Sports Journal For Ethnicity And Disaster Vulnerability – Discussion

My favourite sport

Discuss about the Sports Journal for Ethnicity and Disaster Vulnerability.

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My favourite sport is soccer.It is one of the most popular sport in the world.Throughout the countries around the globe, this game is played.I have been playing soccer for 2 years now.During my initial days I was not this much fond of this game, but gradually I developed liking towards it. Playing soccer gives me happiness and keeps me motivated and energized all the time.I also feel relaxed and confident while playing the game.My entire exhaustion dies out One of the biggest lessons I learned through this play is not to underestimate the power of an opponent and never to give up.Besides, soccer has helped me in developing and improving my leadership skills.The game includes eleven-player on each of the side who tries to forward the ball in the opponent’s court by crossing the opponent team and shooting the ball in the opponent’s court by creating series of passes (Blackett, Evans & Piggott, 2017).It is not a mere game of having fun and kicking a ball, it requires lots of basic skills and thoughts to play the game.I feel strong while playing the game.This game has taught me the lessons of teamwork and has created a strong sportsman inside me.Some of the best examples of soccer include FIFA world cup and UEFA champions league that is played throughout the world (Love, Kope? & Guest, 2015).Spectators from all over the world come to see soccer with their full soccer spirit during the world cup season.Even if the victory does do not come every time I still love to play soccer.

I love the sport because I love my life.Sports being one of the basic joys of the life gives me positive vibes.It has been a significant portion of life since I was a little kid.Some of the reasons I like sports are rivalries; rivalries are different and unique to be watched in sports.Teamwork; it is one of the most important factors in sport and I just love to watch players coming together on one platform to showcase their different abilities and talents with respecting each other.I believe that sport is the one of the best way an individual can shine, an amazing performance in the final stage can change a players career and fan following.Sport is one of the best entertainment ones can have and it involves lots of emission and passion to play sports (Esmonde, Cooky & Andrews, 2015).Beside the factor of competitiveness, the sport is also a way of bonding with the friends and enjoying each others company.Winning in sports is not everything, it is just a thing like boosting up the confidence inside.I love sport since everyone is considered equal more or less while playing.When we win, we celebrate and when we lose we gain experiences to perform better in our next game.Apart from the personal pleasure and joy, sports is the best when it involves the local community in it.Good sport is the result of an effective leadership.Besides I love sports because it gives me new opportunities to make new friends.I believe it is one of the best entertainment ones can have in their life.

I love sport

One of the most fundamental factor in the context of sports is the concept of ethnicity. Ethnicity is much closer related to the factor of race (Bolin & Kurtz, 2018).Sometimes both of these factors are confused since both represent the classification and observation difference by various people.Racism has been a much-debated topic throughout the world for many years, but still, the abolition or eradication of this topic has still been a big challenge.Historical pieces of evidence prove that black Africans had to go through tough times while participating in sports activities.The world was not at all supportive towards black athletes.Even the black people had to go through the tough test before applying for world tournaments and faced lots of discrimination in the sports activities.As far as I remember, one of the notable shreds of evidence of racism in the history of sports activities was in the Berlin Olympics of 1936. Even after tremendous marginalization by the white people, that Olympic noted the first black people to win 4 gold medals in the Olympics (Tukachinsky, 2015).The bad practices of racism are still prevalent in the world today.Often it has come to notice that the black athletes mainly the female ones are the silent victims of assaults, physical abuse and mockery due to their race.The context of ethnicity is still a very big question in the context of sports.Recognition of the black athletes are far less than the white athletes and the concept of racism has still not been fully erased.Hence it needs to be dealt with strict policies and measures.

Governments of different states throughout the world organize and sets up national and international events of sports (Carling et al., 2015). They support the sportsperson who represents their respective jurisdictions and play for the state by taking salaries and pieces of training.I take the utmost pride in the performance of our fellow countrymen in these vents and pray for their success.I celebrate their victory and mourn their losses as much as the athletes of the country do.I believe that governmental orders and rules are required while engaging any player to play for a team or for a country.This is because a specific order can safeguard their position in the team and gives each and every athlete the enthusiasm and the energy to perform in spirit while playing in the team. Besides this governmental orders and officers of the government should be appointed for the sports association to investigate if each and every team is performing well in the sports (Lench & Straus, 2015). Expenses such as the cost of the team players, necessities by the players and their essentials are bor by the state government.One of the most notable expensive world cup tournament in the history of the sports is the World Cup tournaments. Improvement of the infrastructure of the sports activity should also follow some rules and orders for an effective and clean sports environment (Van den Hurk & Verhoest, 2015).Athletes perform on the ecosystem on the platforms provided by the state government.

