Personal Values And Principles In Health And Social Care Setting

Task 1


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List of own values and principles- My personal values and principles includes the values of compassion, love, endurance, kindness, considerate, trust, respect, dignity, creativity, generosity, honesty, individuality, religion and family.

List of principles of health and social care- The principle of health and social care include the principle of equality and inclusion, principle of confidentiality, principle of justice, principle of participation and principle of dignity and individuality (Munn-Giddings and Winter 2013).

Statement- My personal values are congruent with the principle of health and social care as I have always respected the rights of people in health and social service and I use my compassionate words to identify their health and social problems. My value of respect and individuality is relevant to the principle of health and social care as it helps me to maintain equality in care and take actions against any discriminatory acts against them. I can say this because of my experience in health and social care when I came across a person who reported to me he often avoids health service because of his experience of racial discrimination and inappropriate attitude of health care staffs several staffs. I made him comfortable with my compassionate words and made him believe that we respect the right of equality and no such problem will arise for him in the future. Hence, my personal values support me in management of health and social care service. 

1b Importance aspects of cultural background and life experience

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Impact of cultural background in supporting service users in health and social care setting

My cultural background and experience in my life has instilled in me the value of respect, dignity, individuality, compassion, endurance and creativity. The influence of my culture has helped me to adopt different approaches to health promotion and understand problems of people. My values of respect for others is also an important value that supports me to help service users in health and social care setting because it helps me to eliminate anti-discriminatory practice in delivery of care. Patience and endurance is a useful personal value that has supported in HSC as it helps to meet individual needs and endure difficult situation in service. Cultural bias occurs when there is cultural difference between service provider and service users and they do will to negotiate such difference. However, I have not faced any such problem since I respect other people’s value and culture and I try to give them individualistic choices as a right to service users. My value of compassion and kindness facilitates me in easy discussion about health issue with client and understanding their preference for interventions. Hence, respect is crucial factor for social work practice particularly in dealing with elderly clients with social and psychological problems.

 I approach client with positivity and it increases the self-esteem of clients. The value of respect helps me to build a strong relationship with them and engage them in cooperative discussion to bring desired outcome. Therefore, my value of respect helps me to deliver high quality care. Honesty and integrity is also an important asset for me as client’s trust me because I deliver my job in very honest way and I ensure to fulfill all commitments made by me. 

Task 2

1c- Mind map 

When I joined4 the health and social care service in the beginning, flexible working was not possible for me due to lack of health infrastructure. The advantage of the advent of mobile technology for my work was that I could easily deliver prevention and awareness information to vulnerable groups to reduce mortality rate to a large extent. It has also helped me to reach to the right people through several mobile-enabled programme to prevent disease outbreak.

The health and social care work requires a lot of patience as many times our patience is tested at work with diverse client group and issue. In order to efficiently handle such situations, being considerate and patience will help to overcome challenges in the task and support clients. Earlier I was very impatient and got irritated in such situation. However, with experience in the job, I have changes my personal values and I am now more considerate and patient while interacting with clients. The change in my personal values promotes person-centered care as I consider client’s personal values, desires, family and social circumstances and lifestyle before planning care or interventions for them. Hence, I manage to coordinate and integrate care by respecting people’s value, considering their preference in care and giving them emotional support. The ability to provide appropriate care according to people’s need help to maintain continuity within service (Bao et al. 2013).

  1. SWOT analysis of skills needed for a career in health and social care


Communication skill is the most important skills required for me as health and social care worker to work with diverse range of people in health and social care setting. My personal value of patience and endurance along with effective communication style will help to interact with patients, listen to their concern and understand verbal and non-verbal messages. The patience to listen and questioning skills will help in effective one-on-one communication (Glasby and Dickinson, 2014).


As part of my job responsibilities in health and social care, I will be involve in dealing with large number of cases and my lack of time management skills might act as a barrier to working with clients. Apart from this inability to use resources, heavy caseloads and time constraints, my limited training and experience in this sector might pose problem in this work (Foundation 2017).


The major complains reported by clients in health and social care service is the service being inflexible to the needs of client. The communication skill can act as an opportunity to deliver person-centered care by preserving client’s respect and humility in care. My compassionate attitude will help to empathize with their circumstance and make adjustments to make their life better (Foundation 2017).


