Report On Recruitment In An Industry/Organisation For Woolworths


The integral and the most significant part of the company are the employees. It has been seen and proved that no company has the capability to run without established human resources. In the recent times the competitive market has grown to such an extent that if the accurate person is not placed in the appropriate position then the functioning of organisation may be affected largely. Employees if selected excellently by HR and if they are been provided with the suitable job role can help to run the organisation efficiently and also provides the future replacement potentially. Therefore, the process of hiring is significant the organisational function. The hiring process starts with the planning of human resource that helps in determining the type as well as number of people that is required by the organisation. Analysing and designing of job helps in specifying the tasks as well as the expected qualification from HRP job prospective. The process of hiring is ongoing as it is not been confined to the organisational formative stages. Moreover, the growth of organisation diversifies and takes over different units of hiring (Van Eeden, 2014). The processes of hiring can only stop when there is non existence of hiring. Hiring is been done by two broad activities namely recruitment and selection.

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In this report we are considering Woolworths as an organisation which is one of the largest supermarkets in the world and it first started its operation in Australia. In this report the internal as well as the external issues of Hiring process with highlighted with the methods of hiring. In this report we are mainly going to concentrate on the process of recruitment.

Recruitment plays a significant role in conducting the function of the organisation. Recruitment of new employee’s takes place as the old employees retires or many of the employees switch the job which causes the vacant position in the organisation. Recruitment is the simple process of for searching the job application form which the appropriate candidate is selected. The process of finding as well as attracting applicants who are capable for employment is been termed as recruitment (van Eeden, 2014). The process starts with the screening and sorting of the employees from their curriculum vitae and it ends at interviewing the candidates. The process ends at selecting the candidates as new employees.

Though the term recruitment is easy to hear but it has some serious factors that affect the recruitment. There are several factors which affect the process of environment. The two categories of factors those affect the process of recruitment are internal factors and external factors.

The internal factors also known as endogenous factors are set of factors that occur within the organisation and affect the HR personnel at the time of recruitment. The internal factors that affect the organisation are as follows:

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Organisational Size: The organisational size affects the process of recruitment. If the organisation is large and well established they find the recruitment process to be less problematic and easy on the other hand if the organisational size is small then the process of recruitment is quite difficult. The reason behind this is big organisation is having a good infrastructure for setting up a recruitment process and step of interviewing the candidates are more genuine with thorough check up of the candidate’s knowledge as the candidate has qualify few number of rounds (Aviv & Feldman, 2015). Therefore the candidates they are choosing will be the best and will ultimately help in the progress of the organisation. Woolworths at first was a small store in Australia and now they have established globally will have a excellent conduction procedure of recruitment where the candidate goes pass through several interviews round before get selecting. Therefore the organisation is hiring the best talent available in the market.

Factors which affect recruitment in Woolworths

Recruiting Policy: The organisational recruitment policy can take place in two ways. The ways are internal and external sources of recruitment. The internal source of recruitment is the process of referring a candidate of an employee of the organisation. The external source of recruitment is the process of recruitment that takes place by the procedure of screening the curriculum vitae, sorting it and ultimately calling the candidates whose vitae have been selected for the interview process. The interview process could be the written examination followed by rounds of verbal interview with the managers. This long procedure of interview is majorly been conducted by big organisation. Woolworths majorly prefer the internal source of interview as the organisation’s own employees refer the candidates and the employees will know which type of candidate will fit in the organisation. But according to me the external source of recruitment should be more and preferred than that of internal source as many of the deserving candidate will not be getting chance to crack the interview and get a job in their desire position. Moreover the candidates who are being interviewed coming from the reference of the internal source does not have to go through such phases of interview and therefore it may happen that the candidate chosen is not of the best quality which may hampers the organisational function.

Organisation’s Image: The organisational image is another significant factor that has impact on the process of recruitment. The organisational good image is been evaluated by the number of overt as well as cover actions earned by the organisation. It helps in attracting the talented as well as potential candidates for the respective organisation. The actions taken by manager such as public relation as well as rendering public service which incorporates the construction of buildings or having excellent CSR, increases the positivity of the image of organisation. Woolworths have a great image on the society. CSR activity of the organisation is also fair. Therefore the organisation attracts many candidates who want to set their future career in this reputed organisation (Breaugh, 2013). The organisation needs to improve the CSR strategies a little bit more and also the organisational hierarchies are need to be more careful about their juniors for the betterment of the organisation’s image.

