Produce suitable section sizes for simply supported beams subject to combined loading. Please design a reinforced concrete beam based on the…
- September 20, 2024/
Produce suitable section sizes for simply supported beams subject to combined loading.
Please design a reinforced concrete beam based on the following data:
Bending moment (DL): 130kNm
Bending moment (LL): 60kNm
Shear force (DL): 80kN
Shear force (LL): 40kN
Concrete characteristic strength (fcu) : 30N/m
Reinforcement characteristic strength for high yield reinforcement (fy) : 500N/m
Reinforcement characteristic strength for mild yield reinforcement (fy) : 250N/m
Concrete cover to cover to reinforcement : 30mm
Singly Reinforced Section Deasign and Doubly Reinforced Section Design