Relationship Between Computer Hardware And Software: A Discussion From An Actor-Network Theory Perspective

Background of the Topic

1. Identify the relationship between computer hardware and software?

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2. Describe the most common types of software programmes and explain how they may be used to enhance management functions?

Actor-Network theory can be defined as the research that is developing in the field of science studies which bargains as the items being a piece of the informal organization. Regardless of the way that it is best known for its argumentative accentuation on the utmost of nonhumans to act or join in structures or frameworks or both, is moreover associated with convincing researches of normal and essential human science. Subterranean insect is consistently joined with the identical treatment of human and non-human on-screen characters. It acknowledges that all substances in a framework can and should be depicted in the same terms (Maple, 2012).

This section is divided into two consisting of different stories that depict the concept of contemporary computing can be seen as an assemblage and in relation to discusses the concept of Actor-Network theory. This theory serves to depict how actors structure organizations together and utilize non-human actors to reinforce such organizations together and to secure their interests (Arutyunov, 2012).

For better productivity of the systems there is a requirement for collaboration of hardware with software. As nothing can be produced only by the hardware itself in turn it requires appropriate software for production by the systems (Duran-Limon, Blair and Coulson, 2010).

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The following points can help us to describe about the relationship between hardware and software of a system:

1. The hardware and software together is an essential requirement of systems such that they can perform and produce results as both are paired to each other. 

2. The similar hardware can be used with different software’s to perform various tasks depending on the demand of the user of the system.

3. The investments in hardware is a single time expenditure except for the up gradation of the hardware’s in the system whereas the expense to software’s is a continuous process as the some programs may not be accessed using the old software’s and thus we buy new software’s as and when money becomes available or urgent need arises to access the systems. 

In addition to this we can also discuss the relationship between the hardware and software in terms of cloud computing and computer games as discussed later.

The proper running of computer games depends upon the hardware and software specifications given in the release of the game. Thus it is clear that there obviously exists an interrelation between the hardware and software of a system for the proper running of the systems. In distributed computing the hardware acts as support to the software that provides cloud services to the clients. According to the providers of the cloud services the hardware must be designed such that it serves the purpose of every client who may vary in regards to their software’s in the system. This concept of cloud computing is a evolution in the computing world as it can be used by anyone irrespective of their software platforms as they do not need to change any specifications to access the services (Andras Moritz, Narayanan and Khasanvis, 2012).


In this context of Actor-Network theory, the software’s can be defined as actors which plays an important role in the society for interconnections between the individuals. And it has totally embedded itself to our society so it can be seen as an assemblage which provides various functions to maintain the process flow in the society. So, from the above discussion it can be noted that there exists an interrelationship between the hardware and software in context to contemporary computing as it provides us with platform to interact with the computer systems. In this modern world of computing the hardware and software of a system can also be considered not only as objects but as parts of the society (Lastovetsky, 2012). 

In this section, case study methodology is used to examine the cloud computing as modern computing and discussed in accordance to the actor-network theory. In this case an example of a leading online seller Amazon is taken into account which adapted cloud services into their business according to the Actor-Network theory. The main objective of adapting cloud services by Amazon was to offer its partners with web services. In the wake of creating different sorts of administrations, Amazon reinforces the entire aggressiveness of production network operation effectiveness with her accomplices. Cloud computing administrations are enhanced from their interior IT, initially boost their business process. At that point, Amazon enlists their ecommerce partner’s embracing their web administrations, and at that point cloud administrations inserted in their daily business process. Amazon reinforces their business values through the partner’s systems shaped by IT and cloud services. Thus according to Actor-Network theory it can be said that the cloud services adapted by Amazon acts as actants in the society. And the ecommerce partners can be said as the actors acting in the society (Bansal, 2013).

Cloud computing administrations are developed from their inner IT, initially boosting their business process. At that point, Amazon enlists their ecommerce partners embracing their web administrations, and at that point cloud services. For case, Amazon enlists her online store accomplices into the actor-network what’s more, balances out system by inserting production network forms into their innovation. Amazons online store accomplices are difficult to sell out in light of bolted operation procedures in distributed computing innovation and administrations as well as services inserted in their daily business process. Amazon fortifies their business values through the partner’s systems framed by IT and cloud administrations. On the basis of Actor-Network theory, it is said that the human are the actants and non-humans i.e. cloud services in this aspect can be referred to as actors in the network. Actor–network hypothesis demands the limit of nonhumans to be performers or members in systems and framework. Despite of the conflicts in this theory, it can be assessed that actor’s means non-humans plays an important role in this society to develop the network. The modern computing technology has involved itself totally into the modern society and thereby increasing the efficiency of the daily process in the business. Thus from this research it can be concluded that in this world of modern computing, actants are an important aspect for development of the network in the society (Gander and Wanner, 2012).

Cloud Computing

The evolution in the world of gaming can be denoted as modern computing technology which is having an adverse effect on the society. According to ANT (Actor-Network Theory), the computer games can be identified as actors and it plays an important role in the network. This section is to depict computer games as actors in the network that produce encounters 1by practicing control over the client’s capacities, for instance their intellectual capacities. Utilizing PC programming more often infers that the client is the dynamic part who controls the association by data and direct control. Association with PC games is an alternate affair in light of the fact that the client demonstrates in an amusement world where the substance of the amusement has broad impact on the gamers’ conduct. In this context, we are going to demonstrate how games can be seen as actors and as coordinators of actors and activities on the basis of Actor Network Theory (Hajibaba and Gorgin, 2014).

The primary thought of Tesfay et al. (2013), this theory is that moves dependably make place in cooperation between actors in systems when performing actors impact one another and battle for force. We more often than not see social cooperation between people along these lines, on the other hand, ANT contrasts from conventional social hypothesis by expressing that the performing artists are people as well as can be different components too. According to this theory, all components including humans and non-humans are to be considered as a part of the system. On the off chance that you need to play the amusement, human and non-human, specialized and non-specialized components are a piece of the system, and none of the components are per definition allowed uncommon control over the others. The games are acting as actors in the society which helps in the development of the humans in this modern world Sayes, E. (2014).


The concept of modern computing has evolved over the few years and almost fully developed an attachment in our society Farias, I., & Bender, T. (Eds.) (2012). In this article, it has been discussed about the cloud computing quality and future innovation/administration improvement through ANT hypothesis. We contend that distributed computing qualities created through systems administration of IT, administrations, associations and their hobbies. In short, cloud computing is acting as actants in the society. In regards to computer games it can be described that the games are actors in the society which helps to develop the network in the society. Thus it can be concluded that despite of the conflicts of non-humans capability in the network it plays an important role to in the development of the network in the society (Tari, 2014).

References List

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