Organizational Effectiveness, Culture, And Employee Behavior At Amazon

Open System Perspective

Amazon is considered to be as one of the largest online organization and cloud service provider. The company started by selling books followed by expanding its market to another platform like consumer goods and digital media (Landy & Conte, 2016). The organization owns a variety of electronic devices like an e-book reader, tablet and Fire TV. Amazon Web Services is considered to be a developing platform. Amazon has its headquarter in Seattle, Washington. The organization comes up individual websites, center for software development, customer service centers. Amazon comes up with many fulfillment centers in various location of the world. In various business success mainly depends on the fact that how an organization can focus on work procedure. It is mainly needed for achieving the expected result and this is effectiveness (Guillaume et al., 2017). Employees can easily complete the task without any kind of waste related to resource and time. When the given efficiency is applied to the two section then the concept comes up to be very much similar.

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In the coming pages of the report, an idea has been provided regarding organization effectiveness of Amazon that is open system perspective, learning perspective and stakeholder perspective. After that, the importance of work culture environment has been provided in details. The last section of the report mainly deals with list of recommendation for the organization.

Open System theory is known to be a well-known biological theory which has been adapted for understanding business organization structure theories of Amazon (O’Neill, Beauvais & Scholl, 2016). It can be difficult for understanding that biology has done anything with business but the system can easily assemble various parts which can share data through internal method. Open system theory emphasizes the fact that how the organization structure can easily affect the flow of information. Apart from this, it will affect the internal structure along with external environment (Laschinger et al., 2014). There are mainly three models of schools which can adopt the open system theory in the overall organizational structure.

Contingency theory: This particular theory highlighted one or many other ways of doing business for organization like Amazon (Jones, Woods & Guillaume, 2016). It highlights the fact that single given structure is considered to be best for the business. It is considered to be most effective structure which can understand the factors which are known to be contingencies. This particular contingency allows the business to easily become more flexible in nature along with environmental changes. The contingencies can be easily applied to both centralization and decentralization, changing time horizons and adjusting formalization of the given organization (Njoroge & Yazdanifard, 2014). At the time of conflict with various department this particular contingency theory comes into picture. It is considered to be one of the best idea for environment and along with compromising on the top.

System Design: Design of system is mainly controlled by the central manager of the organization like Amazon. It focuses on improving the overall process and procedure. The flow can be analyzed and can be broken down into various segments like black boxes (Truxillo, Cadiz & Hammer, 2015). It can be considered to be helpful for isolating issues. Managers can easily look for certain areas like strength and weakness, expecting to exploit the weakness. As the system does not consider, it is important for breaking down into given black boxes. It can easily halt various kind of operation in which various systems are interconnected in the system of communication.

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Contingency theory

Weick’s theory of organizing: Weick can easily add to the open source theory by understanding the factors involved in organizing. Leader should focus on certain number of processes, not at the structure of the given of the organization (Schneider et al., 2017). Various individual can easily have an understanding regarding department behavior which can easily reflect on the present scenario.

Learning can be easily stated as the permanent change which is needed for direct and indirect experience (Sorakraikitikul & Siengthai, 2014). Employees of Amazon can easily behave in different at the given social things in understanding social things. A large number of factors can easily affect the organizational behavior which is inclusive of organization structure, effectiveness of management, policies, and procedure. All the given element can easily affect the employees so that they can become productive and competitive in the industry (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). Learning is mainly done with the help of some of the key factors which help in gathering experiences. There are some key factors which can easily affect large number of things like practice, motivation, environment, and lastly group.

Motivation: The encouraging can easily provide support as one completes a given task. It is mainly needed for understanding the goals (Kossek & Thompson, 2016). It is very much important for understanding the positive energy which is needed for completing the given task.

Practice: For being perfection in the domain or even completion of task can easily complete the task. It is very important for understanding the practices which help in gathering the required data.

Environment: From the surrounding a large number of things can be easily learned. There are mainly two types of environment like internal and external.

Mental group: It mainly highlights the group of people with which an individual can easily hang out (Zoogah, Peng & Woldu, 2015). In simple words, group is created among employees who want to establish connection. It can be done with people who come up with same kind of mentality work in the given direction.

