Pollution: Definition, Types, And Effects On Environment And Health

Pollution Can Be Defined As Environmental

Pollution Can Be Defined As Environmental

Environmental Pollution: Causes and Consequences

Pollution Can Be How To Do Defined As Environmental Pollution?

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Pollution can be defined as environmental pollution, which is the addition of any substance or any energy at fast rate than it can be dispersed, decomposed or even recycled. Some of the major kind of pollution which are classified by environment are air pollution, water pollution and lastly land pollution. The present society is very much concerned about various kind of pollution that is light pollution and plastic pollution. Pollution of various can result in negative effects on both wildlife and environment. Write on essay impact on human health  and their well-being.

Environmental Pollution is mainly caused by some of the natural events like forest fires and active volcanos. The word pollution is mainly applied to contaminants which have anthropogenic resources that is created by human resource. Pollution is mainly accompanied by human behaviour which is the group of people first congregated and remained at a place for long period of time. Some of ancient human settlements are mainly recognized by waste result in shell mounds and rubble heaps. Pollution is considered to be serious concern until and unless there was space available for individual. Ancient human settlements are frequently recognized by the waste that is shell mounds and rubble heaps for the given scenario. By the establishment of permanent settlement which is achieved by people then pollution become a major issue and till now it has remained a one.

Cities of ancient times are considered to as noxious place which is completely fouled by waste that is generated by human. The usage of coal fuel has resulted in air pollution along with conversion of coal to coke from iron. In the 17th century, smelting of iron has ultimately exacerbated the issue. In the 19th century, both water and air pollution along with accumulation of solid waste which was one of the major issue for congested urban area. With rapid spreading of industrialization and growth of overall human population to some particular level, pollution stand out to be as one of the universal issue.

In the middle of 20th century, there was more awareness regarding the need of protecting the air, land and water form pollution. It has mainly developed in some of the public sectors. In the year 1962, the mere focus is on the environmental changes which is caused by improper use of pesticide like DDT and other persistent. There is a need of accumulation in the food chain along with disturbing the balance of the ecosystem on large scale. To tackle the situation, there were major pieces of legislation that is clean Air Act and Clean Water Act was taken into consideration in most of the countries for controlling and mitigating environmental pollution.

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Types of Pollution

Pollution can be defined as the addition of any contaminating substance to the natural environment that results in adverse impact on the environment. Pollution is of various type based on the part of environment that is being polluted. There are mainly ten types of pollution that are

Air Pollution: Air pollution is referred to as the release of various toxic gases, harmful biological molecule, some particulate matter in the atmosphere. Pollution is mainly derived from various resource, which are inclusive of natural and human activity. Volcanic eruption, automobile and industrial effluents are considered to be most suitable example of source of air pollution. There are some other sources of air pollution like carbon monoxide, aerosol and carbon dioxide. This can be pollutant can have a huge detrimental effect on health can well of various of life.

Light Pollution: Pollutionin the night environment is mainly caused by anthropogenic light, which is termed as light pollution. This particular kind of pollution is mainly caused by some of excessive light on the street, stadium floodlights and industrial area lights. There are some harmful effects of light pollution, which is inclusive of spoilage of aesthetic environment for a place result in disturbance in the whole ecosystem. This ultimately aims to harm the health of various living beings.

Noise Pollution: There are many instances when the environment is completely filled with unpleasant sound which can become harmful to both plants and animal life. Transport vehicle, industries, loud music and people yelling are most common causes of noise pollution. This particular kind of pollution in the long term interval can result in chronic diseases like cardiovascular. The overall health of the people is also affected by noises.

Plastic Pollution: Plastic Pollution is merely caused by the accumulation of plastic in the present environment.  Plastic is known to be a non-biodegradable waste which is very much harmful to life on earth. With each passing year, thousands of animals lose their lives as a result of plastic pollution. Ingestion of plastic object can result in death of most of the animals. Most of the generated plastic in the whole world ends up in the oceans where they can result in great harm to the whole ecosystem.

Thermal Pollution: With result in changes in the overall temperature for large volume of water can easily result in thermal pollution. This particular kind of pollution leads decrease in the overall quality of water as warm is not ideal for living condition of both flora and fauna. For example, water, which is added like coolant in some of the power plant or which is used in industries is mainly released in the natural body. The warm air mixes up with rest of the water that increases overall temperature of the ecosystem. With high temperature along with alteration of composition for some of dissolved elements in the water bodies. The living flora and fauna which is living in this areawere mainly adopted for particular range in temperature which is killed by change in temperature of the water. Aquatic life aims to experience a proper thermal shock, which is due to thermal pollution.

Air Pollution

Visual Pollution: Everyone around the globe aim to see clean and green spaces along with beautiful vistas. At present, human has installed ugly barriers to open and cluster vision of free-landscape. Installation of billboards, trash of open storage and network of electric wires crossing each result in visual pollution. Visual pollution ultimately leads to distraction, eye fatigues and lastly diversity of opinions.

Water Pollution: In simple words, this can be defined as contamination of water bodies rivers, ponds and last aquifers by various pollutant. Similar to air pollution, water pollution is considered to be as one of most harmful consequences for various type of pollution. This particular can have severe consequences for living beings that contaminate water. Major volume of pollutants that are produced on the land ends up to the water bodies. Some of toxic waste which is being released by industries released pathogen from sewage and harmful chemicals from runoffs of agriculture. It is defined as topwater pollutants. Any kind of contamination of water can easily lead to epidemic and pandemic diseases that can wipe out the population of any species and many other species. Water pollution aims to have adverse impact on society, economy and environment of a given place.

Radioactive Pollution: Radioactive substance which is present everywhere aim to have unintended effects. It generally results in type of pollution which is known as radioactive contamination. This particular kind of substance is considered to be highly toxic for various life on earth. Radioactive substance aims to trigger mutations for generic materials for living organism that ultimately leads to various kind of cancers. Long term exposure to this kind of toxics can easily impact various system of the body. Overall death or disfiguration which are common effects for exposure to radioactive waste. Any kind of irresponsible management for waste or radioactive disaster are considered to be common result of radioactive contamination.

Soil Contamination: If the soil of any particular area is contaminated then it will to soil pollution or degradation of land. Soil is considered to be an important factor for the growth of plants, which is inclusive of crops that are grown on the soil. Chemicals from industry and agriculture are considered to be as one of the most common contaminating of the soil.

The presence of environmental pollution ultimately leads to issue of pollution control. Proper efforts are being made along with limit that results in release of harmful substance in the environment. In the 19th century, water, air pollution along with accumulation of solid waste resulted in huge amount issues concerning congestion in most urban areas. It can be achieved by control of air pollution, treatment of wastewater, hazardous waste management. There have been a certain number of attempts at air pollution control, which is given scale of the issues more specifically in the less developed countries. Increase in the level of air pollution is considered to be very much common in large countries. The issue of plastic pollution on land and in ocean has grown by single use of plastics on worldwide platform. Along with this, emission of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane results in global warming. These gases ultimately result in huge amount of threat to both public health and biodiversity.