Ransomware Attack On Atlanta City: An Analysis Of ICT Ethical Dilemma

Professional Ethics Perspective

Some time back this year in March, there has been an incident of Ransomware attack on the entire city of Atlanta. As a repercussion of this incident, the entire city had to suffer data hostage issues and the halt to all internet related activities, even in the major networking hubs of the city. The malware had been transferred through an IT network infection which had kept the confidential data under hostage of the entire city of Atlanta. Even after a lot of months have passed since the attack, Atlanta city is still under the influence of the attack and still is only recovering from the phase.

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The process of recovery is still due for unspecified time. This had occurred only as the hackers claimed a huge sum of money as ransom from the city authorities in exchange of the data (Consequences of ransomware heat up in Atlanta — GCN., 2018). The networking system of the city had been compromised just as a huge sum of money from the authorized people. In this assignment, this incident would be discussed in details for analyzing the ICT ethical dilemma situations and the obligations the incident puts forward in wrecking the ethical properties. This would be done by three perspectives according to the ICT ethical policies, namely, Professional ethics perspective, Philosophical ethics perspective and Sociological or Descriptive ethics perspective. 

  1. Professional Ethics Perspectives

Every profession has ethical standards to maintain which is not just bound by the professional accord of a person but also should abide by the corporate behavior a person pursuing the profession. This approach to a well-maintained professional status-quo of a person is known as Professional ethics (Baer & Nagy, 2017). It is expected that a particular professional must follow the Professional ethics throughout the entire period of their service. Any professional should follow these codes of professional ethics that would enable him or her to be true to their profession. This is to imply that any professional should not perform any task in their entire professional life that would ethically harm themselves, their profession, any organization they are working with or any people or organization associated with it.

Before a person starts their professional life, they have to pass through various trainings that would satisfy the needs of the particular organization the person is working under. This does not only satisfy the needs of the organization the professional is working under but also makes the particular person understand every aspect of his or her profession and how a behavior of an individual should be towards a profession. This would make a person be extremely sure of what is the right thing to do in a particular profession so that it adds to personal as well as professional benefit (Riglietti, 2017).

Philosophical Ethics Perspective

In this way, a person can be righteous to his or her profession, and for that he or she would be ready at their toes for attempting any professional vocation for adding to the benefit of the respective profession. Besides all the righteous steps or measures taken, ethically, it is also the duty of a professional to take any step to protect individual profession and organization that the professional is working for (Upadhyaya & Jain, 2016).  From the professional point of view, in behavioral ethics of a professional, the attitude of an individual also needs to be kept under proper analysis to make sure that every professional in a particular organization has a positive attitude towards their personal and professional front. Any professional must not possess any behavior that works as a negative implication towards his or her personal and professional conduct.

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In the above case about the ransomware attack in Atlanta city, the activities of the malicious hackers have breached all the Professional Ethics and its implications (Goldman, 2018). Transferring of malicious software to a major computer holding the authority of networking of an entire city is itself a major ethical implication that has been breached at the first step. Gaining access over any unauthorized data is wrong according to the Professional ethics perspective.

From the perspective of a developer, the profession is meant for developing softwares that would ease out an organization’s business process and not harm it altogether to squeeze out data (Shinde et al., 2018). Rather, the hackers had developed this ransomware to keep intricate data of an entire city under hostage further paralyzing the entire network of the city. These actions defy the ICT implications of Professional ethics.

In addition to this, speaking from the point of view of the authorized personnel in charge of the computers in the entire city that have fallen under threat, they should have been more protective about the data from being hacked by any malicious user. Therefore, they have also failed to comply by the ethical implications of a Professional.

  1. Philosophical Ethics Perspectives

One of the most delicate aspects of ICT ethical laws is the Philosophical Ethics Perspective. It can be defined as the perspective of an individual human being who judges their own actions according to the human morals (Turban et al., 2017). Although, this depends on the self-explanatory terms of conduct, this ethical perspective depends on a person’s own discretion. He or she would reach a conclusion of judging their own actions as right or wrong based on the perspectives of human morals. For a person to be true to Philosophical ethical conduct, it is necessary that the person is morally correct in their actions.

Sociological or Descriptive Ethics Perspective

It can also be found that philosophical ethical perspective is not bound by the professional’s area of profession. It extends to an individual’s personal life as well (Darwall, 2018). Ethical choices are redeemed as one of the toughest choices to make within a professional life cycle. To maintain proper morality in the tasks a person performs in their professional field is an extension of what they ascertain in their daily life.

If he or she is not morally correct in their personal life, they could also not be able to abide by the ICT codes of philosophical ethics in their area of work or profession (Zimba & Mulenga, 2018). However, this behavior of an individual does not justify that if a person is being morally dishonest in their personal life, the same can be extended as a view to their professional life. This particular case of ransomware attacks in the city of Atlanta however has two perspectives of the approach.

From one aspect, where the malicious hackers have barged into the authorized computers, it can be clearly said that all philosophical ethical conduct have been compromised. This is because this particular ethical approach does not allow a person to be causing harm to any person or organization related to their field of profession. Here, the attackers have not only harmed the people of Atlanta, but also the entire networking system since the attackers have also demanded an entire sum of 6,800 USD per computer or a total sum of 51,000 USD in bitcoins for unlocking every computer in the city besides the haltering of the networking system of the entire city (Crane & Matten, 2016).

On the other hand, the authorized personnel who had been in charge of protecting the confidential data of the city as well as all the connecting devices including the devices that control the entire system had been in dilemma of whether or not to pay the ransom. Paying it would mean monetary loss for the city of a huge amount, and non-payment of ransom would result in intricate data compromise. The city of Atlanta had thus proven to be absolutely correct to their morals.

  1. Sociological/Descriptive Ethics Perspectives

There are many aspects of an ethics perspective in case of any phenomenon. These are normative ethics, meta-ethics, applied ethics and descriptive ethics. The normative ethics implies the ethical ways which every person should follow to maintain an ethical balance; on the other hand, meta-ethics describes the actual ethical theories related to the ethical implications behind a behavioral action of an individual (Brady, 2017).  The perspective of a descriptive behavior is a primary empirical research done on the attitudes of a group or individual person and their approach towards their respective profession.

The developers who had turned rouge enough to steal the data and information of an entire city with the SamSam virus spread over the networking system, had an idea of what the virus might do if the entire networking system of a city is jammed. Still, they did not pay any heed to the implications and carried on with their task of malware attacks and data hostage. This behavior clearly showcased the lack of morality in the malicious hackers since they knew that their actions are defying the laws of ICT ethics and human morals as well, but still did not refrain from their malicious attacks.

On the other hand, the authorized personnel who had been in charge of protecting the confidential data of the city as well as all the connecting devices including the devices that control the entire system had been in dilemma of whether or not to pay the ransom. Paying it would mean monetary loss for the city of a huge amount, and non-payment of ransom would result in intricate data compromise. They considered this as a collateral damage and paid the ransom to recover the confidential data (Basu, 2017). However, they have still not recovered entirely from the attacks, but this behavior clarifies that from the descriptive perspective if ICT ethical laws, the city of Atlanta have not been unjust.

  1. References

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