Any form of aggressive attitude or behavior is a major threat for me while working in health and social care service. Violence with client may lead to legal action. Hence, I have to maintain advocacy in my health and social work by making clear statements about actions to be taken with client to avoid any conflicts. The client’s right should be maintained to create trust and facilitate effective response to intervention process (Parrott 2014). Secondly, flexible work hours might challenges me in my work because then I will have to learn both family and professional responsibility. It might create a challenging situation for me in terms of team morale and management of task (Cameron et al 2014). In addition to these threats, threat might also come from other directions such as moving into a community team and policies aimed at more personalized care service. In such situation, I will have to make changes in regulatory practice strategies for social work (Larkin et al. 2014).

According to the Honey and Mumford questionnaire, I got maximum score in reflector learning style followed by theorist style. Hence, it depicts my dominant learning style is the reflector style and I agree with the reflector learning style because I also try to learn by reflecting on my past event. I analyze my mistakes to make improve my behavior in the future. I can say this through one of my experience in workplace. Once I had to deal with an aged client suffering from depression. He was feeling very low and had number of challenges in his life such as physical illness and divorce. As I was new to the job then, I realized that I could not provide him the comfort needed. I found that I was incompetent in realizing his competent needs and he was very frustrated at  me. He was not interacting with me properly too. Hence, I faced problem in attending to his complex needs. However, I did not let the matter pass by and immediately contacted my seniors to identify my mistakes. I narrated him the whole scene. I got to learn that adults have wide spectrum of disabilities and they need high level of complex care attention. The client was frustrated because I could not understand his needs through his gestures. Hence, to correct my action in the future, I took certain advice from my senior before proceeding with developing the care plan for the client. Therefore, I improved my competency in practice by liaising with my seniors to learn from his experience as well as incorporate my skills in the care plan.

  1. Professional development plan

Learning Styles


Personal objective

Professional objective

Short term (End of term)

To effectively utilize my compassionate attitude to establish rapport with client and make them comfortable.

To promote professional development by enhancing my communication skill to effectively identify health and social issues in client.

Mid term (One year from now)

To make my service providers and client satisfied with my work and ensure that they trust me through my interest and passion for care.

To be able to emotional, physical, social and spiritual needs of client and promote their recovery through my training and experience in protection of elderly, infection control, first aid and medication knowledge

Long term (3-5 years from now)

To be renowned as health and social care professional with expertise to deal with diverse group of client.

To partner with different agencies to reach to larger group of people and make their lives better by patient-centered care and high quality intervention.

  1. Progress in objectives-





Target date

Actual date

Progress update/ obstacles

Establish rapport with client (short-term)


Communicate with patients and make them comfortable

Good verbal and non-verbal communication skill

30. 03.2017

Achieved one week before

Clients are comfortable while interacting with me

Identify complex needs of client (short-term)


Giving more time to listen and assess clients

Knowledge, skill and key assessment tools


Not achieved

Time constraints and workload acting as barrier in achieving the objective. I am planning to achieve this objective in another two weeks time. 

Increase patient’s satisfaction with my service (mid term)


Coordinate with client to identify health and sociocultural needs

Creativity, problem solving and interpersonal skills

1st June 2017


Still facing problem in solving complex health needs of client and I am reviewing current evidence of best practice to develop this skill within the set target date.

Identify emotional, cultural and spiritual needs of client  (mid term)


This can be done by means of holistic assessment

Experience in dealing with large number of client

1st June 2017


Still not proficient in promoting spiritual well-being of client

To be renowned as health and social care professional with expertise to deal with diverse group of client (Long term)


By enhancing rate of positive outcome in client

Experience and expertise in health and social care

1st Jan 2019

Not reached

Still in progress as this will require considerable time and energy in the job to gain complete excellence in my professional practice

To coordinate with other agencies


By establishing partnership with other organization

Knowledge of legislation and policies

1st Jan 2017


Not yet done as this a long-term goal for which action will be taken later.

Till now I doing good with my personal objective, however I am still struggling to identify the complex needs of client. Due to huge demand and case load, I feel time constraints as a major challenge in effectively interaction with clients. The inability to listen often gives the client the attitude that we are not showing respect to them. I am still trying to manage time as well as assess clients effectively.

