Organizational Strategy And Recruitment Strategies: A Case Study Of Wesfarmers And Woolworths

Organizational strategy to achieve short-term and long-term goals

Organizational strategy refers to the consolidated list of actions that the concerned business organization attempts to achieve as a part of the long-term goals that are set by the concerned organization (Amran et al. 2016). The multitude of the actions undertaken by the organization might be grouped together to form the strategic plan of an organization. The organizational strategy rises from the factors that pertain to the missions of the company. The mission of the company tends to help in the understanding of the major reason behind the company being in action. The recruitment strategy that is followed by the company is heavily dependent on the matters that pertain to the strategy that is followed by the concerned organization (Amran et al. 2015). The general recruitment strategy that is adopted by the organization tends to follow the mission statement of the organization and thereby aligns to the various strategies that are adopted by the organization. The following essay deals with the various implementations and the impacts of the strategy that is followed within the organization in discussion. The essay tends to focus on the recruitment strategies that are followed at Wesfarmers and Woolworths and the influence of the organizational strategy on the matters that pertain to the recruitment and the selection of the potential employees of the given organization.

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The organizational strategy involves the various matters pertaining to the creation, the implementation as well as the evaluation of the several decisions that are undertaken within the given organization. The organizational strategy assists the organization in discussion to achieve the various short-term and the long-term goals that have been set by the concerned company (Amran et al. 2016). The organizational strategy takes into consideration the various factors that pertain to the implementations of the matters that are required for the smoothness in the performance and the operations of the concerned organization (Brown 2014). This assists the overall improvement in the matters that pertain to the overall performances of the concerned company. The multitude of the actions undertaken by the organization might be grouped together to form the strategic plan of an organization. The organizational strategy rises from the factors that pertain to the missions of the company. The mission of the company tends to help in the understanding of the major reason behind the company being in action.

The concerned companies in discussion, Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited are the two major retail magnets that have been operational in the Australian retail market. The strategies that have been implemented by the organizations in discussion tend to abide by the mission statement as well as the vision statement of the concerned organization. The major functionality of the organization might be dependent on the matters that are related to the chosen set of objectives that are related to the functionalities within the industry (Geissdoerfer, Bocken and Hultink 2016). The objectives include the matters that are related to the economic development of the country at large as well as the industry wherein the concerned company has been operating. The business strategy that is followed within the organization further considers the matters that pertain to the development of the social and the environmental factors. These factors have a greater influence on the operations of the concerned company in discussion.

Impact of organizational strategy on recruitment strategies

The business strategy that have been undertaken by the Australian magnet, Woolworths Limited tends to focus on the matters that pertain to the maintenance of the concerned track record that has been set by the concerned organization. This might help the concerned business organization to maintain the new growth in the business of the concerned organization. The concerned company in discussion is also observed to implement the strategies in the matters that pertain to the implementation of the various matters that are related to the improvement of the sales in the field of the food and the liquor items (Alrabiah and Drew 2018). The other strategies that might affect the concerned organization are those that are related to the diversity that needs to be maintained within the given organization. The companies in discussion, are known to have been employing a diverse workforce (Higgins, Omer and Phillips 2015). This might need the intervention of the concerned governing bodies that have been operational within the given territorial boundaries of the country wherein the concerned organization has been functioning. The functional strategy that is undertaken by Woolworths aim to serve almost 18 million clients every week. Thus, the workforce of the organization should employ the potential workforce who would help the improvement of the organizational performance of Woolworths Limited ( 2018). The implementation of the newer workforce of the organization might help in the improvement of the performance of the organizations at large.

The selection processes that are implemented within the multitude of the organizations refer to the various matters that have been recruitment strategies. The recruitment strategy that is followed by the company is heavily dependent on the matters that pertain to the strategy that is followed by the concerned organization. The general recruitment strategy that is adopted by the organization tends to follow the mission statement of the organization and thereby aligns to the various strategies that are adopted by the organization (Collings 2014). The recruitment of the various employees of the organization might include the implementation of the factors that are related to the advertisements at the media channels that are popular among the various job seekers (Moore et al. 2018). The recruitment strategies undertaken by the companies might need to deal with the matters that are related to the incorporation of the factors that are related to the improvement of the overall performance of the organization. The recruitment strategies that are employed by the company should be in accordance to the mission and the values of the organization. The strategies are implemented by the organizational management lead to the matters that are related to the overall improvement of the performance of the organization. The recruitment of the potential employees of the organization should be in accordance to the various missions that are followed within the organization.

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The various models that might be implemented within the companies relate to the contingency hiring models, the retained search model, the exclusive requirement strategy, the outplacement strategy, the outsourcing of the recruitment processes and the executive search technique. The contingency hiring model refers to the condition wherein the company extends the requirement to the several other organizations in order to obtain the resumes of the potential employees wherefrom it might choose to recruit. In this case, the company offers the payment to the consultancy from where the candidate has been chosen. This method is considered to be one of the most prevalent methods for the recruitment of the employees. The retained search model refers to the conditions wherein the company employs a certain person for the recruitment against a concerned requirement (Kacker et al. 2016). The outplacement strategy of the recruitment refers to the conditions wherein the concerned company might hire a placement organization in order to help certain employees relocate to the other organizations. This is generally employed to deal with the cost reduction efforts of the concerned company in discussion. The most popular model for the recruitment in the present scenarios refers to the model related to the outsourcing of the recruitment processes (Lim, Chalmers and Hanlon 2018). This model of the recruitment tends to deal with the factors that deal with the complete outsourcing of the recruitment processes. The recruitment process is then managed by the concerned people who have been related to the consultancy that has been selected by the concerned company.

Recruitment strategies aligned with mission and values of organization

The concerned business organizations in discussion, the Australian retail magnets Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited, tend to implement the various recruitment policies that allow the development of the talent pool within the company in discussion. The companies tend to implement the model related to the outsourcing of the recruitment processes for the incorporation of the various employees of the organization (Serra and Kunc 2015). The recruitment process is then managed by the concerned people who have been related to the consultancy that has been selected by the concerned company. This might help in the matters that pertain to the cost-reduction within the company and thereby help the improvement in the revenues and the profitability of the company in discussion (Estabrooks et al. 2017). This might also help in the matters that pertain to the gaining of the competitive advantage of the company within the market wherein the company has been featuring, the Australian market.

In lieu of the above discussion, it might be pointed out that the selection processes that are maintained within the company might heavily be affected by the strategy that has been followed within the concerned organization. The selection and the recruitment processes within the company is generally observed to be in accordance with the factors that pertain to the organizational strategies that are generally followed within the organization. The recruitment strategies undertaken by the companies might need to deal with the matters that are related to the incorporation of the factors that are related to the improvement of the overall performance of the organization. Thus, it might be safely opined that the selection and the recruitment of the organizational workforce is in accordance with the strategies that are adopted for the smooth functioning of the organization.


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