Project And Program Management Of Megatronic

The Definition of Project Vs Program

Discuss about the Project and The Program of Megatronic.

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I agree with the approaches set out by Mike Fritz as the  definition of the project or program is although twisted in case of Megatronic but helps in producing flawless products. The bounding box concept followed in the organization is quite interesting and effective. The concept of program in the organization has an aim of delivering new products. The products that are released after certain modification including the cost cutting, increasing sustainability is referred to a project. Therefore, the concept of the project and the program is very interesting and different in this case with a clear and effective definition of the same. This is therefore an efficient approach of managing the different processes and operations of product development. The program is planned keeping in mind the requirements and the set boundaries of the bounding box theory. This ensures the delivery of product within the schedule as the schedule conditions and the boundaries are very tight in the bounding box concept. Furthermore, the different factors of the bounding box concepts depend on risk, size and opportunity (Milosevic, Patanakul and Srivannaboon 2010). The approver of the management, which mainly includes the major stakeholders and sponsors determines the different range of condition that defines the bounding box. Therefore, the concept of the box depends on the agreement of the stakeholders, which relates to the concept of the traditional program management as well. I agree with the set approach by Mike Fritz because the policies that are proposed consider NPI or new product introduction as their top endeavor. This helps the programs to win over project. This is a great concept that works in favor of the business profit for the organization, as the NPI is responsible for increasing the market value and the popularity of Megatronic across the globe.

The company Megatronic has an interesting way of distinguishing between projects and programs. The only advice I want to give to the company is that the their process of differentiating a project and the program is very different from the normal definition of these two entities and therefore the new employees should at first be thoroughly trained about these methods. This is essential, as the definition of these common terms is very different in Megatronic (Milosevic, Patanakul and Srivannaboon 2010). Another suggestion that I would like to give the company about the differentiation between project and programs is that the program development in the company is subjected to completion of a program within the schedule without considering its cost. This can be avoided with a planned approach of project or program management. This is essential because following the traditional approach of developing a program, the cost of production may exceed far beyond the limit than expected. This can have a negative effect on the company. Furthermore, completing the project within a constricted timeframe may have adverse effect on the product and its development. However, the process and the definition of program and project are very clear and the way they do the works are lucid as well.

Efficient Approach to Product Development

The solution that I would suggest is the chemical based security system proposed by the Early Birds, Ltd. This is because it meets the standard and complies with the law. This is because although it is not the system with the lowest cost, it is a system with a reasonable cost. Furthermore, this system is easy to use to some extent. The company has a prior business relationship with this vendor and therefore negotiations may be possible, which result in lowering the cost of the system. The system is needed to be implemented within the next 60 days and this system is generally delivered within the 30 days of order placement (Milosevic, Patanakul and Srivannaboon 2010). Therefore, it would help in installment of the system within the deadline. The most important aspect of this system is that it provides a spraying area of 250 square meters. The maintenance cost of the system is reasonable as well as the maintenance plan is calculated in terms of the whole project and not according to the units.  The chemical based system is an increasing trend and therefore can be considered for this purpose. Since it is easy to use to some extent, a proper training program would sufficiently help the employees and the staffs in using the system. With the limited information that is provided by the vendors, and after proper analyzing those content. It is recommended for the organization to use the services provided by the Early birds limited. This is because it covers the major aspects of the requirements and the demands of the finance manager, plant manager, production manager and the safety manger. Therefore, it can be said that the system or the services that are provided by Early Birds limited are suitable for this case.

A program is a compilation of different tasks that have exceptionally large, long range objective, which are broken down into a number of projects (Shao, Müller and Turner 2012). The fire extinguishing systems were to be installed in the new building and James Duff was assigned to evaluate the systems that are to be installed in the new building. The systems were to be implemented as an initiative to fulfill the employee safety issue. Therefore, it would have been better for the company to involve not only the program manager but also the manager of the different sectors to suggest and appropriate system. James Duff however took the right decision to involve the views of the plant manager, safety manager, production manager and the finance manager. This was essential because the system that was to be implemented involved a large investment and had the criteria of fulfilling the legal issues related to the employee safety (Milosevic, Patanakul and Srivannaboon 2010). The primary criteria of decision making should not be the suggested features by the different managers but the functionality of the system. If these criteria would have been used as an accessing scale and primary aspect of decision making, James would not have faced so many difficulties in selecting a proper system.  

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Challenges and Suggestions for Process Improvement

The ideal decision of the Executive Team according to my view should be allowing the program to move to the phase 4 along with the permission to incorporate the new transition enquiry feature. This will although require an additional time of two months to complete and an extra cost of $100,000, incorporation of that transaction inquiry feature will make the system much more user friendly (Milosevic, Patanakul and Srivannaboon 2010). Since the system is to be developed for the employees and customers, it is essential for the system to meet all the criteria of managing the different functionalities with ease. This decision is justified because along with the schedule and the cost, the quality of the system is the topmost priority. Furthermore, it would not be a wise decision to implement the system without addition of the proposed feature because it would be difficult to add this feature during upgrading the system. It would be a costly upgrade process as well. Therefore, it is an effective decision to incorporate the same feature during the implementation of the system. This will prevent the hassle of making modification of the system later on.  Furthermore, the project manager Julia and her team were proactive in including all the necessary requirements in the project plan and were responsible enough to report the project progress to all the stakeholders as well. Keeping in mind the good track record of the project manager and her team I think the executive team would take a decision of moving on to the next phase of the project execution along with the permission to incorporate that feature into the system. Stakeholder management is a critical component required for successful delivery of the project (Practitioners’Guide 2016).  It is essential for the project team members to keep them updated about the project progress and the different processes by which the project can be improvised. The project manager performed all the duties of project management with ease and therefore the decision of giving the project manager and her team to a chance to improvise the project would be an appropriate decision. However, since the addition of the new feature would need a cost and schedule revision, the team would have the need to speed up the implementation procedure. The decision of the executive should not ideally be the “kill” decision as the record of accomplishment of the project progress and the project team members are noteworthy. Furthermore, the decision should not be a “hold” decision since it would delay the project for a long period, which the organization cannot afford at this moment. Considering all these aspects, I consider that the ideal decision of the executives should go in favor of the project team members. This decision would however indicate the need of budget and the schedule revision that may affect the organization to some extent. However, considering the necessity and the benefits of the system, I find the decision of the executive should ideally consider the addition of this feature and approving the project to move on to the next phase.

