Role Of Business Communication And Social Media In The 21st Century

Role of Digital Communication and Social Media in the context of business communication

For the development of every organization, communication is a significant tool. A business without effective communication cannot survive in the present era. Further, for the success of every business, some managerial process such as planning, organizing, controlling is necessary and for the success of these processes, an effective business communication is required to be there. Therefore, to state that business communication plays a vital role in the growth of businesses. Such communication can be internal and external as well that is further defined and discussed in the presented report.

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Social Media is another aspect, which is required to be discussed whenever it comes to the study of business communication in an organization. In conjunction with business communication, this report will also develop it is focused on the role of social media and digital communication in the 21st Century and what benefits the same can lead to an organization along with cautions for the organizations. Apart from this implication of social media to a business named AUB group Ltd. is also a part of this report.

Role of Digital Communication and Social Media in the context of business communication

As discussed in the introduction segment, majorly two types of business communication are there. One is internal and another one is external. As the name implies itself, an internal business is that which take place between/among organizational members (, 2018). An internal business communication presents across all levels and organizational units of an organization. On the other side, an external business communication can be understood as a transmission of information between a business organization and an outsider. Such outsider can be anyone for instance- supplier, customers, government or so on (Johnson, 2018).

Moving towards, the social media, this is to mention that this term can be referred to a collective online communication channel that makes people enable to share their ideas and content with each other via digital mode. In the 21st century, some prominent illustrations of social media are Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Google+ (, 2018). Social media is a significant form of digital communication that an organization can use. In order to understand the role of social media in business communication, this is to be stated that it helps to develop a good communication with clients and customers.

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For instance, by using Linkedin, a business can find new customers or suppliers as well as employees (Zimmerman & Ng, 2018). They can use Facebook to make communication with clients. Not only in external business communication, but in internal business communication also these tools help a lot. By using Skype, managers from a different branch can communicate effectively without any physical movement. It saves times, efforts and energy of them. It also reduces the overall cost of the organization. Corporate Communication is necessary for the good performance of a business including marketing of products and sharing the strategies with respective people in the organization and social media fulfils this purpose so gracefully. This is the reason that in the present world, where businesses are being global, they are adopting the communication policies that recognize the role of digital communication as the same brings many positive impacts if applied properly and in an effective manner.

Safeguards for the effective use of Social Media

Safeguards for the effective use of Social Media

In the discussion made above, role and few benefits of social media have been described. However, this is to mention that use of social media should be a safe one. No doubt that this digital communication is beneficial for an organization but there are some factors, which a business is required to consider while implementing the same. Following are some of the factors that an organization should consider:-

  • Social Media policy: – This policy provides a set of rule that employees of the organization need to follow while using social media for communication. This policy provides guidelines for internal as well as external business communication (Thomson, 2018). For a safe use of social and digital media, this policy is required to be there in every organization as the same prescribed a limit and a manner of social media use.
  • Privacy: – When a business uses digital mode of communication, there are high chances of the happening of the incidents of a data breach. In order to escalate such incidents, businesses are required to review the strength and access of the networks. Many of the incidents have reported where crucial information of business been leaked and they have to face a huge loss cause of it. Therefore while promoting the use of social media in business communication; businesses need to ensure the privacy of such social media channels and a timely review of all of them are also required.
  • Consideration of applicable acts: – On every business, certain laws are applicable, according to which the same is required to act. Many of the laws put some limitations on the acts of a business while using social media. In such a situation, businesses are advised to keep such laws in mind as a breach of the same can lead to many adverse impacts. For instance:- while using the social media for external communication or marketing of products, the laws related to trade unions or competition act can be a hurdle.
  • Benefits of Implementation and Use of the Social Media at workplace to communicate for the AUB Group Ltd.

The company AUB Group Ltd had started its business operations in the year 1985, and since then the company has come a long way in terms of expansion and growth. At present, the company is managing its business operations under the 10 different business names. The main activities of the business of the entity are the provision of the underwriting, broking and the risk related services. The services of the entity are such that there is wide range of various stakeholders both within and outside the boundaries.

In addition, the company faces a lot of external competition and therefore the company must be engaged in analysing its present business operations and strategy and review and adapt them according to the external changes. As the company’s operations are scattered around 135 business partners, 3500 employees and around 425 business locations, digital communication strategy has already been extracting benefits for the organisation in the form of company’s website. The following segment will demonstrate the benefits of the use of the social media at workplace to communicate at the Australian branch.

