Role Of Enterprise Management In Enhancing Business Performance In IT Industry

Benefits of Enterprise Management


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Discuss about the Latest Trends in Information Technology.

The research topic is related to the enterprise managements role in regards to business performance. There are a number of benefits that can be availed through enterprise management. These benefits are being discussed in this research proposal. In order to manage the enterprise, there are several aspects, which shall be considered, such as- detection of fraud, improvisation in the processes, compliances of regulations and policies, consumer services and much more. In contrast to this, enterprise management is not an easy task as there are several challenges associated with the management of the enterprise.

This research proposal will lay emphasis to solving the issue whether the enterprise management enhances the performance of the business of IT industry or not. In order to solve this problem, appropriate methodology for the research will be followed, so that the relevant data could be collected and the conclusion of the research shall be potential to solve this problem.

Research aim- The main aim of the research will be to investigate the role of enterprise management in the business performance in context to IT industry. As in IT industry, the management is also required to carry out the business processes in an effective manner.

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Research objective- The objective of the research are linked with the aim of the research. As when the research’s objective will be attained when the aim of the research could be accomplished. The primary objectives of the research are-

  • To elucidate the appropriate tools and techniques which are important to enhance the business performance in regards to IT industry.
  • To assess the control methodologies which must be evaluated for solving the issues-oriented in the enterprise.
  • To assess the challenges used to be faced by the enterprise because of the ineffective management strategies.
  • To assess the benefits and challenges if enterprise management.

Research question- The research question will attempt to assess the answers that could help in getting a conclusion for the research and to achieve the objectives and aim of the research. Important questions of the research are:

  1. What are the ways that support the management of enterprise?
  2. Does enterprise management provide benefit to IT industry in context to business performance?

This research has a wide scope for the business organizations. As the outcome of the research will be related to the ways through which, management of enterprise could be done. These ways can be considered by the organizations to manage the Enterprises. The upper-level management could consider the best way for management of the enterprise. In addition to this, an effective management of enterprise also brings enhanced productivity in the business. Another outcome of the research will elucidate the benefits for the business by managing the enterprise in an effective manner (Ehtram, 2016). By studying the benefits in regards to business performance which can be availed through enterprise management, could be considered by the business organization. As they may determine the benefits which they could achieve by practicing enterprise management. For that reason, this study will be important for the business purpose.

  • The techniques of the enterprise management will be assessed in the research. Hence one of the expected outcomes of the research will be the tools and techniques can be applied for management of the enterprise in regards to the IT industry.
  • Another expected outcome of the research is related to the benefits which can be availed by the IT industry by practicing enterprise management( Engel, Jann, & Lynn, 2014).
  • The challenges and risk in the enterprise management will also be identified through the research. So the risks and challenges that might occur while enterprise management will be one of the other potential outcomes of the research.

Ways of Managing Enterprise

Enterprise management can be defined as the activities carried out by the management for designing and running an enterprise. The business enterprise is successfully managing the various aspects of the business. In the daily routine activities are being performed on large-scale annual events or maintenance, and the marginal duties these are a day to day activities performed.  With having the strong leadership and good knowledge of the industry must be started but these alone cannot be an enough for making solid management in business.

Some of the ways through which enterprise management can be done are discussed below

