Organizational Ethics In Carousell: Problem, Research And Business Practice Codes

Problem identification-ethical problem

Organizational ethics is an applied ethics discipline that talks about the moral choices predisposed by values, standards, rules as well as strategies connected with activities and business situations. Carousell is a classifieds marketplace with its key platform that makes selling as easy as taking a photo and buying to be simple as chatting. Students are found to have been involved in university textbooks and essay notes for not writing an entire assignment. This study will focus on problem identification and research business ethics theories. The paper will also justify the distinguishable perspectives of business practice codes and justify different perspectives of business practice codes.

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The semester’s case study is related to Carousell and was launched in 2012 that began in Singapore. The company is one of the largest with a mission to make a second-hand first choice for having positive aspects in sustainability. However, it appears that students as well as other parties sell their university textbooks, essay notes, and assignments for not writing the entire assignment (Sihvo et al. 2021). Under “IP infringement, regulated or legal products and services” essay mills as well as homework services are to be listed. The mission of the company lies in how they reuse their products as students constitute what is a template.

Stakeholder Theory

The stakeholder theory is of a view that organizational management and ethics account for multiple constituencies affected by entities of business such as employees, suppliers, communities, creditors as well as others. In linkage of applying the stakeholder theory, it can be interpreted that capitalism stresses the interconnection of relationships with suppliers and employees (Freeman, Phillips and Sisodia 2020). Therefore, Carousell’s business approach lies in delivering an appropriate approach to how it is affected by its operations (Freeman, Phillips and Sisodia 2020). Being affected by the groups sets upon organizational objectives based on how the constituencies are affected by the operations in business. Considering the stakeholder theory, it can be stated that the best interest is to seek profits for the customers in the best possible manner.

Social Contract Theory

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The Social Contract Theory is a theory that states that the moral and political obligations of people are dependent on the contract or agreement on how the society wants it to be to form the society in which one lives. Based on the idea of the social contract, it can be stated that individuals are dependent on the agreement between contracts or agreements by way of which they form and live in a society (Inusah and Gawu 2021). In an aspect of Locke’s social contract, the idea is to analyse the approaches and how they are determined by means of a proper agreement to what is to be shown.    

Research on business ethics theories and CSR theories

Shareholder value theory of CSR

The shareholder theory to CSR is influential as it equates to the role that business and society have in order to serve the best possible interests of the stakeholders. This theory equates with the idea that the manager’s responsibility lies in pushing on ideas and responsibilities of stakeholders to enhance wealth based on profits. In consideration of the stakeholder value theory of CSR it can be stated that resources undertaken by the corporation are to enhance the wealth of the latter for seeking profits (Erhemjamts and Huang 2019).

The ‘Companies Act 2017’ makes it comprehensible to ensure corporate regimes are constant to stay up with the robust support for business as well as investors. In compliance with this act, the aim is to limit the cost of compliance as well as a burden on the administration. The aim is also to boost on making the ownership more transparent in nature for maintaining information on ownership (, 2022).

The 2004 Amendment Act limits the capacity of people to take one form or to just one person.  Based on the amendment it is comprehendible under section 145 (1) to be a sole director. Section 23 (1) and (1B) allows the company to object to the memorandum in order to limit its capacity and powers (, 2022). In such a case, companies are likely to dispense onto general meetings to pass onto resolutions to which members are entitled to come to at the meeting. Upon such an application, it is up to the court for deciding how a restraining order awards compensation and is deemed fit to shareholders. In linking up with Carousell’s case, it can be apprehended that the application of these business ethics can help in pertaining to the ethics and transparency for the company.

Opinion regarding consideration of businesses operation regionally

The strategy at the business level is pursued based on differences between the direct and indirect competitors. The unique data set understands how businesses influence their ability to comprehend their operations regionally. On proclaiming the business consideration, it can be stated that the companies are to address the challenge in policy integration. There is a little a significant vagueness and policy procedure to keep on the efforts for matching up the interest levels (Seifzadeh and Rowe 2019). In essence, business operations are run on keeping and making activities that differentiate from one company to the next. In such a case, it helps in effectively managing the resources to control and supervise items and people as businesses sell their products in the marketplace. Considering the case of Carousell, it is regarded to bring positive aspects to sustainability. The students are to focus on applying the aspect of ethics and virtue to be applicable for each perspective. The misuse of assessments is considered to have a uniqueness to intellectual concepts before discovering how they are constrained by differential ethical perspectives.

