Performance Development And Management Plan For Adept Owl Games Company

Strategic actions to achieve the vision


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Discuss about the Performance Measurement And Development.

The Adept Owl Games Company is a firm in Australia that deals with publishing and the manufacture and distribution of dice, board, and card games for the enjoyment of people of all ages. The company has a vision to have an established reputation as one of the most innovative and finest businesses producing and developing entertainment board games in the country. There are different strategic actions that the company needs to take to achieve this vision.

First, it must become an organization that is very high performing. Second, it must engage with its customers. Third, it has to support innovation and improve its leadership and management skills (Cappelli and Tavis, 2017). Finally, it is paramount that the organization improves and develops its products as well as the production process (Chubb, Brown and Reilly, 2011). To do this, the company has to measure and manage the performance of all its employees to ensure that everyone is adding value to the company and continually develop their performance in a bid to achieve the set vision.

Template for the Sales Department in the Measurement and Management of Performance and Development

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Development objectives

Measurable result/ Expected performance level

Resources required to achieve the results

Results achieved

Sales volume

Communication skills

Lifelong learning

Consumer responsiveness and interactions

Product knowledge

Resource management

Development objectives

Measurable results

Resources needed in the achievement of the objectives

Review period

Results achieved

To increase the sales revenue.

·         Number of units of gaming products sold per month.

·         Amount of revenue from the total sales of the different gaming products.

·         Training activities to ensure that the employee knows how to make a sale.

·         Company clothes that identify the employees as workers of Adept Owl Games Company.

·         Mentorship programs to teach employees how to be great sales people.


To improve communication skills.

·         Number of customers that an employee speaks to about the company’s products every day.

·         Training activities to teach employees how to communicate to potential customers with the intention of making a sale.

·         Role-playing activities where the employee speaks to other employees, in the same manner, they would talk to potential customers to identify any mistakes that may exist and correct them.


To continually learn so as to keep up to date with any changes and learn different ways to make a sale.

·         Number of books read per month.

·         Number of educational movies watched every month.

·         Educational books and videos.


To increase consumer responsiveness and interaction

·         Number of customers that the salesperson can speak to per day.

·         Number of sales that come from speaking to potential customers and convincing them why they should purchase the products.

·         Seminars on how to interact with potential customers.

·         Watching the interactions of other employees with customers to learn from them.


To understand all aspects of the product to be able to explain them to customers.

·         Number of questions that customers ask and the ability to answer all of them.

·         Seminars to teach employees about the different gaming products in the company.


To be able to properly manage the company’s resources and prevent losses from being incurred.

·         Number of company products that are damaged.

·         Costs incurred in making each sale.

·         Employees need to be careful with company products to avoid damaging them.

·         Seminars to teach employees how to close a sale while incurring minimal costs.

The individual plan should then be signed both by the employee and the company’s management to show it is a binding contract between the two parties.

The Meeting

The objective of the meeting with the assessor was to provide the performance management template and receive input on how to organize individual employees as well as the entire team. It was vital for me to listen attentively to all the observations that the assessor made in regards to how our team was performing. I also asked questions about issues that we were facing as a team and asked for advice on how to overcome the different challenges. We discussed the skills that the different team members possessed. This was done in a bid to ensure that every team member was placed strategically to capitalize on their strengths and to help them improve on areas where they encountered challenges.

We came up with key performance indicators that will be used in the assessment of performance of individuals and the team. We also identified the resources needed by all team members to ensure that they perform their duties properly. Finally, we created a duration after which performance will be reviewed to see how well the employees are performing.

Afterwards, I completed the performance development plan ensuring that all employee strengths and weaknesses were put into account (Corwe, 2017). The assessor looked it through and approved it. All employees involved in the different plans then signed them, and the assessor signed it as well.

When creating a performance development and management plan for a team, the objectives and the key performance indicators set should be specific, attainable, time-based, relevant, and measurable for each team member (Act government, 2017). This is to make sure that they all carry out their responsibilities without relying on other team members to do their work for them (Truitt, 2017). Below is the completed performance development and management plan for my team at Adept Owl Games Company.

Objectives/ Areas of team improvement

Key Performance Indicators

Team members to carry out the responsibilities

Resources required


To provide high-quality customer services.

·         Number of customers who provide good reviews of the customer service received from team members.

·         Number of complaints brought in by customers regarding employees in the team.

All team members.

Role-playing as a team to identify and correct areas of weakness when interacting with customers.

To increase sales revenues.

·         Number of units of each product sold by the team member and the amount of revenue that the sales bring in.

Employee one

Employee two

Employee three employee four

Employee five.

Mentorship programs.

To improve product knowledge.

·         How well a team member can inform the customers about a product without asking other employees for assistance.

All team members


To carry out marketing activities to reach more customers.

·         Number of orders made from different platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

Employee six

Employee seven

Employee eight

Employee nine

Employee ten

Internet connection.

To segment the market for the different team members for people to concentrate on specified regions.

·         Amount of sales revenue from the different market segments.

Team leader to segment the markets and allocate different regions to the different team members.


Indeed, it is crucial for every organization to set measurable objectives that the employees are supposed to fulfill. This motivates the employees and ensures that they provide high-quality results. If Adept Owl Games Company follows the plans, its performance will improve considerably, and it will be able to accomplish its vision.


Act government (2017). Developing a Performance Plan. ACTPS Performance Framework. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Nov. 2017].

Cappelli, P. and Tavis, A. (2017). The Performance Management Revolution. Harvard Business Review. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Nov. 2017].

Chubb, C., Brown, D. and Reilly, P. (2011). Performance Management Literature Review. Institute for Employment Studies.

Corwe (2017). performance management toolkit. center for organizational and workforce effectiveness.

Truitt, D. (2017). The Effect of Training and Development on Employee Attitude as it Relates to Training and Work Proficiency. SAGE Journals. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Nov. 2017].