  1. Lead with knowledge and confidence. Leadership skills can be improved with the help of experienced manager that can mentor you. With the help of networking can be connected with the managerial staff of the other companies so that the form that people can get the knowledge by them( Bendoly, Wezel, & Bachra, 2015). The world is changing day by day and the new technology are also introducing and the products and practice so they must be aware of new technology and should be to stay.
  2. Delegate effectively. It does not affect how you’re skilled, in this, it is not necessary for managing everything for their own. With the help of delegating it too creates more work for you if you do not do it well. Prepare the list of work that you can do and must be completed by you and the things can easily be noticed by the expert by another. Do only those work in which you have an interest and the work must be done by you should be good but not be over-delegate while performing the work. Having so many tasks, most of the time spent in the progress of the tasks and due to this, it became unable to achieve the tasks performed by them.
  3. Hire the right employees and manage them with care- In this, for hiring the employee first the interview has been taken of the candidate and also check the backgrounds and credit checks are also done in this case it will manage the money. The description of the job must be determined so that the candidates should know about the requirement related to the job and also clear the all the needs related to the job. So the expectation is cleared define by the companies and must force the employee to work according to the needs of companies. There is always a penalty for a bad behavior of the employee(Khanduja, 2015).
  4. Motivate and train your employees. Changes occur in every business and the introducing of the new technology so it is necessary the employee must be educated. Inspired the employees by providing them bonuses and the rewards for achieving the specific targets. The increment in the knowledge of employee is the benefit and profit for the business. In addition to this also celebrate the success of the company with employees and reward the employees with promotions in the company.
  5. Meet the needs of your employees. The employees must be well trained and experienced in the customer services, and the leads with the best employees. Employees must be fair with the work they have to satisfy the customer’s needs(Doherty, Foster, Mason, & Meehan, 2009). And also try to solve out the queries of the customers and give satisfaction.
  6. Market your company effectively. Every business has their own marketing staff and they all are paid and the every organization always willing to use their skills which are in their business so that market of the company must be strong. The even company has to make the coordination with market activities such as print media, advertising, customer communication and the target the market research.

The needless physical effort form the employee and the rework process can be removed by optimizing the process, automation, and workflow and by altering the employee. All these activities occur when the employee do the self-help capabilities and self-service ( Lisch, 2016).

Solutions can become out by the self-help done by the employees. In this, it depends on the working ability of the employee to record the issues and the request via self-service, as a result fewer telephone calls to the service desk or to the business. In addition to this provides the service of automated delivery of solutions and request adds to save the labor potential and also stress remove from the service desk.

ITSM solution is widely used by the more and more people and also by the business functions and also the use of ROI and it will cost-per-user ongoing management. Even it depends on the business function system and there is always possible for new technology added provides the cost saving with the help of business functions.

With the help of ITSM solution, every enterprise service management can solve the issue of the employees and request made by them can be deal with and increase the service levels. With the help of improved effectiveness, there is no personal email is a request and no more delays in solving the problem (Khanduja, 2015).

With the help of ITSM technology helps in managing the staff the management so that they can understand what to achieved and what to not. With the help of business, the function makes it easier and help them in communicating with the customers and the stakeholders of the company.

 In this enterprise, service process can be used the technology by which the implementation can be done in the internal controls and also help in the higher-level reporting.

Research Methodology

The Enterprise service management with the help of corporate service they provide the better deliver against the expectations of the employee such as self-service, ease-of-use, knowledge availability, service request catalogs, self-help, can provide the information and service at any time any place and customer-centric support (Ehtram, 2016).

Firstly it helps in increasing the operational performance of the enterprise service management so that with the help of this it improves and allows to identify the opportunities. The Secondly with the help of ITIL continual service improvement help in improving the mechanism and it should be managed and delivered.

With the help of Enterprise service management and ITSM solution can be accessed and provides to access with communication channels such as email, chats, telephone, alerts, self-service and the self-service portal (Ehtram, 2016). With the help of Escalation and altering, there is communication can be done in action.

In this enterprise service management technology make it easier to assign and the responsibility and accountability with the help of business function.

Better understanding of what services are needed and provided

With the help of ITIL service lifecycle helps in managing the business function and making the strategy for the service operation, and also help in providing the best services.

The optimized process is a method for working and it is a common look and feels and common service model for employees. With the help of this service providers are also provided.

Improved collaboration within and across business functions

In this enterprise service management, it makes not only easier the work which is giving between the individuals and groups but it also make easier for the business functions ( Bendoly, Wezel, & Bachra, 2015).

