Risk Assessment Report: Identifying And Categorizing Potential Hazards In Plant Operations

Background Information

In any plant design that is set up, there are serious considerations that must be done by the decision makers in order to provide a safe environment. As a matter of fact, in a plant process and design, there are so many potential hazards that can assail the clients and the workers in the field which should actually be stemmed. There have been so many cases that have been reported as pertaining this prevailing subject in various areas of plants may them be chemical or other associated branches, (Jain et al 2018). The ground stipulation of each and every aspect that may be needed in instituting an environment that may provide safety and assurance of stability in any plant is salient in all manner. It is recommended that before any plant is launched, in the grand mapping, all the hazards that might tend to come into the structure must be factored in. also, there must be contingency plans that must be advocated to ensure that in case something of such a nature has happened how can it be tackled and stemmed to allow the operations to go on safely, (Hoang, McGuire & Prakash 2018).

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When the workers are assured that their security is assured they can work without any fear. It is the purpose of this paper to ensure that all the possible hazards that can be detected within the plant are discussed, how they come and how they can be controlled, (Vidyadharan et al 2018). The author is so much interested in unveiling this because of the previous cases of accidents that have been witnessed in various plants points which have brought sad consequences to the victim’s even death and permanent disability cases. When all the predisposing factors are unraveled the decision remains with the subject to consider and make the right decision that would prove safety and peace in all quarters. The following section will identify various factors that are necessary whenever a plant is to be set and expound on each of them as outlying the hazardous implications they could have towards the process. Finally, the author does the summary of all what he has been laboring to deliver, (Winge & Albrechtsen 2018).

In this section, it is very important to note that all the possible hazards shall be discussed which have a bearing on the life of the victim. A hazard is something that is liable to cause a danger if not prevent. When we talk of a plant, a reference to equipment, machinery and chemicals. Actually, there may be industries with the authority of operating on these dimensions. As the client s, workers, visitors operate within these environs, there is a probability of incurring undue or unexpected injury which may have severe implications on their health compositions. These probable hazards touching as many parts as possible in this subject. In many section s of the plant process, there are so many factors that may contribute to these undesired results. The researcher is dedicated to really discuss these particular conditions and give a direction on how they can be avoided to secure a conducive environment to the subjects concerned, (Landvik et al 2018).

Risks Assessment

This factor is considered to be one of the most probable hazards that people can meet. It involves having the individuals who should not be where they are at some point in time. The site especially where the machinery work is ongoing should be well published and set regulations for who should be admitted in there should be clearly understood, (Hosseinnia, Khakzad & Reniers 2018). It is a threat to have a pant operation open to any person as some may not really understand the dangers that may be within the environment. The people in charge of the project that is ongoing should ensure there is a clear enclosure of the intended place and clear notices hung well to put off all the unauthorized people to get into the environment. There should be set policies on who should get where so that no one should make a mistake of having a dangerous encounter, (Takim, Talib & Nawawi  2018).

The new workers who have been admitted within the industry should ensure that they are guided by the experienced ones so that they may not find any problem. This is because these categories are ever curious to understand what may be new in the field, (Liao et al 2018). In times of rigorous undertaking, only the specialist in various fields may be permitted because they have a full understanding of the operations of the machinery that is in place. The kids should not be given any breakthrough into the industry as they may be the victims of those circumstances. There should be a directive that any member who has not acquired enough and necessary skills to handle the machines in place should be given an opportunity to learn before they are given something to perform in the field, (Li, Leung & Au 2018).

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There should be no any favoritism practiced whether the leader or any person who does not have any legal mandate to access the company. In the past incidences in various chemical and physical plants because of this ignorance, many lives have been sacrificed because of exposure to such kind of dangers in these processes. Before any industry that is concerned with any of this equipment is sanctioned to operate; there must be a well strategic clause defining access privileges.

When one is working in plant-based conditions, the activities that the workers engage in are sometimes constraining and the underground areas may posse threat towards suffocation when the air circulation becomes insufficient. Those who may have some health complications and difficulty in their respiratory systems may be really at great danger. History has proved to be a very serious condition that has really had powerful and fatal consequences towards the workers. There must be mechanisms which must be instituted to cover these conditions. One of the best thing that can be done is to ensure that the employees in any organization are educated on the precautionary measures they can adapt to prevent them from these risks.


In the event of those who have medical complications, they should not be permitted to work alone in the suspected areas to cause suffocation. Team building should be enacted in the plants to help in capacity building and also in those complex conditions. The necessary equipment that can help somebody in case of the suffocation should be given to the workers who are operating within the constraining environments which may be prone to suffocation so that they can be safe. Each and every plant process should capitalize on ensuring that all the necessary supportive instruments have been factored into to ensure safety at all points of operation. There should be also proper guidance given to the employees to help them avoid the incidences and in the event, these anomalies occur what can they do given they are two or three.  This is a great matter of concern that in the recent past has had very devastating effects on the involved members in particular operations.

In this age of highly sophisticated machinations, a powerful yet complex instrument of operation has been invented to help in various day to day activities. There is a very delicate compilation of the underlying capabilities which often have been automatic. In most the cases, if the workers may miss a mark in their operations, they can and cause very serious calamities in the surrounding, (Walters, Fisher & Tenney 2018). The equipment with powerful engines and the wiring that is done they may be hazardous. It is therefore paramount to underscore the sensitivity in this aspect to ensure that all the workers especially working on these live machines are safe. In particular, the electrical wiring systems connected almost in each and every unit of a plant possess a great challenge to the safety of the workers. If the wire may be naked or has some fault, it remains potentially hazardous in causing a fire outbreak.

