Risk Treatment Strategy Report For Construction Project Management

Risk treatment strategy

The report is developed in order to present the risk treatment strategy, risk treatment plan, contingency plan, communication and consultation and monitoring and review of the identified risks to the people working at higher management. This will provide the overview related to the management of the risk by the construction project manager.  

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Risk treatment strategy: the strategy that will be used for the treatment of the risk of sediment destabilisation will be reduction of the risk. This strategy will help in ensuring that the negative impact of the risk will not increase during the project life cycle.

Treatment Plan: The risks will be reduced by using the silt curtains at the time of dredging, during the project.  It will help in controlling the destabilization of the sediments and can ensure to reduce problems due to this risk (NZ Transport Agency, 2010).

Contingency Plan: at the time of rainfall, it is important to use the ground cover and identify the areas that will remain undisturbed at the time of rain. It will help in making sure that it will not result in the destabilization of the sediments.

Communication and consult: it is important to consult with the contractors related to the risk and should communicate about the contingency plan in order to reduce the risk in the worst case scenario.  It should be implemented before and during the process of dredging so that the destabilization of the sediments can be reduced at the right time.

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Monitoring and review:  it is important to check site contours and the flow of water. The undisturbed surface should be analyzed so that it will not create problem. The measures should be taken at the right time. The sedimentation areas should be regularly investigated and communicated to the contractors related to it.  

Risk Treatment Strategy: the risk reduction strategy will be used for the treatment of this risk. The reduction of the noise pollution will help in minimizing its effect on the people and the species near the area of construction.

Treatment Plan: reduction strategy will be implemented by investigation of the location of construction and detecting the species that are noise sensitive, before the initiation of the work of construction. The techniques that can help in distribution of noise will be used to reduce the noise pollution.

Contingency Plan: motorised vessel will be used. It will help in reducing the noise pollution.

Treatment plan

Communication and consult: the people around the area should be enquired related to the extent of noise pollution and likewise the construction team will be informed to use the motorise vessels.

Monitoring and review: continuous investigation of noise pollution due to construction will help in controlling?? and effect of noises will be tested for review.

Risk Treatment Strategy: reduction strategy will be used. It will help in reducing the waste that is harmful for marine life.

Treatment Plan: To treat the risk, waste control measures will be used during project (Construction Safety Association of Ontario, 2003).

Contingency Plan: the deposition of the waste will be eliminated.

Communication and consult: contractor and facility manager will be consulted and communicated.

Monitoring and review: the waste deposition area will be monitored through regular check and the new measures for reducing waste will be implemented.

Risk Treatment Strategy: the risk will be reduced to control the noise pollution.

Treatment Plan: the area will be investigated to identify the species affected by it and the motored vessels will be used in order to reduce the noise pollution through dispersing it (Skansa, 2018).  

Contingency Plan: Building wall structures as the shields for sound.

Communication and consult: the contractor will be communicated and consulted related to building wall structure.

Monitoring and review: The positive effect of wall structure will be monitored and reviewed through checking the noise from construction work on a regular interval.

Risk Treatment Strategy: it is important to share or transfer the risk. It will help in sharing the risk with the contractor of the construction work.

Treatment Plan: Construction contractor need to implement the WH&S measures in order to eliminate the risks at the construction sites.

Contingency Plan: keeping the first aid facility available and ready all the time (St. Paul, 2010).

Communication and consult: communicate and consult with health and safety managers related to the first -aid facility at the construction site.  

Monitoring and review: the activities of the workers need to be monitored to identify the risks and protect them from risks.

Risk Treatment Strategy: The reduction strategy will be used to stop the water passage and dewatering.

Treatment Plan: The measures for controlling percolation and dewatering will be implemented.

Contingency Plan: Depressurization system will be monitored on a regular basis (Conversation Halton, 2006).

Communication and consult: the contractor will be consulted and communicated about the plan.

Monitoring and review: on the regular basis, depressurization system will be monitored and improved.