Job image: The job image is been characterised by better remuneration as well as good conditions of working. Promotion as well as development of career also falls under the policies of organisations. These attract the potential candidates. Woolworths have a good image of the job. The remuneration provided by them is fine but it could be improved for motivating the employee and attract more and more candidates. The working condition is fair and to make it excellent the working hours needs to be reduced and for increasing the engagement of the employees feedback sessions are needed to be held. The organisation provides the promotion of the employees in the right time and in a streamline action. Special examinations are been arranged for the employees if they want to take the promotion (Walsh, 2014). Therefore from these actions it is clear that the organisation has a great career development path in their policies and this attracts more candidates to work for them.

Internal Factors

As there exists internal factors like wise there exists some external factor which greatly affects the external factor as well. They are as follows:

Demographic Factors: The demographic factors are been related to the human beings such as employees therefore it has profound impact on the process of recruitment. This factor includes ageing workplace, diversity, sex, generation and literacy. Ageing population is one of the significant factors for the recruitment process. This means that if the concentration of ageing workplace goes on increasing for the organisation then it is needed for the HR manager to re-evaluate and rethink the process of recruitment. As the ageing population increases the organisation gains some advantages as the people who are working for long years are having the practical knowledge about the work (Mortimer & Ingersoll, 2015). But the efficiency of the work may decreases. Woolworths faces the problem of ageing workplace. As the ageing population of the workplace does not co-operate with the new employees and therefore the organisation faces the problem. Moreover, the ageing population creates the barrier of recruitment also. Therefore the organisational head and the HR manager need to solve these issues as it is one of the most sensible issues (van Eeden, 2014). The cultural diversity also plays a significant role. Woolworths give first prior to the citizens of Australia in the process of recruitment as it is an Australian based company. Therefore the company may loss the potential candidates who are of different culture and this in turn may affect the people. The gender also plays a significant role for the recruitment. Woolworths being retailer market recruits both male and female candidate. The female candidates also play a significant role for the organisational function. The generation Y who are been taken by the organisation also plays the significant role (Bailey et al., 2015). The generation Y started expected more from the employers which is also a problem for the HR. The generation Y in Woolworths causes problem regarding many issues. Therefore the organisation has became much aware of the facts and the managers started looking after the personality and the perception factor of the candidates at the time of interview. So many of the candidate who are potential of doing the good work but need some groom for the organisation for their personality development, those candidates are facing the problem. Therefore the new generation is also a problem for the process of recruitment. Therefore the managers have to be careful at the time of recruitment so that no deserved or potential candidates are been dejected from their deserved job (Norton, 2015). The manager can also include the trait theory at the time of recruitment as the trait theory is one of the best in observing and judging the personality of the candidate.

Labour Market: The condition of the labour market which can also be termed as labour demand and supply is very much significant for the process of recruitment. If the demand for a specific skill is been highly relative then the supply for that particular skill will become easier. Woolworths being a supermarket requires many type of skilled employees. They require the skilled employees in the field of sales, accountant and IT for securing their servers and maintaining the daily services. Therefore it is not easy for the HR managers to recruit the people as they require employees of various types of skills. The HR managers need to screen and sort the curriculum vitae more in an efficient way for calling the most eligible candidate for the interview. The interview for different department should be held by the respective department managers and then the round of HR  should take place (Stone & Deadrick, 2015).

Organisational Size

Employment Agencies: There are various private agencies which registered the candidates for providing them employment according to their qualification. It also helps the employer to seek the right candidate from the data bank. The agencies work for the organisations by selecting the right candidates who are appropriate for the job and send them to the organisation for the interview. Woolworths is also associated with a third party organisation who selects the candidate for them. One of the issues with Woolworths is that the candidates they take from the third party organisation are all in the department of sales and those employees remain in the vendor payroll. The vendor payroll is not that good as of the companies direct payroll and therefore they are not satisfied with the salary. This led to the discrimination amongst the employees. Woolworths definitely can select the candidates from the agencies but they should absorb the candidates in their own payroll (Bauum & Kabst, 2014).

Advertisement: It can be used as a method of recruitment for the post of clerical, sales, accountant, managerial and technical. Woolworths is having all the posts in their organisation. The higher the post become within the organisation consequently it requires specialised skills for the specified posts and founding those employees in the labour market is very much difficult. Therefore the method of reaching to these employees who are having experience in the specialised department can only be reached with the help of advertising as the data bank of those people are not been available in the agencies. Therefore for reaching those people the ultimate way is to advertise the vacant position (Leekha Chhabra & Sharma, 2014). Woolworths advertise the vacant position through their websites. The organisation can take the step of advertising through digital media or the newspaper media through which they can advertise the vacant position.


Thus the report reflects the importance of HR for proper functionality of the organisational system. The role of HR is therefore very much important for selecting the appropriate conditions and giving them the appropriate job role in the organisation. The process of recruiting is ongoing and it should be done in the best possible for conducting the business of the organisation in the most efficient way.

Reference List

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