Organizing A 1 Day Exhibition For EClarity – Project Management Plan

Background of the Company

The paper focuses on a 1 day exhibition that is undertaken by “eClarity” which is an online retailer of jewellery in Singapore. The organization wants to advertise some of its newly launched products to its customers and this can be done in a proper way with the help of the exhibition. The company organizes the exhibition so that the customers get to know about the company and its products and the exhibition was organized in a very much professional manner so that proper positive image of the company can be created in the market.

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 The company “eClarity” is one of the online retailers of jewellery in Singapore. It is found that the company was registered in the year 2000 and today it is competing with other traditional jewellery retailer chain stores. In order to compete with other jewellery retailers the company arranges an exhibition so that it can advertise about their newly launched products which will not only advertise the brand of the retailer but also attracts lot of customers (eClarity Diamond Warehouse, 2015). The organization wants to extend its business by enhancing the number of customers in the market and it is identified that organizing an exhibition will be helpful for the company to flourish as well as for competing with other retailers of jewellery in Singapore.

The online retailer of Singapore “eCalrity” wants to organize a 1 day exhibition. The exhibition was mainly arranged in order to advertise some of the newly launched jewelleries of the retailer. As eCalrity is facing lot of competition from traditional retailers of jewellery, it wanted to extend their business for increasing the number of customers. The exhibition that was arranged helps in advertising the products as well as brand of the retailer and in addition to this; more people will get to know about the jewellery retailer and its products. The exhibition was helpful for eClarity to compete with its competitors. It is identified that the preparation for the exhibition will be completed in 92 days with the budget of around $46,000. The online retailer establish proper key sales gaols before the event and aims to interact with the customers  properly as eClarity considers customers an incredible tool that will be helpful in  increasing their business.

 Project scope statement is defined as a useful tool that is helpful in outlining the deliverables of the project and also helps in identifying project constraints, assumptions as well as key success factors (Shirazi, Kazemipoor & Tavakkoli-Moghaddam 2017).  It helps in providing a baseline for understanding the project deliverables that are required to be accomplished for making the project successful.

The main objective of the project is to organize a one day exhibition for advertising the newly launched products for extending the business as well as for providing tough competition to other jewellery retailers. In addition to this, the retailer also wants to attract more number of customers. The entire preparation for the exhibition must be completed in 92 days by using $46,000.00 budget.

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The main deliverable of the project is an exhibition that is organized for launching new products for eClarity, to raise awareness among the customers about the brand or business and to get more leads or direct sales as well as to strengthen the relationship with current customers. The below points elaborate the deliverables quite effectively.

Project Overview

Budget: The budget that is required for organizing the exhibition is around $46,000.00. The budget was assumed after analyzing the various needs as well as requirements of the project.

Venue: Orchard road was selected as the venue for the exhibition as it is one of the prime shopping streets of Singapore. The venue was selected around the shopping street so that more participants who love shopping can join the exhibition.

Participant: The participants of the events include customers, different journalist and more. The participants are invited through social media. The concept of advertising, web banners are useful for inviting participants as well as for notifying them about the event. Updating email footers on the emails are useful. It is identified that journalist must be invited

Teambuilding activities: The retailer organizes in a team building activities so that the customers can able to establish proper key sales goals and can be able to interact with the visitors of the exhibition properly. Proper team building activities are needed in order to make the team members focus in order to achieve success.

Accommodation and meals: eCalrity also provides proper accommodation as well as meal facility to the people or guests who are invited in the event.

Transportation: Proper facility of transportation is provided to the guest who are invited in the event of exhibition in order to achieve the goals as well as objectives of the event quite effectively.

