Principles Of Human Resources Management

Job Analysis

The productivity of the organization is dependent on the functioning of the workforce and the manner in which the activities are executed as per the objectives of the business. The issues that are faced by the business is related to the lack of skilled chefs in the market which has affected the proper functioning of the organization as per the goals of the business.  On the other hand, the recruitment of kitchen and bar staff as the newcomers is expected to pay 15% higher wages. It has affected the recruitment policy of the organization while operating as per the objectives of the business. The proper functioning of the systems of the organization is dependent on the smooth operations that are undertaken by the HR department related to the selection of the skilled workforce.

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The ageing workforce and its implications on the productivity of the organization has helped in maintaining the different levels of change in the systems. The skilled workforce helps in maintaining the quality of the activities that are undertaken by the business. On the other hand, the different key aspects of the change in the systems of the business are based on the functioning of the workforce, which is based on the proper changes in the systems of the business.

(Introduction?) We have identified the following issues with Capital Hotel; the high attrition rate in recent years, idle time in housekeeping and negative feedback from customers. We can understand the causes of these and ensure that staff are of the right fit to the roles through observation, interview and questionnaire.  

We recommend conducting interviews for catering and reception through informal setting so that staff can share without being restricted to fixed questions on the tasks, difficulties faced, skills required and other concerns. (introduction?) We noted that there is a diverse age demographic. In order to capture the various views of different age groups, we will conduct group interviews with existing staff by department and further segregate by Generation Z (aged 20 and below), Generation Y (aged 21 to 41), Generation X (aged 42 to 53) and baby boomers (54 and above). We will also conduct exit interviews with resignees to understand their reasons for resigning and how they think the job can be better performed. *Missing citation*

For the housekeeping department, we recommend analysing the job through observation as we can oversee the whole process due to the short duration. Through the observation, we are able to learn more about the roles, gauge the average time needed to tidy a room and understand how the idle time can be allocated.

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Through the job analysis, we will be able to identify the inefficiencies and how productivity can be improved through the right tools and environment, and training to improve the knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics (KSAO).

Kitchen staff – As the Hotel is not able to compensate with higher wages, we recommend to motivate the staff through job enlargement. Apart from preparing ingredients, kitchen staff can cook simpler dishes and this will be viewed as gaining experience and career progression.

Work Design

Chefs – Give chef the autonomy to decrease the number of items or re-design the menu so that the kitchen staff can cut down time on ingredients preparation and dish preparation.

Bar/waiters – Automate ordering system so that bar/waiters can focus on adding value by providing better service to customers. When customers are pleased with the service, the staff receives clear information on the performance effectiveness from the work, which in turn motivates the staff.

Housekeeping – Instead of working 6.30am-4pm shift that has 2 hrs of idle time, allow flexitime from 7.30am-3pm or 10.30am-6pm so that it allows them to have more time out of work.

There are different ways of recruitment for Capital Hotel. For higher management level positions, recruitment can be done through referrals or specialised industrial platforms so that the suitable candidate could be located as soon as possible. For entry level jobs, recruitment posters, e-recruitment platforms or walk-in interviews could be used so as to minimise the resources and effort to scout for a suitable applicant.

For Capital Hotel, recruitment for senior level positions such as the head chef of Food and Beverage Department should be done through referrals. This is because there are alot of chefs in the market but there are limited chefs that are of top quality. To find the best Chef for the Catering Department, it is better to have a friend referral as he/she knows the Chef personally and could testify that he is the most suitable candidate for the job.

For recruitment in junior level positions such as the restaurant waiter/waitress or the housekeeping cleaner, walk-in interviews could be conducted as almost anyone could qualify for the job. Applicants with experiences would be a bonus for the hotel. However, for applicants with no prior experience, on-job-training should be provided for them so that they could acclimatise to the Standard Operating Procedure and that will relieve some stress of them.

In addition, the HR Department could also propose to the higher management team in the organisation to promote those deserving employees to higher level position. This is an advantage for the company as the promoted employee are well versed with the culture and operation of the organisation and will be able to adapt. Moreover, it will keep the morale of the employees high as they will feel that their hard work and perseverance will pay off eventually.

It is a daunting task to find a suitable candidate for the senior level position, even if a suitable candidate is found, not every top-quality Chef is suited to work in all restaurants. So the HR Department must be proficient in their recruitment process. As for junior level positions, it is up to the department and HR managers to handle their interview process and settle them in to their job scope as soon as possible so that minimal issues would occur.

Employee Selection is the tedious process of putting the right person on the right position. To achieve this, the HR Department could implement Content Validity or Construct Validity to select the right applicant.


