Review Of Cloud Solution And SDLC Approaches For New Access Project

Functional and Non-functional requirements for New Access Project

The significant methodology for the proper examination of the component parts and the interactions is termed as system analysis. It is the basic procedure by which the data, components and architecture are being properly defined to obtain the specific requirements (Arora, Parashar & Transforming, 2013). The most prominent methodology is the structured analysis, where the specified requirements are eventually converted into either to the hardware configurations or to the software programs. The project of New Access is being introduced for the improvement of the overall quality of several services of health care for the patients within rural areas. The following report outlines a brief discussion on the project and the various details regarding this particular project. The functional and non functional requirements will also be provided here. Cloud based solution and the various strengths as well as weaknesses will also be given in this report. This report even provides recommendations regarding SDLC approach.

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The non functional requirements can be defined as the proper identification of all types of critical qualities of any specific system (Dinh et al., 2013). The FURPS or functionalities, usability, reliability, performances and security for this particular project of New Access are considered as the major non functional requirements. These types of requirements subsequently specify the several criteria, which could be utilized for judging the overall operation of any system. The non functional requirements are implemented for detailing the architecture of the system. There are two sub divisions of the non functional requirements. These are execution qualities like safety, usability and security and the other category is evolution quality such as the testability, extensibility, scalability and maintainability (Hashem et al., 2015). These functionalities, usability, reliability, performances and security are properly explained in the following paragraphs.

This is the first and the foremost requirement of the project of New Access for non functional requirement criteria. The New Access project is majorly responsible to provide better and updated treatment to their patients, who are having serious issues with the communication with the health experts or hospitals for their odd location (Fernando, Loke & Rahayu, 2013). This particular project of New Access needs the basic functionality to obtain regular updates or easier data accessibility from each and every device according to the requirements of the users. Adaptability is considered as one of the major need for this project of New Access.

The second important and significant non functional requirement for this specific project of New Access within the rural area. The main advantage of the New Access project would be that this could be promptly used with proper efficiency as well as effectiveness. This usability non functional requirement is majorly stated as the utmost simplicity of learning ability or the uses of all kinds of human made objects and projects (Li et al., 2013). The project of New Access, hence did not consider the respective distance within the hospitals or health experts as well as the patients. A user friendly responsive interface is present in this project and this would make the project more efficient and popular for the users. The complexity of the entire information system is reduced to a high level.

Cloud Solution and its Advantages and Disadvantages

The next significant and noteworthy non functional requirement for this project of New Access is reliability. New Access is highly reliable since the hospitals and health professionals are recruited only after checking the backgrounds properly (Rittinghouse & Ransome, 2016). The most significant difference between usual hospitals as well as health experts and this project of New Access is that in this project, the patients are not at all required to visit to their hospitals or health experts to get their treatment done. On the contrary, the patients are treated by audio and video conferences. This is completely technology oriented and thus the treatment system is much more advanced and better.  

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This is the fourth and another major requirement of the project of New Access for non functional requirement criteria. The project comprises of the core capability for providing much better performances within the medical field than any other traditional treatment methods (Garg, Versteeg & Buyya, 2013). The overall performance of this project is hence considered as the significant non functional requirement. Since, only experienced and educated health experts will be involved in this scenario, there is extremely less chance of issues related to the performance of this project of New Access. Moreover, this particular information system would be providing significant emergency services for the various patients and hence this is extremely important for this system to have the higher rate of performance. The next significant performance criterion of this project would be that this system must comprise of the minimum response time to reduce the overall time consumed for the flow of information. Another important performance of New Access project mainly involve parts such as motherboard, hard disk drives, video cards and several others (Hashizume et al., 2013). Moreover, the RAM and the storage capacities are also high here, which makes the overall performance much better than the rest.

