Project Definition And Objectives: Implementing An Automated Order Taking System At Café Qualiteria


Café Qualiteria is a recently settled café that has been open for 6 months. Because of remodels in the neighbourhood, open stopping and an enhanced road scape, they have seen a huge increment in clients eating at the café. These issues have been conveyed to the consideration of administration by kitchen staff, holding up staff, verbal client protestations and also grievances by means of web-based social networking. Keeping in mind the end goal to address the developing concerns, the Café Manager has examined executing a mechanized request taking procedure for holding up staff with the Café Owner. The proprietor has accepted this proposal and chosen to proceed with the venture which will see the usage of a framework that will enhance the effectiveness of the holding up staff, arrangement of dinners and stock control and accordingly enhance client benefit. The subsequent framework to be introduced will incorporate a progression of handheld gadgets to take orders from clients and have those requests made accessible to the kitchen staff electronically.  

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The main objectives of the project are as follows.

To install a new information system for Café Qualiteria 

The uses of the information system will be as follows.

  • To increase accuracy of taking and delivering orders
  • To increase the communication between kitchen chefs and sales stuff
  • To monitor and document the inventory content
  • To manage the placement of stocks in the inventory

The main desired outcome will be a new information whose features will be as follows.

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  • It should be able to increase accuracy of taking and delivering orders
  • It should be able to increase the communication between kitchen chefs and sales stuff
  • It should be able to monitor and document the inventory content
  • It should be able to manage the placement of stocks in the inventory 

The scope of the project includes the following.

  • The scope of the project includes installation of information system
  • The scope of the project includes development and upgradation of communication system
  • The scope of the project includes development of online inventory database for management of stock updates

The exclusions include the following.

  • The changes in business operations are excluded from this project
  • The updates in the inventory are out of scope of this project
  • Changes in services are out of scope of this project  

The constraints of the project are as follows.

  • The budget is limited to $100,000
  • Since it is a small scale internal project, the time schedule is limited
  • The available technical setup at the cafe is not sufficient and up to the mark

The assumptions are as follows.

  • It is assumed that the budget will be sufficient for the project
  • It is assumed that the project can be completed within the proposed time schedule
  • It is assumed that the technical setup can be upgraded for supporting the new information system

The user(s) and any other known interested parties

The interested parties and stakeholders are as follows.

Executive – Café Owner, John Pikamon

Senior User – Café Manager, Alicia Charman

Senior Supplier – For procuring and supplying necessary resources for the project

Project Manager – For planning and managing the project

External contractor – For development of the information system as the Café does not have the skills internally to be able to manage this type of project

Team Manager(s) – The team manager will manage the development team and bring changes during the information system development

Project Support – His duty will be to support the project and the developers during unforeseen risks and incidents

Project Assurance – To ensure the delivery of the project within the specified time

Change Authority – For change management role   

(Describing the justification for the project based on estimated costs, risks and benefits) 

Café Qualiteria is a recently settled café that has been open for 6 months. Because of remodels in the neighbourhood, open stopping and an enhanced road scape, they have seen a huge increment in clients eating at the café. These issues have been conveyed to the consideration of administration by kitchen staff, holding up staff, verbal client protestations and also grievances by means of web-based social networking. Keeping in mind the end goal to address the developing concerns, the Café Manager has examined executing a mechanized request taking procedure for holding up staff with the Café Owner. The business case justifications based on the expected goals of the project are as follows.

Reduced Order taking by waiting staff – Allowing the sales stuff to accept more orders in a shorter time

Project Objectives

Sending orders to kitchen staff electronically – Allowing delivery of more orders per day

Kitchen staff notifying waiting staff that orders are ready – Allowing delivery of more orders per day

Monitoring and reporting stock levels for current orders being taken – Increased efficiency of handling orders as well as payments

Monitoring and reporting stock levels for reordering purposes – Increased efficiency of handling orders as well as payments  

Executive – Café Owner, John Pikamon.

Senior User – Café Manager, Alicia Charman

Senior Supplier – For procuring and supplying necessary resources for the project

Project Manager – For planning and managing the project

External contractor – For development of the information system as the Café does not have the skills internally to be able to manage this type of project

Team Manager(s) – The team manager will manage the development team and bring changes during the information system development

Project Support – His duty will be to support the project and the developers during unforeseen risks and incidents

Project Assurance – To ensure the delivery of the project within the specified time

Change Authority – For change management role  

(Describing the quality techniques and standards to be applied, and the responsibilities for achieving the required quality levels) 

The project manager should prepare a specific quality standard. The project should be executed by aligning with the quality standard. The project manager will need to monitor and control the project so that the quality standard is maintained.  

(To define the parties interested in the project and the means and frequency of communication between them and the project) 

There will be daily day end meetings between the members of the development team and the project manager so that the project manager can be aware of the progress of the project. Moreover, any new requirements and changes are to be communicated to the project manager for approval.