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Race and ethnicity in sports

I love to play soccer. Soccer is generally played in team .Team management is one the important thing that needs to follow and practiced while playing in the team.I lead my team and the victory in any of the tournament we play is the victory of our team.I did it for my team.On each and every victory of our team, we celebrate with all of our team members.There are many benefits that can be gained from participating in the sports activity.Team participation is essential to build self-esteem and promote social interactions and helps in gaining lessons of responsibility among the athletes of the team.Participation can increase one’s self-esteem (Drake et al., 2017). Being a part of the team, I receive enough praise and recognition which boost my self-confidence to guide my team in developing strategies to beat my opponent team in the game of soccer.

It has been highly noticed that the black people are tremendously good at the sports.It has been an ever growing question that why black people are good at sports and why the black people dominate the sports industry.They are a high level of suspicion that the black athletes are physically better.There lie some differences in the concepts regarding this belief.The white people or the white athletes dominate the sports which include expensive pieces of equipment.Some of these sports are golf, sailing, hockey and more.Very less number of black people are seen to play these types of games unless they are millionaires.It has been a much-rumored slogan that white people can’t jump while the black people can’t swim.This is said because the black people tend to have easier body skeletons and lower levels of body fat.This is one of the major physical traits that the black people inherit from the tropical areas of Africa.In the united states, the sports world is entirely dominated by the men and women of West Africa (Sorokowski et al., 2014). The black African is advantageous in this sector due to the low body fat and this they can sprint and can engage in other hard sports activities like football, basketball and more.In the sports activity of long-run African are advantageous due to the lack of their lower calf muscles or Gastrocnemius.Researchers have found out that the black athletes have a phenotypic advantage.They have some of the characteristics of the body that developed over the evolution of thousands of years.Environment and culture also play a very important role in the evolution difference.These are some of the factors that imply the genetic variations within the black and the white athletes (Majors, 2017). Another of the important factor for the development of the body of the black Africans is that the Africans do well in agility and quickness since they spend most of their evolutionary history near their origin, while the rest of the world has migrated to different regions and climates.


Blackett, A. D., Evans, A., & Piggott, D. (2017). Why ‘the best way of learning to coach the game is playing the game’: Conceptualising ‘fast-tracked’high-performance coaching pathways. Sport, Education and Society, 22(6), 744-758.

Bolin, B., & Kurtz, L. C. (2018). Race, class, ethnicity, and disaster vulnerability. In Handbook of disaster research (pp. 181-203). Springer, Cham.

Carling, C., McCall, A., Le Gall, F., & Dupont, G. (2015). The impact of in-season national team soccer play on injury and player availability in a professional club. Journal of sports sciences, 33(17), 1751-1757.

Drake, D., Kennedy, R., Godfrey, M., MacLeod, S., Davis, A., & Maguire, M. (2017). A step towards a field based agility test in team sports. A perspective on return to play criteria. Physical Therapy in Sport, 28, e20.

Esmonde, K., Cooky, C., & Andrews, D. L. (2015). “It’s Supposed to be About the Love of the Game, not the Love of Aaron Rodgers’ Eyes”: Challenging the Exclusions of Women Sports Fans. Sociology of Sport Journal, 32(1), 22-48.

Lench, B. D., & Straus, L. B. (2015). Standard-setting by non-governmental agencies in the field of sports safety equipment: promoting the interests of consumers or manufacturers. J. Bus. & Tech. L., 10, 47.

Love, B. C., Kope?, ?., & Guest, O. (2015). Optimism bias in fans and sports reporters. PloS one, 10(9), e0137685.

Majors, R. (2017). Cool pose: Black masculinity and sports. In African Americans in sports (pp. 15-22). Routledge.

Sorokowski, P., Szmajke, A., Hamamura, T., Jiang, F., & Sorokowska, A. (2014). “Red wins”,“black wins” and “blue loses” effects are in the eye of beholder, but they are culturally universal: A cross-cultural analysis of the influence of outfit colours on sports performance. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 45(3), 318-325.

Tukachinsky, R. (2015). Where we have been and where we can go from here: Looking to the future in research on media, race, and ethnicity. Journal of Social Issues, 71(1), 186-199.

Van den Hurk, M., & Verhoest, K. (2015). The governance of public–private partnerships in sports infrastructure: Interfering complexities in Belgium. International Journal of Project Management, 33(1), 201-211.