This particular non functional requirement of the project of New Access is yet another important and noteworthy requirement that is majorly associated with the respective security of this system with the presence of three distinct features. These features are the testability, configurability and finally scalability (Xiao, Song & Chen, 2013). The first and the foremost feature of testability refers to the fact that the system of New Access should be tested properly and perfectly for the purpose of avoiding any type of functional failure or functional issues. Moreover, testability is essential to support the other functionalities of the information system as well. The next important feature of the security non functional requirement of this project of New Access is configurability. This particular feature is responsible for configuring the most important or vital applications within the system. Hence, these applications cou0ld be easily configured. The final feature of this specific non functional requirement of this project of New Access is scalability as well as flexibility. This scalability eventually allows the system in having the core capacity of changing the sizes (Jain & Paul, 2013). The ability of the computing procedure for being utilized or being produced within the range of capabilities is termed as scalability of that project. A backup server is present within the information system that helps to provide backup to confidential information and data. Hence, New Access has the requirement of security.        

Recommended Cloud Solution

Cloud computing can be defined as the shared pools of several configurable computer system resources as well as high level services, which could be quickly provisioned with the minimum managerial effort over the connectivity of Internet (Krishna, 2013). The technology of cloud computing majorly relies on the sharing of several resources for the purpose of achieving the economies of scale and the coherence. The third party clouds allow the companies for focusing on the main businesses instead of spending the resources on the system maintenance and infrastructure. The up front IT infrastructure expenses are easily avoided or minimized with the help of this particular technology. Moreover, the enterprises are allowed for getting the applications up as well as running faster for the improvised manageability or lesser maintenance (Botta et al., 2016). These resources are adjusted rapidly for meeting the fluctuating or unpredictable demands. The various providers of cloud usually follow the pay as per use model for leading to the unexpected operating costs when the administrators are not at all familiar with the various cloud pricing models.

  1. Private Cloud: The first and the foremost deployment cloud model is the private cloud. This is the type of cloud infrastructure that is being operated solely for anyone specific company, whether by the internal management or the significant management by the third party (Herbst, Kounev & Reussner, 2013). A proper engagement of the cloud is required here for visualizing the overall business environment and hence requiring the company for revaluating the decisions regarding existing resources. Private cloud is extremely safe and secured and hence is being utilized by several users.
  2. Public Cloud: The second cloud deployment model is the public cloud. Here the various services are being rendered on a specific network that is absolutely open for all. Although, the architecture of public cloud is much similar to that of a private cloud, however security is extremely less in this type of cloud model (Wei et al., 2014). The applications, resources as well as storages are absolutely different from the private cloud. Due to the lack of security in this type of cloud, users often opt to avoid this particular cloud deployment model.
  3. Hybrid Cloud: The third or the final type of cloud deployment model that would be suitable for New Access project is the hybrid cloud. This is the proper amalgamation of private cloud and public cloud (Rong, Nguyen & Jaatun, 2013). Some of the entities of both the types of deployment models are present in this hybrid cloud as the benefits of both of these cloud models are present within this cloud model. Moreover, the connectivity is extremely better in hybrid cloud and thus data management and data transferring is easier with this model.

The most suitable cloud service model for New Access project is the hybrid cloud. The hybrid cloud service is formed after the amalgamation of several cloud services like private cloud as well as public cloud (Gupta, Seetharaman & Raj, 2013). The isolation and the provider boundaries are crossed in hybrid cloud so that the advantages are better. Moreover, hybrid cloud even enables the users for extending the capacity and the capability of the cloud services either by aggregation, customization or by simple integration with the other cloud services. Since, New Access project would be dealing with the patients and medical history, it is quite important for them to manage their data confidentiality to a high level so that there is no issue related to data loss (Abrahamsson et al., 2017). Hybrid cloud services ensure data security and hence it would be the most suitable service for them.