I have improved of many of my weakness which I used to feel earlier. I don’t feel too much pressure now as have developing in all areas of competency such as innovation, creativity, problem solving skills, interpersonal skills and ability to work with clients. However, I am still not proficient in team working skills at my workplace. Hence, my current focus is on this area now.

  1. The above mentioned plan will be effective for advancing my career in health and social care because this is based on analysis of my key strength and weakness in the job. My ability to understand my weakness in specific area and my knowledge about the competency required in health and social care sector will support me to align my skills to the required competency. By making update and progress notes, I can identify my challenges and seek support from others resources to improve my practice. By regularly updating the plan, I can record further changes to the plan based on new development in service or any challenges faced in practice. This will be an efficient method to reflect on past events, learn from them and modify strategies for the future. Despite my planning to modify my strategies for professional development from time to time, time constraints and the priority to handle heavy workload may compromise and halt my progress.Certain unforeseen event might also come in the way of my developmental plans. For example, certain health and safety incidents and emergency may arise in work setting which might force me to tackles those emergency first rather than focusing on my developmental plan. In that case, I will have to be prepared to respond to emergencies at short notice. This might change come in the way of my professional development, however I will also gain benefit from this kind of experience in my work practice.
  1. In relation to work at health and social care service, two different professional relationships are seen. One is the therapeutic relationship with the client and other is the interdisciplinary team work relationship with other staffs at the workplace.

The characteristics of a therapeutic and professional relationship with clients are as follows:

  • Health and social care worker attitude to show, respect, empathy, endurance and good communication along with the confidence in their skill to provide a safe environment to care fosters an ideal therapeutic relationship with clients. It increases patient’s trust and confidence in the carer and they are motivated to get recover at a fast pace (Kitson et al. 2013).
  • Maintaining professional boundaries with clients because the work involves dealing with vulnerable people and it is the duty of a worker to ensure that their support do not cause any harm to them. Professional boundaries help to manage emotions and preventing the relationship from slipping over the line. This is also necessary to avoid conflicts at workplace (Huby et al.2014).
  • Prioritising service user’s involvement in care by finding time to listen and engaging in shared decision-making process. Client’s with diminished capabilities should be valued and supported by respecting them and providing them detail information about care plan. Proper feedback system along with high standard of service user involvement helps in build therapeutic relationship with the clients (Lawrence et al., 2016).

The key characteristics of inter-professional team work in health and social care includes-

  • Integrating set of values to provide direction to team service provision.
  • Demonstration of team culture based on agreed consensus on work process and ideas to avoid errors and increase the pace of intervention.
  • Promote patient-focused service with good team management and documented record of outcomes.
  • Collaborative decision making and intra-team communication to handle huge caseloads.
  • Promote independence of work and autonomy in care process
  • Facilitates personal development though training and other opportunities for career development (Nancarrow et al. 2013).
  1. While working as health and social care professional, I have faced issues both with my client as well as with team mate. I will narrate this experience to demonstrate how I resolved the issue while dealing with each relationship.

Issues in therapeutic relationship with client

 During my initial placement at the workplace, I came across a 15 year old girl who had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Based on reviewing her past medical reports, I got to know that despite several course of pharmacotherapy, she was struggling with poor mood. She was also performing very poorly in her school. However, I struggled to make a care plan for patients as I could not determine why medications did not provided her relied from her symptoms. I realized that my incompetency in communication skill might be a reason the client is not revealing some important aspects of her life. I called the client again the next day and explained to her empathetically if she hides something from me, I will not be able to treat her properly. After much coaxing and warmly gestures, she finally confided to me that she was also taking some drugs with some of her friends at school. I was very ecstatic at that point because the client’s ability to communicate her issues with me helped me a lot to overcome my challenges in developing the care plan for her. At that point, I thought that my incompetency was the reason for which I took so much time to understand the complex need of the client. However, I got to know from my seniors that distinguishing between bipolar disorder and substance induced mood disorder is difficult for an experience worker too. Hence, I was relieved that I could interact with the patient effectively to promote therapeutic relationship and help her recover from her ailments by means of comprehensive care plan.

