought about with the implementation of this technology. The unfamiliar technology seemed to be scary for the employees and the management had to face resistance from the employees of Bing Lee as they were not comfortable about the technology changes in the organization. I think that the employees did not want to change the established routine that caused them to create obstacles for the mangers in the path of implementation of the block chain (Orlikowski et al. 2016). The implementation of the block chain technology requires a great deal of technical expertise and the employees were not willing to go forward with the decision of the management pertaining to the implementation of block chain technology as it would require education on the part of the employees (Gabor 2017). According to me, the people issues were created in the organization because most of the employees were of the opinion that it can drive the clients away. Block chain can help in offering myriads of opportunities but it would be difficult to keep track of the rapid evolution from the side lines that caused most of the employees to revolt against the management.

The implementation of new technology in Bing Lee was primarily aimed at changing the behaviour of the employees. The employees of Bing Lee were not comfortable with the decision of the management regarding the implementation of block chain because the different epistemic community can form their own ideas regarding the block chain that can create confusion in the organizations. The proliferation pertaining to legal definitions can complicate the process of application of the technology that can create a barrier for the employees (Bloom et al. 2014). I think that the difficulties in relation to communication that would be brought about by implementing block chain can create hassles in the path of the employees. The market participants have to reach agreement around the policy for the implementation of block chain technology. I think that the employees of Bing Lee were resistant to block chain as it can pave the path for the encoding of the rules in the form of contracts that can execute the business in the automatic manner. The organization not being governed by people can lead to confusion in the organization. The pre-programmed rules can take note of different kinds of possibilities along with situations but the employees of Bing Lee were sceptical regarding these kinds of automated rules. According to me, block chain technology can build accountability into the system of an organization and help in transforming the nature of a business (Goldin and Katz 2018). The block chain technology will pave the way for the contracts to be stored within the shared data base but the usage of this innovative technology would require learning on the part of the employees in an organization. The potential of the block chain can be utilised in the right manner if the employees are eager to learn about the new technology but the employees of Bing Lee were sceptical about the usage of the block chain technology.

Resistance to Blockchain Implementation


The organizations in the current age have to bring about changes in their business so that they adapt well to the changes taking place in external environment. The market conditions that were changing led to organisational structural changes of Bing Lee. It was necessary that new strategy was devised so that their business can emerge to become successful. The employees of Bing Lee had a limited vision and so they protested against the business partnership with Ralphs of Bing Lee. The employees were in doubt about the advantages of partnership and they felt that it would change the power dynamics in the organization. New technology can revolutionise the retail industry and it can help in catering to the demands of the modern day consumer. The companies in the current age spend more amount on the aspect of customer experience that can help the companies in understanding deeply the consumers. The employees of Bing Lee were not familiar with the new technology and hence they resisted against the decision of the management. The employees of Bing Lee were apprehensive of the organisational changes as they wanted to stick to their usual routine that they had been used to in the earlier time. 


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