Report On Adaptive Systems Development Methodology And Its Two Methodologies: Scrum And XP

Advantages of Adaptive Methodologies

1. Adaptive methodologies

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General Discussion

The structure and systematic procedure of project management is adaptive methodologies that helps in improving the choices by knowledge and practices of the outcomes from several decisions, which are engaged in the earlier phases in the project. It is considered that extreme programming and SCURM are included in the adaptive methodologies.


The advantages of adaptive methodologies are:

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  • Simplified delivery: It is considered that the methodology assists in making simplified and quick delivery because the clients are comprehensively included in every step of the development of software (De Lemos et al. 2013).
  • Offers transparency: The methods of adaptive SDLC assists in permitting transparency to the developers and the clients who are involved in initial project stages.
  • Appropriate prospect of management: It is discovered that the software of adaptive methods helps in providing appropriate opportunity for the involvement of the stakeholders prior to the initiation of the project and each step of the lifecycle of the project (Zhou et al. 2015).


The disadvantages are as follows:

  • Assimilated testing: It is considered that testing and the adaptive SDLC are combined among the lifecycle of the project for improving the project cost for the entire duration.
  • Requirement of broad involvement: It is discovered that adaptive SDLC commonly demands extensive user involvement for delivering the project within the period.
  • The adaptive SDLC include a huge amount of emergence of requirements and development during the project lifetime. The needs in the future of the projects increases the cost of the projects and the projects becomes greater.

2. Scrum

General Discussion

            Scrum is a framework that is being used for addressing the adaptive problems that are complex for delivering the products with maximum value (Kniberg 2015). It is among the simplest structure that is utilised for generating efficient collaboration among the team.


The benefits of scrum are as follows:

  • The methodologies of scrum assists in allowing the complete project where the documents of business requirements are effectively established (Von Wangenheim, Savi and Borgatto 2013).
  • The discovery of issues are conducted during the daily meetings that assists in finding an efficient solution for the problem
  • It is among the measured approaches, which assists in appropriate updates regarding the development of the meetings of the project.
  • Scrum methodologies guarantees effective utilisation of money and time
  • An effective distribution of large projects into manageable segments is conducted by the methodologies of scrum


The SCRUM limitations are as follows:

  • Responsive scrum is measured to be among the leading reasons for phenomenon of scope creep as the date and the time period of the project is pre-defined.
  • The situation of a absconding member of the team during the development process produces negative impact on the project management (Mahalakshmi and Sundararajan 2013)
  • It is discovered that, in the situation of improper commitment of the team members, the probability of the failure of the project increases.
  • The adoption of the framework of the of Scrum is very difficult for the team members
  • The quality is difficult to implement, until aggressive testing process is executed

3. XP (Extreme Programming)

General Discussion

            The extreme methodology is considered an agile framework for the development of software that is based on the development, which mainly aims in producing an appropriate software quality and appropriate life quality for greater quality of software for the team of project development. XP is reflected to be a significant structure in the practices of engineering for development of software.


Advantages of XP are as follows:

  • XP assists in generating software rapidly for consistent testing inside the development stage of the project
  • Extreme programming increases the visibility and accountability of the project.
  • Simplicity is reflected as a significant advantage for the projects of extreme programming.
  • The employees satisfaction is increased with extreme programming


The limitations are as follows:

  • XP does not focusses on the project design as it is code focussed
  • XP is not reflected as the finest selection as geographically separation of the programmers is not achieved
  • It is discovered that the measurement of the assurance of the code quality is not ensured by XP and therefore it can create deflection among the complete preliminary code


            Hence, it is recommended that the methodology of SCRUM is best suitable for developing innovative systems in the “Odd Jobs Limited” organisation. This methodology is recommended because this methodology aids in completing the project work for the organisation in cheaper cost and less time. This methodology assists in creating certification of the requirements of the project. Furthermore, it is discovered that appropriate update is achieved for achieving effective project success with the support of the methodology.

Part B – Modelling and Diagramming  Event Table


Event Type



Activity/Use Case

System Response/





System is being accessed by customers for registration


Customer registrations

Customer details are being recorded by the system




Login credentials are entered by the customer

Customer enters information


Authorization is verified 


Create Job


Customer requests vehicle


Creation of Job

Job is created



Enter vehicle details


Details of the vehicle is being entered

Contracting staff

Record Vehicle hours and Details 

Details are recorded by the system


Create customer invoice


Preparing the invoice for customers


Invoice generation

Invoice is being generated and created for customer

Contracting Staff, Database

Generate report


Job is completed


Run reports

Detailed reports


Management of staff


Staff records entered by admin


Staff details

Details are recorded by the system





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