Issues related to team work relationship in workplace-

In our workplace, we had a team of directors, management team, area management, senior care staff, care staff and other workers to collectively provide high quality support and care to people with health and social issues in life. In our training session, we were taught about infection control and hand washing techniques while dealing with clients. However, the next day I found a newly appointed care staff going about from patient to patient without following the hand washing technique. I was in a dilemma whether to report this to senior management or let the matter go by. However, after assessing the situation, I realized that error from one staff might hamper meeting our shared objective of care process. It might create a bad reputation for our organization. Therefore, I finally made the decision to confront the staff because her irresponsibility will affect the team member’s commitment as well as health and well-being of clients. Although the staff felt bad when I first approached him about his negligence, however my ability to explain him the consequences of disruptive behavior helped me to solve the conflict and error in team member’s professional work.

Rights of service users in health and social care are as follows:

  • Human rights-To get all the human rights in care by showing the client respect and addressing any inequality in care.
  • Service users right to privacy and confidentiality- They have the right to expect that all their information is kept confidential and their case will be discussed with no other expect the inter-professional team (Reamer 2015).
  • Right to autonomy-The principle of autonomy allows service users to take their own decision based on choice of health care interventions (Entwistle et al., 2010).  
  • Right to dignity-It involves recognizing intrinsic value of client in treatment process.
  • Right to security-Vulnerable service users requires a balance to promote their independence as far as possible with causing unnecessary hazards (Aveyard and Sharp 2013).

Evaluation of personal effectiveness in supporting rights of clients in health and social care

During my role as a health and social care worker, I have always advocated against the violation of the rights of service users at my workplace. For example I had found many new staffs displaying inappropriate behavior at the workplace which violate client’s right to security. They lacked the commitment and understanding that their callous attitude of not attending to service users on a timely basis may significantly create health and safety issues for the client. I advocated for the protection of patients by immediately reporting the matter to eliminate the callous attitude towards client in service. Furthermore, I have also witnessed events where client’s right to autonomy was at risk. This occurred when care staffs were found to discuss about client’s in front of a member who was not part of the care team. This was an unethical practice by staff. In my own personal practice, I have faced dilemma where client’s right to security and autonomy was at stake. This occurred when a patient with acute pain in legs refused pharmacological intervention based on religious ground. If I had continued with the medication without client’s consent, the right to autonomy would have been violated. However, if I had listened to the client’s request, it might have caused him more harm and suffering. Hence, my evaluation of the situation was that client protection and well-being was my utmost responsibility. Therefore, I had to consistently insist to the client regarding the ill-effect of not taking the medication before he finally agreed to take it.

  1. Personal contribution in workplace
  2. As part of a team- My role in my workplace is to provide direct care and support to client based on assessment and analyzing the case history. Our team goal was to enhance and maintain the quality of assistance to improve the quality of life of clients. I contribute to the team work by carrying out all my responsibilities and then reporting about the day’s task to my assistant manager. In case any client is ready to seek the service, I also report to registered manager to allocate support staffs for the client after admission to the unit. In case any client needs home service support, I also transfer the message to required staffs involved in billings and arrangements. By this way of coordination between team members, I promote efficiency in service. While working in the team, I have seen aggressive and violent behavior of patients and family members due to some errors committed by team members.To avoid this kind of incidence in my workplace, my goal is improve overall team performance by advising all staffs to create link between task performance and service user outcome. Often wrong priority in task management leads to errors and this can be improves by understanding the task of high priority. 
  3. As an individual with one or more users-

As the work demand in our workplace is high, I have often to deal with one or more users at a time. This has created challenging situations for me in the past. My inability to manage more than one user at a time affected my relationship with client. However, with my dedication to excel in my practice area. I make efforts to understand my quality of care and support by analyzing my performance from the perspective of a service user. This process of mutual understanding of the needs of service users finally helped me to overcome the challenges in work practice. I make it a priority to provide timely, accurate and good quality service to each user. I determine my priority areas by calculating the degree of urgency in each user. I try to do this by making update about each case and the progress or outcome achieved so far.   

  1. Work role- My work responsibility includes managing risk and complexity in people with health and social care needs and those who are socially excluded in the society. I work with my team to integrate health and social service by focusing on prevention and well-being of clients. With the new development in health and social care, the focus for me is developing innovative social work practice so that right support is provided to users. I am also required to work in collaboration with other professionals and management team to respond to client’s need at the earliest possible stage.

