Performance Objectives, Branch Location, And Decision Factors Of Avis Car Hire

Various Performance Objectives of AVIS

1. Discuss the various performance objectives of AVIS.
2. Explain why Avis Car Hire tries to locate branches close to its customers.
3. Analyse the various factors that influence Avis’s decisions about where to locate a new branch.

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Business organisations sometimes face difficulties in identifying the proper location for the business establishment. The selection of the relevant location can be considered as the major priorities in determining the achievement of the competitive advantage (Kerzner 2013). AVIS Car Hire is a company, which is specifying the internationally recognised brand. The brand is operating within various countries like US, UK, Canada, Germany and Ireland. Since, the company is commendably developing; the most prominent objective is to facilitate the local operations to make the larger entity. The branch managers are taking the responsibility in ensuring the progressive attitude in the pre-determined objectives (Burke 2013). It is to be noted that the car rental signifies the huge opportunity for the competitive businesses. In concentrating on the UK market, the existence of many car rental companies is visible. Therefore, the company has set the aim of keeping the focus on the customer base and the customer services. The establishment of the skilled customer services is helpful for concentrating on the competitors (Narsing, Sanders and Ford 2014). The efficient services are included in within the core ethos of the business. It generates enthusiasm in employees to provide the higher standard of the services to the customers. However, in concentrating on such aspects, AVIS has set the aim of relocating the branches to the nearer places of the customers. The company has even established almost 350 branches in UK. The branches are only five miles away from the places of the customers ( 2016). It is to be indicated that relocating the branches can be concerned of the competitive nature of the business. Any organisation cannot relocate their branches if the locations are not relevant to the customers (Shaheen and Cohen 2013). In keeping the concentration on the competitive nature of the business market, it is required to meet the satisfactory level of the customers.

However, the company is even focusing on the factors that are influencing the local facilities along with the maintenance of the infrastructure. The identification of the availability of the enough spaces to relocate the business entity is needed to be ensured (Huefner 2015). Avis is using long-life bulbs for the signage system, which is reducing the environmental wastes and times that labours usually provide during the replacements of the bulbs. The regulators are placed in jet wash machines for reducing the use of the shampoo for the car wash ( 2016). The company is using the photocells for switching on the outside signs and lights and this is quite helpful in reducing the electricity consumptions. The process of printing is featured in the recycled printing papers to avoid wastages (Quigley and Robertson 2015). One person is hired for switching of the light of non-essential devices when the day ends. The company is using the special window blinds for reducing the gaining of the heat and determining the reductions of energy costs. Offices include the generators, which forms lower amount of heat and eliminate the requirements of cooling systems. The furniture is donated to the charities for the recycling process. The performance indicators are thus assuring the measurement of the progressive forms that can enhance the better aspects in setting the objectives.

Reasons behind relocating the branches near to the places of the customers

In keeping concentration of the competitive nature of the business, the achievement of the customers’ satisfactory level is necessary (Kell 2013). If the company can facilitate the effective customer services, it will be helpful enough in determining the progress of the organisational performance. The company even could open the new business entity in a place where the market is not present. Moreover, the UK market is much challenging, as the market competition is higher (Haensel, Mederer and Schmidt 2012). Therefore, it is required for the company to come up with new strategic ideas that can bring success for the strengthened business positions for the company. The branch managers are encouraged to take the responsibility for undertaking the local operations. If the company is being able to structure their customer base in a significant manner, the company would be capable of participating in the competitive business world (Czerny, Shi and Zhang 2015). However, this type of approach is quite helpful in determining the establishment of dynamic services, which are driven by the individual branches. Hence, each of the branches can get the opportunity to concentrate on the basic needs and the requirements of the customers.

