Public Health Leadership Theory To Address Shortage

Description of the Experience

Discuss about the Public Health Leadership Theory to Address Shortage.

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In week five, we tackled material about the CRC tool and correctly the first four elements of the CRC process. CRC stands for Clinical Research Coordinator, a tool that assists in the application of research to practice for the betterment of the quality of nursing care. We learned how the study would contribute to future person-centered care. In week 6, we studied the use of RLTs biological factors that can affect health and how this model of nursing will help them in future nursing practice. RLT stands for The Roper-Logan-Tierney Model of nursing which is based on daily living activities. In week 7, we again reflected on the RLTs model of nursing but looked at psychological factors that can affect health and how this model of nursing contributes to future nursing practice. Personal centered care entails modeling the nursing care solutions against the needs of the patient as opposed to against the needs of the healthcare condition. I gained plenty of insight into the concepts of nursing practice.  One of the essential elements that have been stressed in the search for competent cultural and professional care in nursing is the identity of issues related to the nursing problem in question. The identification of personal beliefs and issues connected to cultural beliefs and practices in nursing is essential for professional nursing consideration.

I felt not only educated but also enlightened by the new information that I acquired from the classes. The natural physiological disposition for every patient varies, and hence solutions to medical conditions must have this factor in consideration when designing healthcare solutions. Nurses and caregivers must be the first to be aware of their cultural identifications to control their personal biases that act as obstacles to their therapeutic relationship with their patients (Institute of Medicine , 2010). However, the persistence of the primary prepositions that nurses acquire insight into the response of the patient to the illness through the connection developed between them through the exemplification of respect, compassion and support points out the relationship between the knowledge of the nurse and a deep relationship with the patient (Lakea, et al., 2017).   

I find the Roper-Logan-Tierney to be essential for practical nursing practice today and into the future. The theory attempts to define what it means to live and in so doing it helps both patients and physicians to understand instances of sickness and disease. Social information process models enhance the connection and the comprehension of the manner in which nurses respond to the needs of patients furthering the development of nursing theories. The theories are essential in the development of research that deals with the communication between the nurse and the patients (Merrifield, 2016). Future study connected to the expansion of nursing theory identifies culturally appropriate and productive patterns of nursing response to specific interactions of the concepts involved.

Recognition of How I Felt

I had good experiences throughout my learning process. I did not have any bad experiences. I learned about the two principal theories that can be applied to effective nursing strategies. Awareness of the ‘self’ entails not only understanding a person’s perceptions and assumptions but also understanding the culture and the premises of the patient or the client (Lakea, et al., 2017). Development of self-awareness can bring into the picture the biases of the caregiver, and the beliefs imposed by their culture. Several vital scholars introduce the concept of ‘knowing the patient’ as an essential part of patient care and nursing practice (Merrifield, 2016). The preliminary lessons in studying the course provide seminal work that explores the sources used by nurses in the development of knowledge and beliefs that touch on patient care and their nursing practice.

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The theory describes four central methods of knowing which include personal, empirical, moral, and aesthetic. Aesthetic knowing refers to the art of nurse practice in which the nurse creates a relationship with the patient to make them comfortable enough to open up and offer personal information (Wong et al. 2015). Morality in nursing entails knowing what is wrong and what is right for patient care. Empirical knowledge incorporates knowledge about facts that can be put into a general category. Personal knowing entails knowing the self (Wilson et al. 2008).

I found sense in the application of RLT and CRC in nursing practice. The various patterns of knowing present are not mutually exclusive. Nurses employ the use of attributes in the all the four models of nursing care for successful nursing care performance (Battié, 2013). The Carper theory of nursing care explains how the application of nursing theory to nursing practices because of the best method of nursing practice and care. The approach of Watson’s Transpersonal Caring has evolved since its origin in 1979 (Grant, 2016). The caring process takes on five forms, which delineate into assumption avoidance, focusing on the patient under care, exact form of assessment, engagement of the nurse and the patient and seeking cues.