I am involved in identifying risk and complexity in people seeking health and social care support. However, my job role limits in me certain other areas of work in my practice. For example many a time’s clients come with accidental injuries and I fail to provide routine medical care to them in such situation. Hence, my strength is in identifying psychosocial challenges of patient; however certain clinical responsibilities affect my ability to provide comfort to clients. Hence, my job role limits me in some way in providing holistic care to clients.

The impact of change in regulation is also seen in other staffs at my workplace as they also have to be aware of the latest requirement to proceed with the work. Secondly, use of old and outdated resources creates time constraints problems for workers which has affect on timely delivery of care. Secondly, use of outdated equipment often create a bad impression on clients as now all are connected to latest technology and they don’t get satisfied with use of outdated resource in health and social care.

  1. Tuckman’s stages of team development was developed by Tuckman who propose certain stages in team development that helps a team to grow, overcome challenges and achieve the desired goals and objectives. The four stages include forming, storming, norming and performing (Betts and Healy 2015). I had been a part of a clinical team supporting frail elderly people in meeting their daily life needs. This integrated service that utilized the expertise of team members evolved through the following stages-

Forming stage- At this stage, we were not clear about our role in supporting elderly people. We were highly dependent on our team manager for guidance and direction to go about assisting elderly people. At this stage, there was no systematic process set up so that each members work in a coordinate manner to deliver care. The manager had to spent lot of time in answering to team member’s query and understanding the different required for promoting independence of frail older adults (Anderson et al. 2014).

Storming stage- At this stage, the main goals and objective of the elderly support service was implemented. Now the team was moving the work allocation and team arrangement phase. However, this phase was the most challenging and chaotic time for our team. Although members has the clarity of their responsibility in the job, however many uncertainty still existed. Lack of knowledge, resource and training was acting as major distraction in establishing an integrated health and social care service. At this stage, based on competency

and expertise in skills, our manager tried to provide necessary training to help us efficiently carry out our duty in assisting older adults, identifying their complex needs and planning effective interventions for them.

Norming stage- A stage of normalcy was finally achieved in our team, when the leader took the initiative to collect feedback about process from team, interpret the challenges and seek solutions to them by means of training or other activities. By this time, our team was strong and competent and key responsibilities were divided among different team members. Performing- With clear vision and strategic awareness, our team was fully committed to providing ethically and legally acceptable care. The preciseness and clarity in purpose along with systematic work process facilitated client’s satisfaction with our work and rise in number of people seeking our service.

If I would have been the manager of the team, my approach towards smooth performance of the team would have been to enhance the team member’s skills, knowledge and attribute in understanding the psychology of ageing process. This would have help in aligning the intervention specific to the needs of frail elderly group and promoted rapid assessment and care planning process (Cox 2015).

  1. When I was involved in team work for frail elderly people, our team was involved in assisting frail elderly clients who were suffering physical and emotional difficulties in life. I realized the main focus was on timely assistance to treat just their physical needs. Although patients recovered physically, but spiritual well-being was not observed as our team spent very little time in identifying the psychological problems of aged people. As I have knowledge in understanding psychological aspects of care, I aim to contribute to the enhancement of team performance in meeting cognitive and emotional needs of frail elderly people by the following ways:
  • As frail elderly people are often subjected to disrespect and ignorance by family members, they develop mental problems apart from physical ailments. They often lack the motivation to recover as they have little purpose in life due to abandonment of work and professional responsibility. My suggestion is to facilitate spiritual well-being and spirit enhancement in frail older adults by providing motivational interventions in front of junior and experienced team members. This will help to understand the strategies needed to deal with emotional problems in elderly people and extracting their inner conflicts from them. This will develop my team performance in spiritual well being of client too(Ryff and Singer, 2013).
  • To address issues of depression in elderly clients, I want to arrange a simulation experience with my all team members. This will enhance team member’s capacity to provide comprehensive care by exposure to cognitive and emotional needs of clients. Furthermore, this knowledge will assist team members in planning activities and engagement for older adults (Houben et al. 2015).
  • To maintain emotional well-being in adults, I arrange better training program for staff regarding identifying biological and family risk in clients. Certain experience in life might be a factor for their poor physical and mental health. Getting to know about them through empathy and communication skill will promote positive outcome for elderly adults. The most important intervention will be to develop their resilience so that frail elderly adults develop protective features that decrease their risk for ailments and promote length of life (Aknin et al. 2013).  


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