Resources For Computing Architecture, Operating System, Networking Protocols, And Social Media

Steve Jobs and his contribution to computing architecture development

This resource elaborates the role play of a great computer architects named as Steve Jobs the founder of Apple Inc. The success story of Apple computer and  its operational and functional excellence are illustrated in this resources I have selected this paper because I felt that the author have done vast investigation on the inventor and his knowledge on the managerial skill as well. The different theoretical and complimentary conceptual skill this great entrepreneur has is also illustrated in this research paper. I also realized that, besides this person also many well known personalities are there such as the inventor of Facebook, PayPal etc.

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A descriptive finding has been done by the researchers to complete the survey to get effective resultant from it. It is determined that different industries where, the entrepreneurial skills are required to be managed. In the modern field of computing architecture, Steve Jobs put huge and great contribution. This particular resource missed many of the practices and technical skills that Steve jobs used while designing the system architecture and also his contribution as a leader in Apple Inc s also not demonstrated in tis research paper. The outline of the designs and the details of the software and hardware are not elaborated in this paper. However, the way through which the failure rates of the entrepreneurs could be measured are illustrated in this research paper.  

In the current trends of system and development the components of Operating system plays active role. It is crucial or purposeful to develop new model of knowledge creation. I have selected this particular paper because it elaborated the firm that is based on community based model of knowledge creation a case study regarding the Linux Kernel development. In the year of 1991, a 2nd year computer science student of University of Helsinki invented the Linux operating system.  This unique computer operating system assembles all the components under the open source software development and distribution. Though in the initial phase of development it was a X-86 based PC.

Comparing different models and configuration it is determined that, for the further expansion of knowledge possible usage of knowledge within the society and insightful posses are needed to be included in the system.

Though the system expands many different aspects but unfortunately the key opportunities that might generate from this system are not elaborated in this report. It has been defined that the boundary of an organization could be extended, from the comparison of modern Linux model and traditional software development model. The group of distributed individuals and the disappeared cross space associated to the Linux Kernel development model is illustrated in this research paper. Not only this but also how the relationship between the suppliers and the consumers could keep secured is elaborated in this research paper.

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This paper reflects the importance of wireless network system and its effects on current technology. From the recent development and technological advancement in wireless communication it has been found that, medium access control and physical layers and the two most important layers those help to make the necessary application of the wireless network system. Wireless devices have currently become one of the most widely used technologies all over the world. The overview of the research work is well conducted far in the different sectors of wireless body area network Considering different perspectives an investigation on the WBAN constraints are also elaborated in this paper.

Linux Kernel development and community-based knowledge creation

 Not only this but also the classification of different WBAN application both in the medical and non medical sector are illustrated in this report. I have found that, a detail review and the routing protocol classification are addressed on this paper. I have selected this research paper because in this paper the authors have gone through vast investigation on wireless body area network. Different applications of the WBAN are illustrated in this research paper but this paper is mainly focused on the medical and non medical field of application. The features of all the in body and on body application details are formally managed with the help of the wireless application The way through which both the doctors and the patients will be able to store and access data from the server are elaborated in this research paper.

I have selected this particular resource because it elaborates the encapsulation method of transport of PP or High level data link layers  over the MPLS network. Ethernet is a network protocol that works in the data link layer and similarly High level data link control (HDLC) is another control protocol. This is a bit oriented code transparent synchronous data link layer protocol that is developed by the ISO. ISO 13239 is the current standard of HDLC that replaced each and every standard. The connectionless and connection oriented services are served by the HDLC. In order to establish connection between points and multipoint HDLC network protocol is used.

However, currently it is generally used to create connection between different devices. This particular document emulates the PW encapsulation for the PPP and HDLC. This particular document elaborates the details of the HDLC service in the data link layer. The role of data link layer is to create secured connection between the service provider and consumers. With the help of optional sequence field and control management the packet ordering can be preserved. Though the required support features are not illustrated in this research paper. Not only this but also, quality of the service model and the advantages of the HDLC model over the traditional model is elaborated in this research paper. The way through which HDLC Flags are processed locally in the PE is connected to the attachment circuit are also illustrated in this paper.

After going through the criminal history of USA I have found that, the department of Justice known this person as the most wanted computer criminal. The name of the professional Hacker is Kevin Mitnick. He has spent 1 year in prison due to the unethical hacking. I have selected this resource because it elaborates that social engineering is referred is one of the most devastating threats for the company or business organization. In order to break upon the computer network, different social engineers technical flaws are elaborated in this research paper. In addition to this, not only a single attacker but also, many other hackers name and their activities are elaborated in this paper. In order to compromise with the company’s computer network it is very much necessary to provide the frequent conversation.

Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) applications and constraints

 The different security tools and technologies are elaborated in this research paper. I have selected this paper because it illustrates the role of handling a human hacking and the difference between ethical hacking and unethical hacking. After spending a complete year in the prison he as under the supervision of the corporation network. He interrupted the national defence warning system for stealing the corporate secrets. This paper elaborates the role of ethical hackers but of the hackers make any kind of unethical job, then how the system developers will get affected for that are also elaborated in this paper. Though, now Mitnick was eventually caught and convicted with a five year of prison sentence but this is not yet mentioned in this research paper.         

I have selected this particular resource because it elaborates the modern G Lab application to network interface. The future yield is increasing number of framework for new protocol stacks. In order to develop proper communication between the server side and the receiver side it is very much necessary for the system developers to install proper communication medium and communication channel as well. In order to get to know about whether the information is moving towards the correct direction or not is elaborated in this research paper. In addition to this the two goals those are elaborated in this paper include (1) separate application and networking concerns, and (2) being suitable for any current and future networking technology.

I have realized that these two application level interface will provide an overview of the G-Lab interface IT setup. The relationship between the service providers, applicants and network stacks are elaborated in this paper. In order to make interaction between the network stack registration and subscription are the two different functions those are required to be done by the network developers. I have learned that, the G-Lab project detail is elaborated

have selected this resource because I think that the author of this paper has elaborated the role of social media platform in marketing and product promoting. This paper is focused on the promotion of the services of company X and SUPER. Due to the rapid growth of internet technology it has been found that, for marketing and promoting the products and services of companies most of the companies are currently taking help from social media for promoting the products and services. The name of the company changed because they are willing to remain anonymous.  

This paper elaborates the role of social media for promoting the products through the help of social media such as Facebook, twitter, Instagram etc. The owners have developed a Facebook page and the consumers who are willing to know more about the company. They are focused on their service and product details. I have found that the key success factors of marketing campaigns through social media are currently founded as the most effective one. Facebook and twitter are the social.

Data mining is referred to as one of the most effective and secures process of data security that provides enough range of security to their consumers and employees as well. I have selected this resource because it elaborated the machine learning and data mining for the cyber security intrusion detection. A very short tutorial on data mining and machine learning are provided in this resource. The ML/DM data complexities with the algorithm are elaborated in this report. Due to high level security none of the internal and external unwanted users will be able to access data from the server. This resource also elaborated the details of knowledge discovery and data mining how act as an interdisciplinary area that is strictly focused upon extraction of data from useful knowledge.

Encapsulation of transport data over the MPLS network

With the explosive growth of online data and IBM’s expansion of offering in services and consulting, the data based solution are enhancing very much rapidly. I have selected this particular resource, because it elaborates the role of data mining in business security. This particular resource, focuses on the data mining function and operation of played by IBM. Cyber security is one of the vital things that are considered by IBM. I learned that they have developed different machine learning methods for cyber security and security detection. Proper security protocol and computer network security are the other things that that are used by IBM to keep the information secured from the external attackers and cyber criminals.

have selected this resource because this elaborates one of the recent successful mobile application developers. It has become a popular mobile application to the teenagers and young generation also for developing different community games. This particular resource is based upon the mobile game developing app named as supercell. This kind of games could be played even in mobile and tablets as well. The developers are able to gain huge profit from the games.

Most of the games developed by the app developing community are played with the help of internet service thus the developing companies are getting money from the internet services and for the in game purchasing also they are getting profit. I have realized from the design studies and design management research that apart from the popularity of design games the design game approach was being largely ignored. Clash of clans is the most recent game developed by the game developing app. The developer looks into the branding and creativity as well.  

Supercell, the mobile game developer belongs to Finland and the released games are clash of clans, hay day, beech booms and clash royal. This is the highest grossing application in the world. However, the game is keep n developing itself every with different additional and attractive features. I have selected this resource because supercell is one of the most popular games developing application in current days. It provides enough security to the consumers. The code for the clients is written in C and C++ and the server code in Java.

Due to continuous improvement of technology people are becoming very much dependent on technology. Though, technology delivers many positive impacts on society but still it many negative impact on society and human as well. I have selected this resource which describes the addiction of different technical games like candy crush saga, soda crush saga etc. This addiction links the psychological factors to the mobile social game addiction.

This particular game has become an addiction for almost every technology users. I realized that, though it helps to explore different exploratory factors such as entertainment, sociability, relaxation, achievement but still it is affecting the human daily life and nature as well. The leisure time or boredom might get reduced but at the same time higher level game addiction affects the self control capability of the human.

In previous days the concept of self control was somehow different but currently the definition of self control as been changed completely. I have gone through vast investigation on the survey that results that, people are losing control on their emotion for the game addiction. This resource paralelly discusses the positive and negative impact of the game candy crush. It increases the aggressive behaviour of the players, increases the social loneliness of the players and also teaches wrong values. I have learned that besides violent behaviours k also portrays weak characters of the human. At the same time if people do spent too much time on technology to computers then it also affect the human body physically and mentally.