Proposal For An IT Function In An Online-Consultancy Company

Description and Relevancy of Current Project

For the current project a useful IT function is proposed. This justifies the contribution to the business strategy of the scenario. Information technology has turned out to be a main driving force in current organizations. Here, they have been seeking to get IT applications helping sell those services and products efficiently.

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Here the relevance of this project is analyzed from the managerial perspective of an IT management consulting organization. In this company, every justification services are done online. The report analyzed those justifications over various functionalities towards present business strategy of the given organization.

The managing of an information system or MIS is the study of people, organizations, people and relationships. This professional in this area helps firms to realize the maximum benefits from investment in business processes, equipments and personnel. Thus it is a people-oriented field having an emphasis on service through technology. For instance, at XYZ systems, the professionals have been generating the company’s information system regarding data management like storing, searching and assessing data. Moreover, they have been able to manage different information systems for meeting the necessities of customers, staffs and managers. Through working collaboratively with various members of the groups and clients and customers, MIS professionals have been playing a primary role in sectors like exchanges, integration and information security (Galliers & Leidner, 2014). Thus designing, implementation and using business information systems in various innovative methods has been raising the efficiency and effectiveness of the company.

At business the innovation is used to support intelligence, operations, processes and IT. These tools have been moving data and manage information. Moreover, they are been central to information management disciplines and considered the first system of information age. MIS generated data-driven reports helping business making proper decisions at proper time. As MIS has been overlapping with different disciplines, there have been some differences (Bryson, 2017).

For instance enterprise resource planning assures that every departmental system gets integrated. MIS has been using those connected systems in accessing data to generate reports. IT management has been overseeing installation and maintenance for software and hardware that are parts of MIS. Here this distinction has been much fuzzy (Park & Lee, 2014). E-commerce activities generate data that are used by MIS. Here, in turn MIS has reported on the basis of data affecting processes of e-commerce.

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Cloud resources are to be developed, accessed, migrated and then multiplied into real time for meeting needs of the current organizations. There trusted cloud must consist of applications that must be accessible through particular device over Internet. Since, XYZ has been searching for various advantages of cloud-infrastructure delivery for they IT department, they have needed to commensurate compliance and security. The multi-cloud strategy can change XYZ’s capabilities and contribute to their bottom line. Here, the speed of adoption relies in how quick trust and security is this cloud model can be implemented in XYZ.

Management department:

However, it must be reminded that management is important for successful deployment. Further, in every cloud model, risk profile for security and data changes is a vital element to decide what model is suitable for current organization.

Proposition of IT Function under the Scenario of XYZ

HR department:

Here various HR functions have been that they have been heavy on data processing. Till the arrival of cloud-based solutions various HR processes are to be handled. This is employee data management and offline performance management or internal platform.

Networking department:

This helps in accessing networking respurces from any core th9rd-party providers and can be shared. This has been describing model for to enable on-demand, ubiquitous and convenient network access to any shared pool of various configurable computing resources

Security department:

Besides, it must also blur various conventional and physical boundaries for defining and securing data resources of the present organization. Here, software and cloud infrastructure turns out to be new standard. This is the security that relies over static elements such as fixed network perimeters, hardware and here physical location would not be guaranteed (Schneider & Sunyaev, 2016).

Technical Support department:

For IT department, their cloud model should be delivering convenient and different on-demand access to different shared pools of infrastructure and hardware. This must be made possible through effective virtualization, provisioning and automation tools. Moreover, the model should decouple software and data from servers, storage systems and networks.

The cloud computing has been from a business model where the resources are shared (Malik, 2016). For instance, the multiple users have been using similar resources at the network level, application level and host levels. Further, it has comprised of pay as you go options where the users have been able to pay for resources that are actually in use and for the only time they are needed (Morana, 2017).

Next there has been worldwide access. Here cloud computing raises mobility and one can access documents from any device at any section of the world. Moreover, there have been more storages, so the organization never needs to runs out of space on hard drives. Next, there is easy set-ups and  the current business can start using information, software and resources (Grabara, Kolcun & Kot, 2014). Moreover, they are helpful for automatic updates. Here cloud computing providers have been liable to assure that various updates are there. This is helpful to save time and one never requires upgrading the device. Lastly, it is helpful to cost reduction. Since cloud is inexpensive, it can be easily installed through online. As one needs to pay for cloud computing service, this has been paid incrementally over yearly and monthly basis (Rowley & Hartley, 2017).

The IT departments are helpful for various corporate to begin their engines of digital transformations. This process needs involvements and willingness of various departments. Further, IT is a major stakeholder in this move towards digitization. This has been striking to fetch how people have been distrusting the IT department internally for embarking the journey. Further, IT is often seen as outdated and stubborn. This is the lack of needed skills and is commonly not helpful. Hence IT departments have been facing an image problem.

Thus, the above proposition of IT departments shows how the departments must be sparring partners for business. However, in various cases this is seen as an essential section of that challenge. The IT departments are totally aware how they have needed to transform and have been actually willing to do. They have been training new skills and have been betting on agile developments. They have understood the power of fast prototyping and creating of minimum value product or MVP. For example, at the same time XYZ has been trying to reinvent roles and must create a digital partner of business. In this way IT department can fight against their image. Hence, by default people have seemed to become skeptic regarding their willingness and abilities. This is often influenced through experiences in the common prejudices or previous tasks. Thus, it can be said the above proposition of IT departments have needed a marketing strategy for repositioning themselves under XYX to change those prejudices. In this way they turn into actual digital partners.


The above report shows how MIS has been a smart tool for the current orgaization. Its efficiency over decision making control can never be emphasized. Here, decision making has been the ultimate function regarding economical, complete, relevant, time and accurate information. This has forced MIS of the present organization to produce information resources having huge. The study shows that IT departments have scopes to grow their various roles and responsibilities through adopting business managements. This has been a vital element of the job, specifically as business begins to employ extra hosted services for software and infrastructure. Current landscape of IT is changing. Thus the present company has required changing themselves as per it. Thus embracing that change has not been simple. One needs to have higher responsibilities with rise in visibility and jobs security.


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