Solutions For Migrating Video-on-Demand And Pay-per-View Database To Cloud

Migrating physical databases into the cloud is the latest business strategy that is being implemented in the latest business era. This is a result of the technological development and the urge of the business organizations to excel better than their competitors by adapting to these developments (Ahmad et al., 2015). In this particular case, a video-on-demand and pay-per-view or VOD and PPV organization is looking for a migration of their 20 terabytes of database to the cloud for saving costs for the business. However, this migration has some impending challenges that would be addressed in this report while providing solutions for the same.

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 Legacy software system can be defined as the primary software using primitive techniques (Hashem et al., 2015). Replacing it with the proprietary solution would be the latest implementation of the cloud solution systems in the organization, which would be migration of the video database into the cloud for this case. This solution is feasible for the sole reason that having huge physical legacy system software of video database would have a high chance of data mismanagement and loss. It is thus an easier proprietary solution for the organization to migrate their entire video database to the cloud.

Other than migrating into the cloud, there are some customized solutions that would fit the needs of the organization to mitigate the challenges that appear in the data migration process. These can be described as below:

  • Discovering the VMware and assessing: Assessment of the existing applications is necessary while migrating in the clouds for meeting both business values and checking the synchronization with the technicalities. Critical dependencies and terms of architecture needs to be checked beforehand to maintain proper migration synchronization.
  • Resource and cost assessment: Many consultants process free migration processes but once the servers are deployed into the cloud, all the expenditures behind it can be tracked, forecasted and optimized. This would help in assessing 84 per cent of onsite and VMware server costs to cloud migration.

There are several cloud-based hosts that serve three major schematics. These are the IaaS, PaaS and the SaaS (Boutaba, Zhang and Zhani 2014). For this solution, the organization would have to research about the cloud server provider and the cloud infrastructure the provider has. SaaS provides software as a service and thus it would provide several software solutions for the storage, retrieval and backup of the migrated video data and moreover several tools that support streaming of videos over the cloud would be a better idea. The use of one such tool would be preferable for the benefit of the organization to support live streaming with the help of cloud servers. As per the consultant’s suggestions, with convenient internet access, the crowdsourced streaming, which supports single sourced video streaming paradigm, would be the best solution for the organization. This would generate video streaming from the cloud even from the fine granularity of the cloud servers for cost effective video streaming,

Hybrid solution for the options 1-3 would require that the organization specifically uses a SaaS cloud server with huge database area and the ability to transfer the data faster than usual. Since the amount of data is nearly 20TB, the cost and time for the data backup would be much higher. Therefore, the solution would not be much economic. It is observed that data is copied couple of times per day, instead of in real-time and the copies are stored on a cost-effective storage system in a backup format (Ferris 2015). This creates a problem in data recovery as duplication of data and recreation of the entire application, which leads to RTOs of hours and RPO of potentially days.

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Option 2: Develop a custom solution specialized to the new needs of the provided business case

This problem can be eliminated by affording 15 minute recoveries of the RPO/RTOs which would ensure that no data has been transferred lowering the RTOs.

The merits and drawbacks of the solutions are described as below:



1. Improved results and reliability: The latest implementations would definitely engage in producing comparatively better results and provide more reliability for the implemented solution.

1. Cost: The solutions generated are bit high in monetary range to implement in comparison to the previous system

2. Security and Efficiency: The solutions mentioned provide better security and efficiency to the system functionalities.

2. Too Specific: The solution is too specific to the problem thus suggesting to implement specific changes to a problem without considering other situations of the organization

3. Internal Control: The provided solutions have much increased internal control than the traditionally used system.

3. Time consummation: It would be a bit time consuming for the entire organization to change the entire framework of the previous system and implement an absolutely new one in order with training the staff.

4. Scalability and usability: The newest implementation suggestion has a better scalability and usability in comparison with the previous system

4. Risk: Risk associated with the new system is ample since the systems are working at the cloud environment.

5. Interoperability: Being interoperable is a huge impact on a business when it tries to implement a new system, thus it has been kept in mind by the consultants to suggest the most interoperable solution in comparison with the previous one (Xu et al. 2014).

5. Quality: The quality of production at first may not be acceptable by the organization since it has not been familiar with before, but it is assumed that sooner or later the organization will accept the production quality the new system is providing.

6. Flexibility: The system is much flexible and thus there are easy solutions to any obstacle that arises while performing a task.


7. Commercialization: The system is commercialized and easily available, thus remote access would not be a problem in terms of handling the system as well


The comparative analysis of the Cloud Solution in option 3 can be described as a comparison between the cloud solutions that are suggested to be implemented in the business process of the organization as well as in the change of database and the traditional system that had been in vogue in the organization’s environment (Rittinghouse and Ransome 2016). The solutions can be listed as following:

  • Time taken for migration:After the migration process is done, a final synchronization is to be checked to make sure the data is consistent.
  • Complexity:Data migration is not risk-free, therefore security check-up and UI management is absolutely necessary.
  • Performance and cost:Cloud migration is a process that would need a considerable amount of monetary investment and this need to be checked to assure that the amount is meeting the requirements for the organization (Spaltro et al., 2016).


Therefore, it can be concluded from the above report that the consultant company has given several insights about all the situations and the solutions along with the merits and demerits of the systems as well; since there have been significant changes in the business process for migrating a huge amount of data to cloud along with VMware and onsite servers. The consulting company has provided information based on each of the four possibilities based on the respective case study paying special focus on the third opportunity. A comparative analysis of cloud solutions with special focus on the third opportunity has also been provided stating their merits and demerits along with it.


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