Smart Car Parking System: A Solution To Modern-Day Challenges

Collins’ Car Parking Model

Discuss about the System Of Collin’s Car Parking Model.

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In the present date people prefer to travel in their private cars rather than opting to public transport, this gave rise to the huge number of vehicles in the main roads. This in turn led to the congestion in the roads, scarcity of parking plots and increase in the costs of the parking tickets (Zheng et al., 2014). These problems are common to all the developed cities in the recent times. All these factors gave rise to the need of a smart car parking system in the global cities. Considering the case study it can be said that the Collin’s car parking model aims to eliminate these problem and provide easy solutions to the daily travelers. Most of the existing car parking models is time consuming were customers have to struggle to find place in the car parks in the busy hours of the day (Aalsalem, Khan & Dhabbah, 2015). Keeping in mind this problem, the Collins’ offers different types of services depending on the types of customers. Regular customers of the Collins’ can book their tickets in advance for weeks or months, this in turn will ensure that the regular customers can avail the car parking services at any time of the day regardless of the busy or lean hours of the day. The normal customers might not want to book the car park in advance therefore; Collins’ offers such advance booking services to their regular customers, in turn making the car parking service less time-consuming and cheaper to the customers.

The problem with the existing car parking models is that the customers have to keep their vehicles at their own risk. The car parks do not intend to provide extra security services for safeguarding the customer services (Alfatihi, Chihab & Alj, 2013). Considering this problem, the Collins’ installed a security monitoring system that would monitor the security services in the constantly. The number of visits of the security guards is tracked by the system.

Most of the available car parking models follows the manual ticket generation and ticket booking system, in turn making the booking system more time consuming and inconvenient (Elavarasi & Senthilkumar, 2017). Therefore, a totally automatic car parking system is of utmost considering the present scenario of the cities. The system installed in the Collin’s car park for ticket generation and ticket checking is automatic and much simpler compared to the other exiting car parking models.

Security Monitoring System

The system installed in the Collin’s car park is much simpler to operate and is less time consuming. The fixed customers are only required to insert their booked tickets in the specified slot of the control people. In this process, the system would check the vehicle owner’s ticket and deduct the sufficient amount even the fixed customers are not required to visit the pay station every time they leave the car park (Kotb et al., 2016). The system also provides the normal customers with simpler mode of services. The customers who do not need the car parking services in the regular basis could book their tickets at the time of parking their car. Such customers must press the control button in the control pillar to generate their tickets. The normal customers could also check availability of space sin the car park from the Collin’s mobile applications. The fixed customers are assured to get the car parking services at any hours of the day.

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Gaining trust of the customers is necessary for the business expansion. The Collin’s car parking system has strict security management system. Each of the Collin’s car parks is installed with the system that could monitor the security services in regular basis. All the necessary updates regarding the number of visits of the security guards in a day, tenure of their visits are updated and tracked in the installed system (Vorobieva et al., 2014).

The Collin’s car parking system offers much easier mode of payment compared to the other existing car parking models in the cities. Considering the busy schedule of the city lives, it is essential that the customer do not struggle to make their bookings. In other words, every time going to the specific Collins’ car parking centers to book tickets causes inconvenience to the customers. The Collin’s car parking system supports every mode of payments such as cash payment or payment through the debit or credit cards. As the Collins’ intends to extend their services to online web applications, it also offers their customers to book tickets thorough the online applications (Ji et al., 2014).

The Collin’s car parking system serves number of benefits to their customers. The following are some of the advantages of the Collin’s car parking system:

  • The Collin’s offer simpler mode of services to their customers. The system installed in each of the Collin’s car parks are less time consuming considering the system of ticket booking and ticket checking. The processes that the customers in the Collins’ are required to undergo for booking their spaces in the car parks is much easier and cost effective (Tolley & Turton, 2014).
  • The system installed in the Collin’s car park is easier to operate thus making it accessible to all categories of customers. The access and exit from the car park is also much simpler compared to the normal car parking models. The customers are only required to verify their tickets while accessing the car park.
  • The Collins’ offer assured services to their fixed customers. The fixed customers can book their tickets in advanced for weeks or months.
  • The Collin’s car park system ensures stringent security practices for safeguarding the vehicles of their customers. The security services are monitored regularly by the management of the Collin’s car park.
  • The system installed in the Collin’s car park is maintained regularly. Thus there lies a very less chance of the system getting corrupted instantly.

In order to install the Collin’s car parking system the primary resource would be infrastructure, sufficient land plots for setting up the car parks. A management team is also a necessary resource for installation and implementation of the Collin’s car parking system. The team would monitor the all the requirements that are necessary for system installation and implementation (Trusiewicz & Legierski, 2013). A system developer team would develop the required system in each of the car parks. A group of architectures will plan the interior and design of the car parks. In order to make the car parking system efficiently it is essential that each of the car parks is designed in such a manner that it could accommodate more number of vehicles in less land plots (Polycarpou, Lambrinos & Protopapadakis, 2013). Other resources required for the Collin’s car parking system are the business developer team who come up with the required changes in the business as per the market demands, a risk management team who could predict the threats that the Collin’s car parking business would encounter in the long run and thus providing the Collins’ with necessary measures to avoid the loss.

The Collin’s car parking business suffers from number threats. The Collin’s car parking system is prone to system failure. The following are some of the business risks that the Collin’s might encounter in the long run:

  • Although the system which is set up in each of the Collin’s car parks is well maintained but there might arise instances at the time of accessing the car park the system gets failed.
  • The Collin’s car parks are huge structures that accommodate huge number of vehicles. Natural calamities such as flood or earthquakes may destruct the car parking plots in such cases the vehicles of the customers might also get destructed (Merriman, 2016).
  • Considering the global economic condition where numbers of countries are getting economically affected, situations may arise that people opt for public transport rather than purchasing their personal vehicles in such a case the Collin’s car parking business might incur loss (Venkateswaran & Prakash, 2014).
  • Land prices might sore in the places where the Collin’s might intend to set up their business.


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