Task Name




A 1 day exhibition for eClarity

92 days

Thu 11/23/17

Fri 3/30/18

   Initiation phase

18 days

Thu 11/23/17

Mon 12/18/17

      Setting proper objectives for exhibition

4 days

Thu 11/23/17

Tue 11/28/17

      Defining target audience

3 days

Thu 11/30/17

Mon 12/4/17

      Identifying key benefits

2 days

Tue 12/5/17

Wed 12/6/17

      Providing a timeframe for planning the exhibition

2 days

Tue 12/12/17

Wed 12/13/17

      Identifying participants

3 days

Thu 12/14/17

Mon 12/18/17

      Milestone 1: Completion of identification of participation

0 days

Mon 12/18/17

Mon 12/18/17

   Planning exhibition

23 days

Tue 12/19/17

Thu 1/18/18

      Selection of venue and reservation

8 days

Tue 12/19/17

Thu 12/28/17

         Making arrangements for venue selection

3 days

Tue 12/19/17

Thu 12/21/17

         Making arrangements for reservation

2 days

Fri 12/22/17

Mon 12/25/17


3 days

Tue 12/26/17

Thu 12/28/17

         Milestone 2: Completion of selection for venue

0 days

Thu 12/28/17

Thu 12/28/17

      Ensuring space requirement for exhibition

2 days

Fri 12/29/17

Mon 1/1/18

      Researching competitors

3 days

Wed 1/3/18

Fri 1/5/18

      Creating proper time plan

2 days

Wed 1/10/18

Thu 1/11/18

      Creating budget plan

3 days

Fri 1/12/18

Tue 1/16/18

      Submission of cost for approval

2 days

Wed 1/17/18

Thu 1/18/18

      Milestone 3: completion of cost approval

0 days

Thu 1/18/18

Thu 1/18/18

   Designing the exhibition

16 days

Thu 2/8/18

Thu 3/1/18

      Approaching the stand

4 days

Thu 2/8/18

Tue 2/13/18

      Entering the stand for exhibition

3 days

Wed 2/14/18

Fri 2/16/18

      Creating a theme

3 days

Thu 2/22/18

Mon 2/26/18

      Creating proper contact details

2 days

Tue 2/27/18

Wed 2/28/18

      Land transportation facility

1 day

Thu 3/1/18

Thu 3/1/18

      Milestone 4: Completion of land transportation facility

0 days

Thu 3/1/18

Thu 3/1/18

   Promoting the exhibition

18 days

Wed 3/7/18

Fri 3/30/18

      Sending initiations

2 days

Wed 3/7/18

Thu 3/8/18

      Advertising about the exhibition

3 days

Fri 3/9/18

Tue 3/13/18

      Presenting exhibition exclusive

3 days

Fri 3/23/18

Tue 3/27/18

      Hiring data capture device

2 days

Wed 3/28/18

Thu 3/29/18

      Notifying participants

1 day

Fri 3/30/18

Fri 3/30/18

      Milestone 5: Completion of the work of notifying participants

0 days

Fri 3/30/18

Fri 3/30/18

The technical requirements for the exhibition include large displays, booths, power supply, laptop, internet connections and more. All the technical requirements must be properly arranged in order to make the exhibition successful for achieving the goals as well as objectives of the organization.

The preparation of the exhibition by eClarity must be completed within 92 days by utilizing the assumed budget that is around $46,000. It is assumed that over budget may create number of problems r issues for eClarity. In addition to this, the transport facility will be provided to the participants to and from Singapore and they not allowed to bargain about the products.

The head of department of XYZ said that the way that eClarity selected for advertising their newly launched products are too professional and for they also utilizes very much unique design for their products that will create a positive impact on the business of eClarity. On the other hand, vice president of PYZ Company added that the collections of jewellery that are showcased by eClarity are too good and the exhibition will be helpful for creating strong brand image of the retailer.

 Project matrix is one of the useful tool that helps in identifying the criteria that is constrained and that should be enhanced as well as accepted (Kerzner, 2013). The Project matrix manly includes:

 Constrain: It is identified that the original constrain is generally fixed and the project must be helpful in meeting the completion date, specifications as well as project scope or budget

Enhance: If the time as well as cost of the project is enhanced then it helps in adding value to the project.

Project Scope statement

Accept: It is found that when trade-off is made then it is quite permissible for the schedule to slip that helps in reducing the performance as well as scope of the project.








The project priority matrix includes:

  Time: The time of the project must be enhanced in order to provide proper performance of the exhibition

Performance: In order to get proper performance of the project, it is quite important to extend the schedule of the project.

Cost: If the project time is increased then automatically, the cost of the project enhances.

 Work breakdown structure is defined as a key project deliverable that helps in organizing the team work into number of manageable sections. It visually helps in defining the scope of the project into manageable chunks that can be understood as each level of WBS helps in providing proper definition as well as detail of the project (Siami-Irdemoosa, Dindarloo & Sharifzadeh, 2015).  In this project, it is identified that there are number of work packages that include identification of participants, reservation, submission of cost for approval, land transportation facility as well as notifying participants.

The work packages are as follows:

Identification of participants: The participants of the exhibition are identified so that invitation can be properly sent to them for attending the event

Submission of cost for approval: The cost approval is needed for checking the feasibility of the project

Land transportation facility: Proper facility of land transportation must be provided so that the participants can easily reach the event

Notifying participants: Proper notification to the participants must be provided so that more number of people will attend the event

 Cost estimation is defined as the approximation of the cost of a program, operation as well as project. It is the product of cost estimating procedure. It is identified that in this project top down approach of cost estimation is used (Khodakarami & Abdi, 2014). The top down approach mainly starts with identification of major aspect of the project and it is mainly carried by the project managers on the basis of information that is generally available about the project.

Task Name


A 1 day exhibition for eClarity


   Initiation phase


      Setting proper objectives for exhibition


      Defining target audience


      Identifying key benefits


      Providing a timeframe for planning the exhibition


      Identifying participants


      Milestone 1: Completion of identification of participation


   Planning exhibition


      Selection of venue and reservation


         Making arrangements for venue selection


         Making arrangements for reservation




         Milestone 2: Completion of selection for venue


      Ensuring space requirement for exhibition


      Researching competitors


      Creating proper time plan


      Creating budget plan


      Submission of cost for approval


      Milestone 3: completion of cost approval


   Designing the exhibition


      Approaching the stand


      Entering the stand for exhibition


      Creating a theme


      Creating proper contact details


      Land transportation facility


      Milestone 4: Completion of land transportation facility


   Promoting the exhibition


      Sending initiations


      Advertising about the exhibition


      Presenting exhibition exclusive


      Hiring data capture device


      Notifying participants


      Milestone 5: Completion of the work of notifying participants



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