Practical application: Draft code of business practice codes

Business Ethics Theory

The business ethics theory states that large influences are set up by the modern ethical principles for the majority of professional ethics based on group setup. The majority of business ethics is being set up by the modern principles of a Kantian theory which is a type of norm theory (De Bakker, Rasche and Ponte 2018). This theory is also interlinked with the guidelines to humanity as a collective group. In linking this theory to the case of Carousell it can be stated that the CSR approach serves one’s own purpose as well as advantage.

Carol’s CSR Theory  

Carol’s CSR theory is based on an identification of how CSR is referred to an individual’s behaviour that is profitable and complies with the laws ethical and socially supportive in nature. Based on Carol, CSR involves business conduct that portrays distinguishable types of obligations for business success (Khan, Chen and Hung 2021). Considering CSR, the modern formulation is based on how it is an important part of the era and serves onto the principles of embracing the idea in form or the other.

The ethics for any legal obligation applies to developing codes for contract cheating. This change when overlaid with ethics and CSR perspective identifies how they aspire under distinguished considerations. In recent times, most organizations are under an obligation to produce reliable products. Most corporations work on endeavours that share business while they do business. Considering Carousell’s case study, it can be interpreted that the company is the largest in terms of classifieds group in Greater Southeast Asia. By use and application of this model, the ethical obligations lie in the way how they demonstrate discovering the concepts constrained by the template on which proper acknowledgment is to take place. In the case of ‘business ethics,’ this applies to how the applicability of this approach is done to aspire for legislative aspect on cheating (Gutterman 2020). The use of assignments comprehends how students misuse assessments without discovering the concepts for comprehending what this assignment contains.

Upon consideration of business ethics, it can be interpreted that this aspiration applies to how they are interpreted to developing the key consideration based on a distinct consideration. Thanasi-Boçe and Kurtishi-Kastrati (2021) views that business ethics is significant in an emerging world as it reduces the effect on business practices. The business corporation is organized in such a manner that it corresponds to the benefits of stakeholders. In this aspect, business decisions are taken in a comprehensible manner that applies to the profound interest and profitability of the company. Business decisions are affected by the ability to make diversity in prices of products for consideration of major decisions.

Justifying the different perspectives of business practice codes

CSR is accepted as a legal obligation that is based on the perspective of highlighting the right things to be done on the basis of an obligation to create a better society. Carousel states that by making this platform as easy as taking a photo and buying as simple as chatting, this consideration is taken to have an effective approach to illegal products as well as services. The indication for a ‘right or wrong’ approach lies in the acceptance of a legal obligation for initiating this consideration (Colleoni et al. 2022). This perspective is based on highlighting what is right for society for treating employees, stakeholders as well as customers with due respect.

CSR in its ideal form focuses on how managers demonstrate good social and products framed with this response. In order to comprehend a company’s approach to the environment, there is a necessity to make a company brand owned by the global brand. Engaging a diverse range of stakeholders implies how socially conscious consumers are affected by an approach to make top talent that affects the satisfaction levels as well as rates of retention (Gazzola 2018). In order to be in a better position, it applies to how judgments and feelings help them encounter willingness for an increased purchase level. Considering Carousell’s case it can be stated that ethics is regarded to be a key consideration of Carousell these notions of sustainability are related to the conception that everyone participates as a money machine.


Therefore, it can be concluded from the study that organizational ethics is an applied ethics discipline that makes a response to internal as well as an external stimulus. This study has focused on the practical application of draft code theories and made a justification of the different purposes in consideration of business operations. The study has also demonstrated an indication of the CSR perspective and the right or wrong approach for the results of CSR. Along with that practical application of the perspectives in business practice and an indication of right or wrong approach results in different outcomes for the CSR.

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