For senior level positions such as the Head Chef, Content Validity should be used as it specifically tests the applicant’s’ set of skills in accordance with the job elements. The senior level position often has high content validity, especially for the position of Head Chef, which requires specific skill sets. If the applicant fulfills more than half of the job’s element, he could be more than suitable for the job.

In addition, Aptitude Tests and Achievement Tests could be conducted to further determine the suitability of an applicant for the job. Aptitude Tests refers to the assessment of an applicant’s ability to learn or acquire skills and abilities. Achievement Tests refers to the measurement of an applicant’s existing knowledge and skills. These tests are conducted as there might be more than one applicant that fulfills the required job elements. The tests would further shortlists the suitable candidate and the best candidate will be selected to fill that position. 

To do a para intro

On-job training (OJT) is able to enhance employee professional competencies of knowledge, skills or behaviours in their daily work (Lin and Hsu 2017). Incorporating a buddy system into OJT, not only train a new staff on their daily operational roles, but also foster relationship between colleagues, as they are able to interact and guide each other along. At the same time, hotel employees prefer hands on training whereby they are more relatable to their profession requirement and environment and provides interaction to ask questions (Kim and Kizildag 2011).

Ground staff are operational employees and their daily works are routined, therefore OJT are able to train new staff for operational work duties and maintain standards in their work role. Having a senior buddy provide new staff with a role model and person to consult when they have any queries. The training will be for a duration of one month and consist of a checklist of daily operational work, customised for each occupational group. Acknowledgement will be required on the completion of each item as a formal recording. The buddy system will enable new employees learn on daily operational duties as well as learn how to handle the situation when issues arises as they are watched their seniors perform the roles.

Succession planning enable Capital Hotel to identify capable employees and train them for career progression into their future role. At the same time, it provides a ‘pipeline’/pool of individuals with the necessary competencies and experiences to step into leadership roles through coaching, mentoring, training and professional development opportunities (Simpson and West 2014).

With career development in place, it also benefit in retaining employee as they are able to advance through their career, and not kept stagnant. At the same time, employee are able to identify the competencies they need to progress to the next stage of their career.

As departmental supervisors are usually promoted from within the department, there is the need to have a ready pool of candidates to take over the roles of current supervisors. Development coaching includes aspects of mentoring and focus on the long term development on coachees skills to prepare them for future roles (Hawkins and Smith 2013, 34-35). Therefore, using development coaching will enable current supervisors to provide guidance on roles and responsibilities of a supervisors to the coachee.

Having a management employee promoted from within has the advantage in cutting the training required to get the employee familiar with the organisation culture and operations.

To be able to train supervisors to take on role as a management employee, they need to be exposed to the roles and responsibilities of different departments through job rotation. Allowing them the opportunity to take part or lead management assignment projects. At the same time, they need to be equipped with leadership and management skills through formal courses.

Training of Sous Chef!!!!!


Therefore, from the above analysis it might be stated that the proper functioning of the systems of the organization is dependent on the recruitment of the skilled workforce, which will be helping the same in maintaining the efficiency of the functions. The issues that are faced by the organization relating to the recruitment of the skilled workforce is being enumerated as per the analysis. on the other hand, the report also outlines the recommended activities that might be  considered by the organization to resolve the issues that are faced by the same while operating in the local markets.


Boris Gryosberg, Nitin Norhia and Claudio Fernández-Aráoz. 2009. The Definitive Guide to Recruiting in Good Times and Bad. Harvard Business Review (Online). May 2009 Issue.

John Reh. 2018. Understanding the Role and Scope of the Senior Manager. The Careers Development (Online). Expansion of the Typical Manager’s Role

William C. Byham and Paul R. Bernthal. The case for Internal Promotions. Development Dimensions International. MKTLDWP03-0502.MA

Lin, Shu-Rung, and Chun-Chieh Hsu. 2017. A study of impact on – job training on job performance of employees in catering industry. International Journal of Organizational Innovation (Online) 9 (3): 125A.

Simpson, Katherine and Patricia J. West. 2014. “Succession Planning and the Talent Management Toolbox.” In Succession Planning and Implementation in Libraries: Practices and Resources, edited by Kiyomi D. Deards and Gene R. Springs, 133-152. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-5812-7.ch006

Hawkins, Peter, and Smith, Nick. 2013. Coaching, Mentoring And Organizational Consultancy : Supervision, Skills And Development. 2nd ed. Open University Press.

Kim, Jungsun (Sunny), and Murat Kizildag. 2011. M-learning: Next generation hotel training system. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology 2 (1): 6-33. doi: 10.1108/17579881111112395