Whenever there is a short-circuiting in electricity, it can even bring down an entire plant if the measure is not taken to see to the situation at the hand. The destruction caused by this element touches both the lives of the people working as well as other properties within the reach of the station. On this hazard also, the other equipment that is highly flammable and within a short period of time can cause untold suffering on the subjects. The welding machines and the oil-oriented equipment also becomes a concern towards risks that may be appropriated to the workers.  Each and every plant that is organized and ready to provide quality work and safety to the workers must consider the manner in which to deal with the issues of the unexpected outbreaks of the fire. In the very principles of the strategic plans there should be a well-ordered strategy that should be able to deal with the issues of fire, how to prevent the occurrence; if it occurs how to mitigate it and the necessary instrumentalities to employ therein.  the fire extinguishers must be available in each and every unit of experience of the workers so that in the event fire can break out can be stemmed as early as possible to ensure safety. There are also many workers who may not be in a position to use the extinguisher and a great harm may take the properties in the sight; there should forums where they are educated on how the basics of the equipment to organize themselves. Some instance of fire break out may require the intervention of more than one person to rescue the situation.

New Workers in the Site

Proper contacts that are known as emergency toll numbers should be posted in various boards and central positions so that conversations can be made in case there is an issue of this nature detected, (Williams, Hamid & Misnan 2018).  This means each and every plant must ensure proper communication channels amongst themselves so help save what might have otherwise be endangered. Enough sensors that are important in detecting whenever there is any sign of fire outbreak should be bought and positioned in the necessary points which may be deemed susceptible to the fire. This aspect presents a great threat also towards the employees, (Moreno & Cozzani 2018).

In plants like the electric environment or apartment construction, the workers may be forced to climb ladders in order to do connections here and there especially in posts and electrical connection, (Tsai, Huang & Shu 2018). This elevated ground acts as a hazard to the safety of the workers if they miss a mark. Researches that have done have demonstrated that there are many you have sustained grievous injuries and other have died due to falling on the ground, (Hasanzadeh, Esmaeili & Dodd 2018).

Mostly most of those who have fallen, are in rare occasions deficient of the protective attire that can act as shock absorbers by the time they reach the ground. As a result of this, most of the workers who have been unfortunate in this way are wrecks and miserable in their lives since the case is most destructive in their lifetime, (O’Connell 2018). There should proper organization between the employees so that they can learn to help themselves in the event they are in the field working. The necessary protective accompaniment that they are required in the areas of the body that can easily suffer out the falling should always provide to the workers as they go to the field. The helmet to protect the head and boots that would help their feet not so much secure can be offered in the process, (Selman et al 2018). There should be the education of all the precautionary measures before any new worker is sent to the field. Carefulness and sobriety should be the motto of each and every employee that is engaged so that they may not be overconfident and miss the mark.

Orientation each and every moment should be done to ensure that they are well prepared to meet the occasions. Secured ladders for climbing should be used instead of other simple and low quality that may break at any moment in the periods of operations, (Gopinath, Johansen & Ölvander  2018). The administration of each and every plant must focus ensuring that the members when they get out to work have been equipped with knowledge and the necessary tool that can help them remain within the framework of safety and yet perform the work in accordance with the policies laid down by the plant.

Visitors Probable Hazards

This hazard mostly is so portentous in the chemical manufacturing plants. It is a mega one since it has very devastating consequences for the victim of the circumstance. Chemicals are always everywhere in these industries and without proper care, they pose risks and dangers to those who may be affected, (Davidson 2018). In generation past , most  people who have been working in areas that are chemical saturated environments have suffered to a great extent I their physical organisms as a result of not been so careful, (Denysiuk et al 2018). Chemicals occur in different versions, there are those which are corrosive whenever they come ingot contact with the skin others when they are inhaled they have internal complexities to the body and in all these forms, they are hazardous unless there is proper enumeration of the contents and direction to the members. Some of the chemicals affect very sensitive parts and organs of the body.

The toxic levels when they get to the body they are transported everywhere in the body and in this process, they settle around the brain, the kidney and liver. These toxics are so heavy and lethal for these organs to excrete them.  What happens with the time of accumulation, these organs may fail and hence serious health conditions are developed which expose the body to fatal implications at the end of it all, (Coria 2018). The reproductive organs are also affected and with time they fail and a generation is thwarted. So in simple words, chemicals are so lethal and there must be a very stringent means that must be put in place to ensure that they are checked in and invaded to help save the workers in their normal environment, in order to minimize the risks of chemicals, all the contents must be labeled clearly implying all the side effects that may be noticed and incurred, (Blaise, Wells & Lee 2018). In case any one of the employees has been exposed to the condition, there should be proper education on how to recognize the symptoms, treat and save that particular individual.  The department concerned should do enough education with billboards and safety and precautions notices everywhere to caution members.

It is very salient to understand that the lives of people are so precious whenever they are lost. In plant-based operation firms, are many factors that can prove dangerous to the lives of the workers and the visitors to the sites involved. These hazards come to the ignorant in the pick of innocence, (Alves et al 2018). It is paramount that there are many factors that are responsible for this. Whenever unauthorized and uneducated fellow intrudes into a site there is the likelihood of been engulfed by the danger. In the view of fire outbreaks which are not expected in various units, the inflammable and flammable components are a great threat, (Arunkumar & Student 2018). Some of the operations can be dangerous to work, where the supply of oxygen is low, the congested rooms may be risky.

Space Constraint Hazards


Having pointed just a few of many others that could be responsible for the eventualities; one of the most successful means that have been concluded is proper education to the members of public as well as the workers. Providing the necessary equipment to help prevent some of the conditions and the most important one is to ensure that the strategic planning of each and every plant has captured the risk assessment and hazard management.


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