There are some of the major strengths of hybrid cloud for New Access project. These various strengths of hybrid cloud are as follows:

  1. Directly Accessible: The first and the foremost strength or advantage of this particular cloud deployment model for New Access project is that the confidential data could be directly accessible without any complexity (Herbst, Kounev & Reussner, 2013).
  2. Reduction of Time Consumption: The next important advantage of hybrid cloud is that the overall consumption of time and latency are reduced to a greater level. This specific features makes it better than the public cloud.
  3. Computational Infrastructure: Hybrid cloud comprises of the core capability for having the on premises computational infrastructures, which could subsequently support the workload for any business and hence retaining the capability of leveraging the respective public cloud.
  4. Flexibility: The hybrid cloud service is extremely flexible in comparison to other cloud services (Jain & Paul, 2013).

The major weaknesses of hybrid cloud are as follows:

  1. High Costs: Hybrid cloud is extremely costly and hence is not easily afforded by all users.
  2. Networking: The second weakness of this cloud is that the networking is extremely weak here and hence this often brings significant issues for the users (Xiao, Song & Chen, 2013).

The SDLC or system development life cycle approach can be defined as the major domain of competencies that is being utilized within the systems engineering, software engineering and information systems for the purpose of describing the entire process to plan, create, and test and finally deployment of the information systems (Highsmith, 2013). For the proper implementation of New Access project, the system development life cycle approach would be extremely efficient and effective.

Predictive SDLC and Adaptive SDLC Approaches

There are two types of system development life cycle approach, which are predictive SDLC approach and adaptive SDLC approach. Both of them are much effective in terms of the functionalities and advantages. The description of these approaches are given below:

The predictive approach can be referred to as the monitoring of entire life cycle of the project, even before the project has been started. This predictive approach could be easily applied when the respective project schedules of New Access is proper and clear (Kaur & Sengupta, 2013). The various pros and cons of the predictive approach are as follows:

  1. The entire plan of the project is accurate.
  2. The specific scope and schedule of New Access are clear to all the members of this project.           
  3. The members have properly understood the project requirements (Khan, Parveen & Sadiq, 2014).
  4. The overall progress of the project is eventually tracked in project life cycle.
  1. i) Difficulty in altering plan of project.
  2. ii) The clients’ feedbacks are not considered here.

The second type of SDLC approach for the project of New Access is adaptive SDLC approach. Here, the plan of the project is not completed before the initiation of the project. Significant deliverables of the project are provided in each and every stage of this project (Abrahamsson et al., 2017). The various pros and cons of the adaptive SDLC approach are as follows:

  1. i) Modification is possible in each and every stage of the project.
  2. ii) The clients’ feedbacks are considered here.
  1. i) The overall costs are extremely higher than other approaches (Highsmith, 2013).
  2. ii) The project scope and schedule are not clear in this approach.

In the rural areas, the health experts are often separated from the patients for the long distances and it becomes quite tough for the patients to reach to their respective hospitals or health experts. Health care experts or nurses or even the doctors are eventually separated due to the lack of communication and long distance. Due to this type of lack of communication with any health expert, all patients have major issues for the completion of treatments. This project of New Access is introduced for mitigating these issues. For the proper implementation of this particular system, the predictive approach of SDLC would be the best since planning is accurate and the costs are less. With this specific implementation, the various patients do not have to visit to the hospitals for doing the treatments.


Therefore, from the above discussion, it can be concluded that New Access is the specific project, which was started to successfully improve the overall access for each and every health care within the services of healthcare or hospitals that are present within rural areas. It has become quite difficult for the patients to communicate with the health experts or hospitals for completing their respective treatments. For the core purpose of solving this particular issue, a new project, called New Access has been launched. They have given a simple proposal of treating their patients easily with this specific project of New Access. The above report has clearly outlined the respective FURPS requirements or the functionalities, usability, reliability, performance and finally security and privacy of this particular project. The report has provided a cloud based solution for this project and this particular cloud solution comprises of several strengths and weaknesses in it. Moreover, the report has described the SDLC approach with several advantages and disadvantages of predictive and adaptive approach.

Advantages and Disadvantages of SDLC Approaches


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