Stakeholders can be considered to be as a group of individuals, groups who are mainly affected by the operation of this business in Amazon (Putnam, Myer & Gailliard, 2014). Proper treatment and better relationship with some of the core stakeholders can result in overall profit and success of any business. Some of the common stakeholders in a business are employees, owners, suppliers, government parties and lastly regulation.

Customers: There is large number of organization which is customer-centric in nature, so no relationship with the stakeholders of Amazon can be considered to be important. The customers’ needs to be treated fairly along with providing strong products and solution (Islam, Jasimuddin & Hasan, 2015). It will ultimately help the organization in gaining long-term gain and customer loyalty. It is mainly inclusive of promotion and proper follow up on all the product and services.

Employees: Relationship of business with the employees of Amazon can easily affect the culture of the organization (Benefiel, Fry & Geigle, 2014). Apart from this, it can easily affect the interaction of employees with the employees. Recognition of employees is considered to be an important factor which has evolved in the early days.

System Design

Owners and Partners: Small business owners can easily play a key role in understanding the whole operation (Wu et al., 2016). It can easily affect the owners or shareholders that can provide financial investment in Amazon. It can easily make business help the business in earning more profit which can provide high rate of return.

Government: The government is easily made up of large number of things like federal bodies, agencies and lastly committees. For some of the local bodies, maintaining close relationship with local agencies and official can only provide help (Sorakraikitikul & Siengthai, 2014). Lobbying for understanding the cause can easily help in understanding the representative which is helpful in gaining votes or even tax bills.

Size of the organization is not important factor when the fact of workplace culture comes into action (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). Various organization like Amazon around the globe can easily have an understanding regarding the number of people employed by them. Employees can easily undertake the advantage of benefits in the present culture which has been offered to them. Workplace culture can easily affect the organization operates which comes up with both spoken and unspoken beliefs. It comes up with values and norms which are easily shared by employees and owners (Kossek & Thompson, 2016). The fact can be easily stated that almost everything around the world works around the dress. It can easily create proper solution for both kinds of issues that are internal and external.

Improving Productivity: Various employee in Amazon can easily understand the culture of this work as it can easily provide better kind of understanding of the goals. It has been mainly done so that they can easily provide better understanding of managers, employees and lastly customers (Zoogah, Peng & Woldu, 2015). The organization can easily invest huge amount of money and provide a proper-  understanding regarding loyalty.

Increasing Marketability: The culture of the organization in Amazon is an important factor in creating a business and easily impact the way people hire the talent (Putnam, Myer & Gailliard, 2014). Various job seekers can easily look for organization which can easily fit into the lifestyle.

Unity between employees: Various employees and organization of Amazon can take members which can be used for tackling the culture of the workplace (Islam, Jasimuddin & Hasan, 2015). As soon as the employees can share the norms of the business it can easily unify both employees and management.

Transformation leadership can be considered to be as a proper method which allows various leaders for motivating their employees of Amazon through different methods. Transformational leadership can be considered to be as one of the methods for understanding the motivation of staff along with improving organizational effectiveness.

Confidence: Transformational leadership is mainly visible to the various staff members of Amazon. Staff members can easily work with the various employees for moving towards with actions and words. This particular kind of management style will be considered to be helpful in developing a strong sense of confidence in the organization.

Weick’s theory of organizing

Commitment: Various employees of the organization can be easily inspired by transformational leaders who are focusing on the overall success of the organization that is Amazon. By the help of transformational leadership managers can easily push it hard on the staff and the staff can easily focus on overall success of the organization.

Education: Transformational leaders generally inspire their employees of Amazon by providing an idea how the employees can improve their performance by the help of proper education. Transformational managers can easily focus on gaining success with the help of education and proper training.  

Growth: One of the biggest element of Transformational leadership is all about understanding the responsibility of the leaders in development of career. This leadership model can easily involve the staff in making important decision and confidence in employees of Amazon.


From the above pages of the report, it can be easily concluded that this report is all about organization benefits and work culture of Amazon.  Various people around the world can easily understand the fact that business leaders can easily create a proper work culture. Organization culture of Amazon is mainly inclusive of various things like inclusion, fulfillment and lasting enjoyment. It can easily improve the overall productivity and performance. For building a proper work culture in Amazon, it mainly requires time and strategic planning. But it is very much important for the overall effort. In the above pages of the report three parameters of organization effectiveness of Amazon that is open system, learning and stakeholder relationship has been discussed in details./


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