The main objective of the communication is to continue the flow of information between the related personnel of the project. This is important for monitoring, control and change management in the project. The project manager must be able to know the progress in the project so that he can suggest suitable changes in the project. Moreover, communication also aids the coordination between different departments in the company that in turn decreases the delivery time of the service or the product.

Project stakeholders, that is, people who were distinguished by bosses and companions as being people of impact among their associates, were welcome to sit on a Director’s Advisory Committee that met quarterly. Staff were additionally urged to submit questions by means of the website; fitting executives distributed an answer on the Web webpage, generally inside a couple days. For a time of six months preceding the execution of the arrangement, a day-long meeting to be gone to by all staff over the state was advanced. The promoted reason for the meeting was to dispatch the new arrangement, offer conclusion to the past structure, and commend the future triumphs to be accomplished. Improvements in the rebuilding arrangement were talked about at those gatherings and input on the execution procedure was looked for from the conclusion pioneers. Assessment pioneers were urged to share data gathered from these talks. All work force, including bolster staff, were urged to go to this meeting. 

Desired Outcomes

The change administration correspondence plan was actualized in a huge, complex, topographically scattered open division association with a focal managerial unit of the project. Work force trusted the loss of the previous structure had moved many assignments to district workplaces and the solidification of provincial regulatory units emptied severely required assets out of area workplaces. Comes about indicated profound and across the board disappointment with the new structure. Regardless of rehashed endeavors to clear up the method of reasoning for and advantages of the rebuilding, faculty kept on imparting their disappointment to the new structure at gatherings with managers and overseers, through a progressing review that checked work force’s recognitions and concerns, and through assessment pioneers who met consistently with the association’s executive. Not long after start, in any case, extra financing decreases were reported. The subsequent key arrangement consolidated extra rebuilding in managerial and supervisory assignments, arranged decreases in the span of the association’s workforce, and significant adjustments in representatives’ duties and supervision. The change procedure tended to in this review was begun inside that setting of disappointment with the aim of planning another key arrangement. 

(Summarizing the project-level controls such as stage boundaries, agreed tolerances, monitoring and reporting)

The project will be controlled by the project manager. He will monitor the progress of the project and control it based on the requirements and unforeseen incidents.

Project control is essential in order to achieve a successful outcome of the project. Moreover, without project control, the project may get out of scope resulting in loss of budget and time.

As arrangements were formalized, consideration was paid to sharing the sorts of data expected to guide work force’s convictions about the new arrangement and to rehearsing the essential correspondence procedures expected to advance comprehension and maintenance. Toward the begin, the association’s executive and individuals from the regulatory bureau held territorial gatherings amid which they displayed the latest data, tended to questions, and directed roundtable dialogs to share and assemble criticism from staff. Around eight months after the fact, executives rehashed these exercises at the association’s yearly meeting. Early data underlined the error between where the association was and where it should have been heading, however as the objectives and strategies of the arrangement were figured, data about the propriety of the arrangement and the adequacy of the association were added to the message. Heads additionally took exceptional care to exhibit their support for the arrangement. Work force were likewise urged to join any of eight issue boards of trustees that were arranging particular parts of the vital arrangement. As data was shared, essential correspondence principals were rehearsed. Messages were shared needlessly, in both eye to eye and intervened organizations, and utilizing an assortment of media. As specified before, the change message was partaken face to face by top directors at the two authoritative gatherings, in standard and progressing up close and personal gatherings with chairmen and administrators from all levels of the association who, thus, talked about the arrangement in littler group and workforce gatherings. All through the arranging procedure, less formal open doors were made for workers to discuss the key arrangement with their local or district chiefs. Data about how people inside the association would be affected by the arrangement (valence) was shared by managers along the line progressive system amid up close and personal gatherings. The change administration message was likewise partaken in print and electronic scenes including a semi-month to month electronic authoritative bulletin and the routinely disseminated electronic local pamphlets noted above, in spilling video refreshes from the association’s chief and individuals from managerial bureau that were transmitted to staff all through the framework, and by means of an all around advanced hierarchical Web webpage that was dedicated to sharing data about key arranging procedures and particular choices as they were made. 

(A summary of how PRINCE2 will be tailored for the project.)

Café Qualiteria is a recently settled café that has been open for 6 months. Because of remodels in the neighbourhood, open stopping and an enhanced road scape, they have seen a huge increment in clients eating at the café. These issues have been conveyed to the consideration of administration by kitchen staff, holding up staff, verbal client protestations and also grievances by means of web-based social networking. Keeping in mind the end goal to address the developing concerns, the Café Manager has examined executing a mechanized request taking procedure for holding up staff with the Café Owner. The project will be controlled internally with the internal supply of resource and budget. No external sponsors and stakeholders will be used except the external developer. 

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