In keeping concentration of the value proposition of Avis, the approach is really helpful for meeting the needs of the local customers. As the core element of the ethos of Avis is effective customer services, the employees are even getting the motivation to perform well. Thus, they can significantly provide the customers the higher standard of the services, which is quite beneficial for the company in associating the effective customer base (Conradie et al. 2014). The establishment of the standard customer service is considered as the key driving force and differentiator in ensuring the profitable approach of the company. This factor is the most recognisable reason for locating the branches near to the home place of the customers. As the company ensures the extensive networks of the branches, the company could establish the branches in almost 350 locations. The company is therefore operating from these branches, which are just five miles away from the customers’ places. The company even can be able to use the comprehensive checklist for evaluating each of the locations. When a company sets their location nearer to the place of the consumers, it becomes helpful for them to understand the basic needs and requirements (Karkali and Vazirgiannis 2012). The skilled employees can even get the motivation to serve the customers, which facilitates the achievement of the customers’ satisfactory level. As per the relevancies of the customers, they can demand for the services from the nearest branches (Seay and Narsing 2013). Therefore, the customers are given the opportunity to track the services as per their relevancy. Shifting to the nearby places to the customers is therefore quite fruitful for determining the strengthened position in the huge competitive business scenario. The brand image of Avis Car is thus facilitated as per their effective services on maintaining the availability and speed efficiencies. As per the case study, it has been seen that Avis has been maintaining two types of the locations. The home or city based locations are providing the facilities to the long-term business partners. The company is even stretching the large market for the personal customers as well. The individual or the business people may require the car rental for accident cover or for leisure purposes (, 2016). Hence, locating in the nearer place to the customers is quite beneficial for both the company and the customers. The second type of the location is undertaken for the branches at the airport areas. The services are mainly for the people who are travelling through the flights to different regions. The establishment of the branches in the nearer locations to the customers, the company can be able to update the customers regarding their newly launched services. Similarly, the brand awareness will be increased accordingly. The company can utilize the strong visual brand specifications to define the corporate logo and introduce the branding aspects of the company.

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Various Factors influencing the decisions of Avis regarding their proper locations

Many of the factors can be taken into consideration for deciding the exact area to evaluate the business entities (Karkali and Vazirgiannis 2012). When the organisation feels the urge of expanding the business, usually it concentrates on the location where the organisation does not have the previous locations. Even the business needs to undertake the process of restructuring or initiating the modernised structures for the operational activities. The collaboration of several existing departments into the new premises, which are built for different purposes, can be effective for the business expansion. The company is mainly focusing on the locations, which include the more business potentialities. However, the factors that are influencing the business expansion process in a new location. These are as follows:

  • Firstly, the company may select the relevant site, which promotes the cheapest cost of the buildings and lands.
  • The locations are needed to be as per the convenience of the employees. The business needs to concentrate on the recruitment process while selecting the staffs as per the required skills.
  • The business is always fascinated about a location, which is significant for accessing the raw materials. In case of Avis, the locations are needed to be nearer to the customers’ place. Whenever any customer needs to rent a car for use, they can get the services as per their convenience.
  • One of the major key factors for relocating the business is the concentration on the service and transport infrastructure. Many of the businesses require the proper transporting links and efficient telecommunication services. It is quite helpful for the company to provide the services within the mentioned time.

Apart from these influences, Avis is ensuring several qualitative influences as well. One of the major requirements of the company is to determine the achievement of the security level. For example, if Avis has to provide the car rental service, the company needs to keep the concentration on the road conditions, which determines the on time delivery of the services to the customers (Karkali and Vazirgiannis 2012). Moreover, it will be helpful enough for the managers of the company to assess the future facilities regarding the relocation of the business. Some of the environmental considerations are also needed to be taken into account while expanding the business in a new location. The environmental-friendly venture includes the following factors:

  • The company is using the long-life bulbs for the signage and this is more efficient than the standard bulbs. The process is quite helpful for reducing the wastages in the environment. It is even cutting down the times that the labours are spending during the replacements of the bulbs.
  • Avis Car is placing the regulators on the car wash and het wash machines. The regulators are thus reducing the amount of shampoo, which has been using for the washing purposes.
  • The production house is using the photocells, which are helpful enough in switching on the signs or the outside lights during the time of relevant use. It is quite helpful for the reduction of the electricity consumptions.
  • The company is using the printing process for keeping the document in a recycled paper.
  • The company is even hiring the last person who will be turning off the lights and the non-essential electronic devices after the working day.
  • The company is using the special window blinds, which are helping in reducing the gaining of the heats and saving the costs of the energy resourcing.
  • The furniture that will be used in the office premises can be recycled and donated for the charity works.
  • Company is ensuring the utilization of the efficient lighting system that is generating the lower amount of heat. Therefore, the company would not require any extra cooling system for the working purposes.

Hence, it can be stated that the improvisation of the environmental factors can be effective enough in considering the relocation of the business as per the convenience. It is to be indicated that the concentration on these factors is quite facilitating the achievement of the globalised performance. Since, the modernised world seeks for the globalised efforts and performance efficiency; the business companies are taking these factors into considerations for the beneficial attributes. The maintenance of such globalised aspects would thus add value to the restructure of the company. The concept of relocating the business will also bring the maintenance of the efficiency to determine the strengthened position of the business in the competitive market (Seay and Narsing 2013). Moreover, the adaptation of such practices would strengthen the brand image of the company more specifically. Hence, it can be inferred that undertaking such relocating strategy would be beneficial for Avis in maintaining the strengthened position of the business.

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