Reflective Essay On Business Research Learning

Evaluate the effectiveness and your usefulness of the learning experience

I think business research is an important subject for any business related career practice. Learning business research process brings a better understanding of business from the practical approach. This is particularly boosted by critical thinking leading to the reflection of the whole learning process. Reflection of the subjected learned to enable the effectiveness of the learning experience and its usefulness in life and career. Reflection also enables explaining the usefulness of the learning process in various aspects of life-giving attention to particularly business research learning. Reflection help evaluates what I have learned in subject, course and the program that are important for research in general. Finally, reflection enables explanation the learning business research process and its application in life and future profession. The following is my reflection writing giving critical thinking and insight into my learning of business research.   

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I think learning business research is important for my learning experience since business research currently form a major aspect of daily business life. As a business student, I think my learning experience in the subject is sufficient enough to tackle the dynamics of the business environment. This implies that skills I have learned on the subject offer me managerial techniques that are required for decision making. In addition, business research currently forms an important aspect of the learning process as the subject give the learning practical approach. The subject gives me practical skills that can be effectively applied in the business operational process to enable the high business process. Operational process of the business requires an understanding of various factors that play role in those process and this is possible through business research I have learned.  Therefore, the learning process was effective and carry more weight for the career in general.

My learning experience was very effective since it has brought a new insight and understanding into the subject, course and the entire career. For instance, the business research is the core of learning process as it gives students ability to apply what is learned in real life activities. Firstly, the value of the learning experience obtained from the subject is felt at the point of facing the business environmental conditions that require the application of skills learned in the subject. In such situation, the value of learning research skills such as data collection and analysis of data from environmental conditions enable understanding of such situations. Moreover, my experience of learning business research provides excellent management decision-making tools. Since decision making is based on the data provided by research department, the value of learning research in business comes into play. Secondly, the learning experience opens a new way of understanding business in general and application of research skills. This is particularly important for a real-life situation where I will be required to evaluate business data.

The learning experience of business research is serving in many ways some areas in my career and course in general and some of the areas are course, program, future career, and life generally. Firstly, the learning experience of the business research serves course in many ways. Business research widens my understanding of the business in general since business research cut across many aspects of business such as financial, accounting and consumer feedback giving business research a more practical approach in may course.

Explain how this learning process will be useful

Secondly, my business research learning experience betters my understanding of the program in many ways. I can apply my research skills I have learned in business research for continuous research various materials in other courses within my program. My learning of business research instills deeper practical elements of the business in the program giving the program value in learning research in general. Business research is practical aspect of business and experience gained is important for future business programs where aspects of business research will be applied. Moreover, when prompted by research course from other courses I can easily conduct an analysis of various data to present a good research paper. I have come to appreciate the role played by research in the program and without research the program proves meaningless.

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In my future career, the experience of learning business research serves to change my approach to decision making. Business management decision making requires analysis of various business elements that can only be obtained through business research. This includes analysis of business research data from financial, customers and competitors that help in decision making and better business management. For instance, learning business research provides me with skills such as data collection and data analysis that will be largely applied on a day to day company’s research and development. In order for me to understand the business environmental conditions that allow the business to strive, my experience in learning business research will be applied to analyze such conditions. The learning serves to shape my future career not from the theoretical view but from the problem solving view that is also connected to decision making perspective.

My life, in general, is impacted by experience that I have realized after learning business research. This is due to the research part of the subject that also teaches me the research skills that can be applied in various circumstances to achieve a better result. For instance, starting a business is easily facilitated by my experience of learning research skills. This, therefore, serves to assist me in my life in general. Secondly, research is becoming part of my life as the application of research skills is continuously manifested in other subjects giving me a better understanding of other subjects. I can analyze any content without any problem since data analysis skills I have already acquired from the business research. This is not only applied in business but in all areas of life. Moreover, the learning process has changed my view on the business as I switch on to approach various issues such crisis or problems in business profession from the practical perspective as oppose to theoretical view.

During the learning process, I learned various elements of a business research and research process. Firstly, I have research methodologies that enable conducting a good business research. For instance, I learned both qualitative and quantitative skills that are useful in business research. During the learning process, I learned identification of business research problem that leads to the formulation of business research objective to achieve in conducting that research. I have learned data collection techniques that are important for conduction any research not only in business research but also in other fields. Secondly, I read various secondary research data and how they can be used for understanding the particular subject in business research and development. Thirdly, I was able to visualize the way to collect data in the business research process. This is another important step in the business research process and involves the collection of particular data which is then used for the decision-making process. Lastly, I was able to hear some explanation of some data collection tools such as interview that require the business researcher to interview sources of information. During the learning process, I was able to hear discussions that ensure that I fully understood all the business research concepts both in class and in practical.

Describe objectively what happened in the learning process

The business research was useful for my research learning in many ways. Firstly, learning business research enables me to understand the research in general since the subject gave me a foundation for doing research in other subjects. Business research forms the basis of my research learning process that can then be applied to other subjects. Secondly, my research learning process has been enriched by skills learned in business research subject. Skills such as research methodologies and data collection techniques that are applied in other research subjects I have learned in business research. Thirdly, learning business research has also impacted my research understanding since the subject elaborate the research as a practical approach that brings theoretical business into practice. The subject introduces the practical aspect of learning business that is important for the continuous process of learning research.  

My learning process particularly business research in both assignment 1 and assignment 2 bring new insight that connects the two. Firstly, learning assignment 1 gives a new understanding of the business at the practical level. It makes me realize the importance of formulation and evaluating the business hypothesis that defines the business research. In addition, learning business research in assignment 1 makes it easy to feel the need for research in the business context. Secondly, the reflection of the learning process gives a better meaning to business research as it enables me to conceptualize what I have learned in business research. This is particularly important for understanding and application of the concept learned in the subject. I can now feel the practicality of the business knowledge learned in class. Thirdly, the connection between the business research I learned in assignment 1 and 2 are particularly relevant to a future career since the two bring a deeper insight into the business. Furthermore, learning various steps in business research such as hypothesis and conclusion are an essential aspect of the business process that has high relevance in business day to day life.

I think my learning process is relevant in all aspects of both business and day to day life. Firstly, my research subject is highly relevant since the current business situation requires high research and development. I will apply my research subject in many ways that include improving the business process and analysis of business data that enhance decision making. Secondly, my course is relevant since it offers me the opportunity to feel the real-life experience that is needed for business management. Moreover, all the knowledge I have learned is relevant for offering management services to business in future. Thirdly, my future profession has been highly impacted by the knowledge I learned that is critical for my approach to the business environment since I can comfortably understand business in a more diverse way. I can apply my research skills to critically understand business environment through research. Finally, the learning process is relevant to my life in general since all the skills that I have learned I will apply in life for solving many different issues. Research skills I have learned has projections of future relevance since the learning has changed my approach to real-life situations through critical thinking and analysis.  This is also important for understanding other subjects that require research or apply research skills in life.  

Evaluate what you learn


In conclusion, I have learned a lot of practical skills in the business research that gives me a new approach to business. The subject has heightened my understanding of various research skills and their application in day to day life. Business research skills I have learned can be applied in the analysis of business environmental conditions such as competitors that enable good decision making. The business research as a subject has also laid the foundation for my understanding of research, in general, giving me lifetime skills that will be applied from course to future profession. The learning experience has brought a feeling of readiness for the real-life business management process full of practical research and development.


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