Improved Corporate Communications

The use of the emails have renovated the corporate communications in altogether different manner. While these are a significant means of traditional digital communication ways, they are still being used in the organisations in the form of formal communication channels. There exist a plenty of information in the organisation, which cannot be passed through the formal channels, all the time (Leonardi, 2017). Hence, the use of the social media is a good option to pass on the information other than the emails in the organisation AUB. This informal communication channels like the social media; not only aids the employees in building of the social circle and interpersonal communication skills, but also motivate them to be associated with the organisation and work to the best of their abilities (Wamba & Carter, 2014).

Technological Enhancement

One of the prime requirements of the businesses of the twenty first century is the use of the technologies in the organisation. With every technological advancements, entities make use of it to yield positive results for the business operations. The use of the social media at the workplace can aid not only in the internal communications but also in the external communications (Parveen, Jaafar & Ainin, 2015).

In terms of the internal communications, the company AUB Group Ltd. can engage in creation of employee groups on various chat applications, or say department wise groups. These can be useful for the leaders of a particular department to transfer the right information to the right group of people. In addition, podcasts or social media pages can be created to keep the employees engaged with each other as well as the leaders (Baruach, 2012). This will further improve the peer to peer sharing and positive work atmosphere.

Case Study – AUB Group Ltd.

Building the information repository

One of the significant benefits that can be yielded by the use of the social media at workplace is the creation of information repository (El Ouirdi, El Ouirdi, Segers & Henderickx, 2015). While a lot of data and information is being exchanged within an organisation, the same can be characterised and segregated into groups. This can further be stored at one place, say a group or a page for a particular related information. This way, whenever employees or the management feels the need to extract a particular information, they can simply access the group or the page and get the same. This further allows the building up of information centre or the data repository of the organisation.

Time and Cost Considerations

The social media use in the workplace to communicate needs one time major cost for implementation. However, the benefits of the same can be reaped for many more years to come. In addition, the social media communications are real time communications and even faster than emails. This is because the social media applications like Facebook, Whatsapp, and more are installed on mobile phones of almost everyone (Ryan, 2014). Therefore, even if one is not having the access to laptops or computers, one can communicate as and whenever needed.

The social media channels also reduce the distance between the individuals and allow the conduct of the meetings though mediums like video conferring and more (Stamati, Papadopoulos & Anagnostopoulos, 2015). In case of the organisation AUB Group Ltd. as the employees are scattered all around the globe across various locations and time zones, the conduct of the physical meetings is not feasible as well as possible all the time. Hence, the communication strategy would yield significant benefits for the employees of the Australian branch.

The process of implementation

Business are required to follow a well-defined procedure for the implementation of social and digital media uses in an organization in order to gain effective results. Here, the subjective organization i.e. AUB Group Ltd can follow the following procedure:-

  • Planning is the first step of every procedure. Firstly, the company is required to plan the whole strategy and other factors related to social media use in the organization. In order to do so, the company is advised to check the necessity of the use of social media. In this step, the company needs to identify that the expectations out of the use of such social media tools and issues related to the same.
  • After a proper planning, the management of the company is advised to prepare a social media use policy. In this policy, all the aspects related to the subjective issue i.e. the use of social media will be included (, 2012). For instance the level and manner of use and consequence of the breach. In this process, the employees of the organization are not required to take a part.
  • After the planning and preparation of social media policy, management of the organization is required to communicate the same to an employee of the company. The reason behind the same is that employees are the people who act and deals on behalf of the company and therefore they are required to be known with the manner in which they are allowed to use social media in their working.
  • Follow up is another important part of this procedure that cannot be ignored. In order to check the success of the social media policy of the company, the manager of AUB Group Ltd, would require taking timely follow-ups. In such follow-ups, the management is required to check the issues that employees have faced while using social media for business communication and the results out of such use. These follow-ups are expected to enable the management to modify the policy and uses if required.


As per the discussions conducted in the previous parts it can be stated that organisation of the twenty first century cannot survive in long run without employing an effective communication strategy. These are necessary because the communication is regarded as the blood of the organisation. Each business process and department of an entity is dependent upon the communication, in order to receive and transfer the information in an effective and efficient manner. As discussed in the previous parts there exist a number of social media channels which can be used by the company for the implementation of its chosen business communication strategy.

There have been described a number of benefits that makes the use of the social media channels beneficial for the communication at the workplace. The report chose the company AUB Group Ltd for the easy understanding of the strategy. While implementing the said communication strategy, a few safeguards must be taken into account in terms of the legal and regulatory requirements. In addition to the above, the report describes the step wise step procedure that can be employed by the entity for the effective implementation of the digital communication strategy.


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