It became an opportunity for the corporate IT organization for the benefit. The benefit is also for the ITSM principle and for the business functions it also provides the benefit for the business and for the wealth of service management skills, experience, and the knowledge and also supports the business-wide service management.

The category under which the study will be conducted is mixed research methodology. It includes both qualitative and quantitative measures. The research methodology that will be undertaken to complete the study is discussed below:

Sampling technique- In order to collect the primary sampling technique will be followed. The respondents from whom data will be collected are going to be selected through random sampling technique. This technique will be appropriate for the study, as the probability of selecting sample has an equal chance ( Engel, Jann, & Lynn, 2014). Hence the basis of selecting the samples as per the interest of the researcher does not exist in this sampling technique.
Universe- The universe for the research from which the samples or the respondent will be selected is the IT industry. The employees of this industry are going to be approached for the purpose of collecting data.

Sampling Technique

Sample- In order to conduct the study, 100 employees will be selected.
Data collection- Both primary and secondary data will be approached to obtain the data for research. Primary data- Sources which are taken for collecting primary data are case studies, observation, and questionnaire. These are the important sources for collecting the requisite data (Bates, 2014). Survey technique will be used to gather the data. Secondary Data- sources of secondary data collections that will be approached for the collection of data are mass and media reports, diaries, by web, and previous studies.

Data analysis- Data analysis is a process of collecting data through various means which are available. The approach of collecting data is very descriptive and time-consuming. Data analysis also means data analytics. Data analysis is a process of transforming, inspecting, data with the sole aim of getting information and conclusions regarding the facts of collected data which helps in decision making ( Israel, 2009). Analysis of qualitative data will be made through the expert’s advice. In addition to this, the statistical mean will be taken to thoroughly examine the quantitative data.

Chapter 1 it is related to the research proposal and is underlined in the index or before starting the chapter.

Chapter 2. It will state the problems while conducting research and why it is being conducted.

Chapter 3. It will elaborate you about the main aims, objectives and about the questions related to starting of research.

Chapter 4 will tell about the main purpose and importance of this research. And it will also tell whether this study is correct or not.

Chapter 5. It makes you know whether the research is justified for different users or not. Outcomes of the project will be made available. 

Chapter 6. What is the outcome of the whole study and the reviews will be mentioned in this (Denscombe, 2012). 

Chapter 7. The method adopted to conduct the research will be described.

The activities for the research will be carried out through a schedule. This schedule will include the starting date of the activity and the date on which the activity will be accomplished. Research project schedule is given below:


Starting date of Activity

Ending date of Activity

Total duration for completion of activities

Problem Statement in detail

1 September, 2017

4 September, 2017

4 days

Research aim, objective and question

5 September 2017

8 September 2017

4 days

Justification of the project

07 September 2017

12 September 2017

6 days

Potential outcome of research

12 September, 2017

16 September, 2017

5 days

Conceptual Framework/ Literature review

15 September, 2017

19 September, 2017

5 days

Methodology for Research

18 September 2017

21 Sept 2017

3 days

Total days took to complete the activities

28 days

( Bougie & Sekaran, 2016)



Justification of expenses

Conceptual framework or literature review


The literature review is important for the research, and even the demands for examine reviewed articles and also having the demands for journal articles for organizations such as IT companies. The material need for a literature review is approx. $800.

Preparation and distribution of questionnaire


With the help of Questionnaire, research can be done and the research is done by an expert but the cost is taken by them approx. $800, and for distributing the Questionnaire the cost is $400.

Observation of business activities


After collecting the data examine is done on the business activities of organizations and the cost is taken is $600.

Data analysis


After examining data, data is collected and then charts and tables are made and with the help of software examine is one of statistical data which may cause some cost approx. $3000.

Total estimated budget for the research project

$ 5600

Budget is compulsory for the completion of the project. In this budget is estimated. The budget is estimated is quite different from the project is vary for the project while doing research on the project, There are difference and the real and estimated budget.

(Becker, & Denicolo, 2012)


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