Program Initiation

The program strike zone is an interesting concept for maintaining the different process and the programs effortlessly. It is an effective tool that is used in tracking a program’s progress towards the achievement of the key business result by identifying the critical success factor of the program. The major objective of the program strike zone is to develop the measures of a program that is important to the company. This allows the team members in working within a set boundary. The program team is further empowered to execute the program only if its meets the specific requirements. The major benefit of program strike zone is that it fosters excellent communication on the program objectives, expectations and the program status throughout its entire life cycle (Milosevic, Patanakul and Srivannaboon 2010). Another major advantage of this program strike zone is that it is generally used to focus the team and the management’ attention of the different critical program issues that can be faced while executing the program. The different program status are marked appropriately in this system that helps in managing the different programs or project more appropriately. If a program meets all the requirements and the management approves the threshold, the program status is marked in green. This reflects the steady progress of the project and therefore requires very less attention. On the other hand, if the critical target or the limit is compromised, the situation requires an immediate attention; the tasks are generally marked in yellow or red according to their severity. This is a primary benefit or advantage of this system as it helps in understanding the different status of the works. This helps in prioritizing the operations or the processes that requires immediate attention. The program strike zone provides useful and timely management and provides guidance for better program monitoring and controlling purposes. The major disadvantage of program strike zone is that proper defining and identification of the boundaries is necessary for proper project management. If the company fails in setting up the boundary correctly, the program strike zone may not work.

The major challenge in program governance in implementing the program strike zone is identifying the critical success factor of the program. This is very important in prioritizing the project as it provides a means of timely management guidance for better program monitoring and control purposes. Furthermore, proactive attention is needed for checking the progress of every projects that would further help in proper program management. Another major challenge that the organization might face in managing a project with the implementation of a program strike zone is the planning and execution of the program within the set boundary of the program strike zone. This would further create a problem in execution of the project that follows an agile project methodology approach. This is because it would be difficult to add new feature and scope to the project if its objectives and boundaries are already defined. These are the basis challenges of implementing a program strike zone concept.

Stakeholder Engagement

I agree with the given statement because it is truly difficult to make a clear distinction between the project and the program. Project and the program can be explained in simple words. A collection of different project makes a program. Program therefore is considered as broad project subdivided into different phases. These phases can be considered as small projects that has set or defined objectives. The different projects can be combined to develop a program. Therefore, it can certainly be said that the program management is more than a scaled up version of the project management. Many different projects are collaborated in developing a program, the programs might include elements that are outside the scope of a project.  This is because a huge task or program is subdivided into number of phases, which is known as project. These projects generally have a clear scope and combination of these small projects helps in development of a program (Kerzner 2013). The program has an altogether different scope as the combination of different projects gives rise to the program. Since a program is a large entity, it is expected to include different out of scope objectives as well. Therefore, it is possible for the program to include elements that are outside the scope of individual projects within the program. Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to the project activities to meet the requirements. While the program management deals with the management of different coordinated project in obtaining the benefits and controls for managing them individually. Many product deliverables is included within a program, which can benefit the management. Therefore, it can be said that a project and a program is related, as the programs requires successful implementation and execution of different projects. Therefore, without project, a program does not exist and therefore it becomes very difficult to make a clear distinction about a project and a program. Program management can be termed as a scaled up version of project management because the program management includes further more detailing and need more monitoring than a project. Since a program is comprised of a number of projects, even the failure of a single project may result in the failure of an entire program. Therefore, a scaled up monitoring and control is required for program management, which may not be an essential need of project management. Programs include elements that are outside the scope of a project, as collaboration of many projects makes a successful program (Conforto et al. 2013). Therefore, it is obvious that a program will include elements that are outside the scope of the individual projects within a program. The concept of program management is therefore far more complex than that of the project management and therefore it can certainly be said that the program management is more than a scaled up version of project management. The statement is justified as it draws a proper line of distinction between a project and a program and therefore I completely agree with the statement.


Conforto, E., Rossi, M., Rebentisch, E., Oehmen, J. and Pacenza, M., 2013. Survey report: Improving integration of program management and systems engineering. MIT Consortium for Engineering Program Excellence.

Kerzner, H., 2013. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.

Milosevic, D.Z., Patanakul, P. and Srivannaboon, S., 2010. Case studies in project, program, and organizational project management. John Wiley & Sons.

Practitioners’Guide, A., 2016. Project Stakeholder Management.

Shao, J., Müller, R. and Turner, J.R., 2012. Measuring program success. Project Management Journal, 43(1), pp.37-49.