The concepts have a bearing on the patient outcome and nursing care. Themes that arise from cognitive interviews are used for the validation of ideas used in the theory of nursing together with the constructs of the principle of processing of social information (Mukasa, 2015). The transcripts show that peer support is an additional construction involved in the creation of the skills of communication, the enhancement of self-efficacy and database creation (Grant, 2016). Communication between the nurse and the patient affects the outcomes of nursing practice for instance regarding treatment adherence, care satisfaction, and anxiety.

Reactions to the Learning Experience

The Orlando theory of nursing process describes the reaction of the nurses to the behavior of patients as a mode of perception creation, feeling, and thought in the nurse and then the action the nurse chooses to take (Merrifield, 2016). Social information communication model describes the patterns and steps used in cognitive reasoning and used in the response of social cues that may be essential in the description of the nursing process (Merrifield, 2016). Asking about whom, what and where has become the epitome of the creation of identity. Identity is not inborn and does not appear naturally. It comes about by trying to negotiate and discuss the dominant and subordinate relationships and integrates with the historical aspects of the patient is based on their cultural experience (Boyle, 2017). From sociology, identity forms by the interactions people have with discourse and culture. Social identity has an overarching role in the development of civilization (Mukasa, 2015).

A society without an identity develops a low sense of self-esteem and has an underlying and underdeveloped sense of ethical reasoning. Such a community suffers from interpersonal severe problems and issues of social identity. Such a community is not faithful to its values and depends on alien personalities to define its values. Individuals forget about the beliefs of the organization or the society in which they live replacing them with their private interests. They take on values that make them feel less intimate with the people in the specific social groups. Identity precedes social action and is a necessary tool for conditioning in the development of course meaning and social activities. Professional identity comes out as a form of social status related to group interaction at the workplace or in the society. It refers to how people compare their characters with other professional groups to make distinctions about the values they hold dear to them.


AACN. (2011). Nursing Factsheet. Retrieved on 17, August 2018, from

Battié, R. (2013). Perioperative Nursing and Education: What the IOM Future of Nursing Report Tells Us. AORN Journal, 98(3), 249-259. doi:10.1016/j.aorn.2013.07.004

Boyle, D. (2017). Nursing Specialty Certification and Patient Outcomes: What We Know in Acute Care Hospitals and Future Directions. Journal of the Association for Vascular Access, 22(3), 137-142. doi:

Grant, R. (2016). The US is Running Out of Nurses. Retrieved 17, August 2018 from:

Institute of Medicine . (2010). The Future of Nursing; Leading Changem Adancing Health . Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US). Retrieved 17, August 2018 from

 Lakea, D., K.Engelke, M., A.Koskoa, D., Roberson, D. W., Fany, J., Feliciana, J., et al. (2017). Nicaraguan and US nursing collaborative evaluation study: Identifying similarities and differences between US and Nicaraguan Curricula and Teaching Modalities Using the Community Engagement Model. Nurse Education Today, 51(1), 34-40. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2017.01.004

Merrifield, N. (2016). Universities warn of 20% drop in applicants for nursing courses after end of bursary. Retrieved 17, August, 2018:

Mukasa, B. (2015). A Public Health Leadership Theory to Address the Shortage of Public Heatlh Leaders. Walden, 1(1), 1-28. Retrieved 17, August 2018 from

Wilson, F., Baker, L., Nordstrom, C., & Legwand, C. (2008). Using the Teach-Back and Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory to Increase Childhood Immunization Communication Among Low-Income Mothers. Comprehensive Paediatric Nursing, 31(1), 7-22. doi:10.1080/01460860701877142

Wong, C. L., Ip, W. Y., Choi, K. C., & Lam, L. W. (2015). Examining Self-Care Behaviors and Their Associated Factors Among Adolescent Girls With Dysmenorrhea: An Application of Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47(3), 219-227. doi:10.1111/jnu.12134