Contingency plan

Risk Treatment Strategy: The risk will be shared with the third parties. It will help in managing the traffic.  

Treatment Plan: Selecting the route that is mostly clear and has minimum properties.

Contingency Plan: Maintaining the operations of the construction equipments efficiently and establishing hotline for complaint.

Communication and consult: the other parties can be consulted and communicated related to risk in context of clearing the traffic and maintaining the equipments through hotline.

Monitoring and review: the route that is mostly busy will be managed on regular basis by traffic controllers and other routes will be determined.

Risk Treatment Strategy: The reduction strategy will be used for protecting workers.

Treatment Plan: contractor will implement the WH&S measures.

Contingency Plan: The professional doctors will be called at the time of emergency.

Communication and consult: contractor will be communicated related to hiring doctors for emergency.

Monitoring and review: the safety measures will be implemented and investigated regularly and enhanced when the loop holes are identified. 

Risk Treatment Strategy: the risks will be reduced to enhance air quality and reduce impact of noise.

Treatment Plan: the appropriate measures of enhancing the air quality will be implemented such as dust suppression and ventilation system (Veolia, 2016). Plan for management of noise will be executed for its minimization (LHSFNA, 2014).

Contingency Plan: The air emission source will be removed and the speed of wind will be reduced. The sources of excessive noise will be eliminated (State of Victoria, 2018).

Communication and consult:  the facility manager will be communicated and consulted about it.

Monitoring and review: incident specific risk assessment and monitor dust generation will be analyzed to implement the more appropriate measures. The sources of noise will be analyzed regularly.

Risk Treatment Strategy: reduction strategy will be used to reduce the impact of risk.

Treatment Plan: site contours will be developed to stop the spread of chemicals or oil.

Contingency Plan: developing more effective and strong site contours to stop the spread of chemicals or oil.

Communication and consult: the contractor will be communicated and consulted about the risk and the contingency plan.

Monitoring and review: the developed site contours will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that they work well.


This report will provide the ability to the higher managers, to analyze the plans that are developed for the risk management of the identified risks. The higher management can also bring the changes in the risk management plan after reviewing the risk management plan.  


Construction Safety Association of Ontario, 2003. Emergency Response Planning for Construction Projects. [Online] Construction Safety Association of Ontario Available at: https://www.ihsa.ca/PDFs/Products/Id/B030.pdf [Accessed 11 October 2018].

Conversation Halton, 2006. Erosion Controls and Sediment Control Guidelines for Urban Construction. [Online] Conversation Halton Available at: https://www.conservationhalton.ca/uploads/erosion_and_sediment_control_guidelines,_2006.pdf [Accessed 11 October 2018].

LHSFNA, 2014. Controlling Noise on Construction Sites. [Online] Available at: https://www.lhsfna.org/LHSFNA/assets/File/bpguide%202014.pdf [Accessed 11 October 2018].

NZ Transport Agency, 2010. Draft erosion and sediment. [Online] NZ Transport Agency Available at: https://www.nzta.govt.nz/assets/resources/erosion-sediment-control/docs/draft-field-guide.pdf [Accessed 11 October 2018].

Skansa, 2018. Pollution prevention and contingency plan. [Online] Available at: https://planningregister.londonlegacy.co.uk/swift/MediaTemp/4915-79113.pdf [Accessed 11 October 2018].

St. Paul, 2010. Response Action Plan and Construction Contingency Plan. [Online] Available at: https://www.minnehahacreek.org/sites/minnehahacreek.org/files/attachments/W_325%20Blake%20Road%20RAP-CCP_DRAFT.pdf [Accessed 11 October 2018].

State of Victoria, 2018. Workplace safety – noise pollution. [Online] Available at: https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/workplace-safety-noise-pollution [Accessed 11 October 2018].

Veolia, 2016. Air Quality Management. [Online] Veolia Available at: https://veolia.com/sites/g/files/dvc1131/f/assets/documents/2016/10/D_4_BTT_AQMP_with_appendix.pdf [Accessed 11 October 2018].