Overview Of The Government Structure In Criminal Justice System

ENG200 The Role of Society and Criminal Justice

The Role of the Society in Criminal Justice System

The main subject matter of the case is to discuss about the role of the society in case of criminal justice system and the required government structure regarding this. There are certain discussions made regarding the contribution of the citizens making an effective criminal justice system. Certain theories are taken to redefine the topic and the conditions of the state courts and prisons have also been discussed under this topic.

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The judiciary system of United States is much concentrate on the crime prevention policy and it has been observed that extraordinary efforts have been invested in this regard. However, in spite of all these efforts, the process of death penalty in USA has become slow and uncertain. There are certain reasons mentioned in this circumstance. The main reason is that the USA constitution is conveying its support against the death penalty in the eighth amendment of the constitution.

Further, there are many condemned prisoners confined in the prisons and it becomes tough to penalise all the prisoners with death penalties. In addition, the USA government has taken certain ideologies regarding the human rights. There are certain punishment structures adopted by the USA government to this regard. The offenders are penalised by the incarceration process, parole, probation and fines. Certain exceptional crimes are penalised by the death penalty. This essay will deliver the role of the society in the case of criminal justice system by way of thorough discussion on the same.


Any act that goes against the moral structure of the society is called as crime. Any types of crime is illegal in nature and after the commencement of crime, the society is required to punish the culprit with the view to stop the criminal conduct again. The purposes of these kinds of chastisements, which sometimes can deter antisocial from repeating offenses; however, imprisonment is the most frequent structure of punishment and the best way to protect society.  Parole, on the other hand, releases the prisoner before the court-mandated sentenced is served.  Some conditions may include fines, narcotic and liquor testing, and maintaining a job and home.

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The correctional systems rehabilitate offenders through professional guidance counselling, drug physiotherapy, and education.  Through these forms of education, detainees begin to set up for reintegration into the external world of penal complex.  Prisoner rehabilitation has a high rate of success and helps to put off repeated offenders from preparing prisoners in a variety of ways.  The ultimate aim of rehabilitation programs in prisons is to teach offenders ways how to handling the real world on a day-to-day basis (Federal Bureau of Prisons, c, n.d). 

            There are certain discriminations could be found in case of announcement of the death penalty and it has been observed that most of the death penalties are pronounced on the “African-American and Hispanic” community. There are certain researches have been made against this issue and it has been observed that this community commits most of the capital crimes and therefore, they have to face the capital punishment to this regard. According to the criminal records of the USA, certain information have been come into light from where it has been clarified that almost 50% death penalties are pronounced against these communities.

Types of Punishments and Their Purposes

However, these communities are possessed only 13% of the total population of USA. Certain criticisms have been made against this system and it has been stated that the USA government pronounced all death penalties on this community, as they are the weaker section of the society and they do not have much resources. Therefore, certain voices are raised against the death penalties in the society and media has highlighted the matters on strong basis (Colby, 2006). Another valid reason for opposing the death penalty is the fact that there is no trustworthy evidence that dissuade crime.  No one can prove that death penalties have greater effect on the criminals compared to the long sentences in case of prevention of crime.

            It is a fact that any types of criminal activities are wrong and the offender should have to be punished for the offence. However, it is to kept in mind that the criminal justice should be moral enough to deal with these problems and there should not be any such process for that the moral principle of the society could be affected. Further, the mind of the criminals should be changed and it will mitigate the risk of crime.

There are two main elements of crime such as mind of the criminals and criminal acts. Therefore, before commencement of the act, plans regarding the same are prepared in the mind of the criminals. According to many crime researchers, certain psychological changes could lead towards an effective crime prevention plan (Goldberg & Dershowitz, 1970). An act of crime can effectively be defined from the eyes of law and until an act hurts the sentiment of the society or a particular group, it could not be treated as crime. Therefore, the society has a great role for the prevention of crime. There can be certain instances to this effect.

If taking of bribe cannot be supported by the society, it will be an illegal thing and in case of converse situation, it will not be treated as crime if the society does not make any protest against the same, though it is immoral in nature. Further, media plays an essential role in this case. They are highlighting all the illegal issues commenced in the country. They are helping to mitigate all the criminal issues and the people get to know about the crime and become conscious.    


The criminal justice system has five goals in mind; they are deterrence, the use of fear of punishment to prevent criminal tendencies.  There are two types of deterrence there is specific deterrence and general deterrence. Specific deterrence is what happens when an offender is caught, punished and then decides not to engage in any other criminal activity due to the fear that they will once again get caught and will have to face the consequences of their behaviour.

The death penalty is more costly than putting a person in prison for life without the possibility of parole.  It cost approximately two million per case versus one million for fifty years in prison.  Also in 2011, studies found that California has spent more than $4 billion on capital punishment since it was reinstated in 1978. From the studies, trials are 20 times more expensive than trails seeking a sentence of life in prison without a chance of parole due to the appeals process granted to the offender.


Colby, M. (2006). Race, capital punishment, and the cost of murder.  Philosophical Studies, 127(2), 255-

Federal Bureau of Prison. (n.d.). Substances abuse treatment.

Goldberg, A. J. & Dershowitz, A. M. (1970). Declaring the death penalty unconstitutional. Harvard Law Review83, 8, 1773, June 1970.