State Charts For System Modeling And Design

Developing State Chart Diagrams

Discuss about the Video Transcript for Oral-B toothbrush and SmartSeries 5000.

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The Oral –B Braun 5000 electric toothbrush has a number of accessories that enhance its usage such as the smart guide and the smartphone Oral-B App. The toothbrush is designed to help in save time while cleaning teeth and to ensure that the teeth become very clean. The Smart Series 5000 electric toothbrush can be used with an interactive wireless display also known as the SmartGuide. Two key components in the operation of the toothbrush are the timers and the pressure sensors. The toothbrush has a timer which alerts the user when cleaning their teeth to avoid cleaning some quadrants longer than others. There are two types of timers namely the professional time and the 2-minute timer. The professional timer is set based on the user’s preferred brushing mode majorly for deep cleaning mode which allows for 45 seconds per quadrant. The 2-minutes timer is mainly for the daily clean mode which allows for about 30 seconds for each quadrant. The Oral-B toothbrush, SmartSeries 5000, is comprised of the brush head, pressure sensor light, on/off button, brushing mode button, handle, radio transmission display which incorporates Bluetooth wireless technology, charge level display, basic charger and brush head compartment with protective cover, SmartGuide, SmartGuide holder, wall mount, adhesive ring, travel case and charger pouch depending on the model chosen. The toothbrush has a waterproof handle and is said to be electrically safe and designed for use in a water flowing area such as the ablutions. The brush head is wet from a tap and some paste is applied on it. The user can apply the toothpaste that they prefer. It is recommended to guide the toothbrush to the teeth before powering on the toothbrush to avoid splashing the toothpaste. The user guides the toothbrush from one tooth to the next and the teeth are cleaned from the outside, to the inside, and later on the chewing surfaces. The system divides the teeth into 4 quadrants where each is cleaned in about 30 seconds. The user may seek dental advise from a dentist on their most effective brushing technique. The toothbrush may cause the user’s gums to bleed in the beginning but one gets used to it especially after learning to set customized modes for personal brushing. The most preferred mode for such situations is the sensitive mode. The toothbrush connects to the smartphone app using the Bluetooth wireless technology. It is required that the smartphone should run on Bluetooth 4.0 or higher versions of it. The pairing starts immediately one powers on the toothbrush. The user keeps the smartphone in close proximity so as to read the instructions displayed on the app when different brushing modes are chosen. The app synchronizes the brushing data for later use. It is important to store the phone in a dry place for better performance. When one is done brushing, the brush handle is powered off and the user rinses the brush head under running water while the handle is switched on. The toothbrush handle and brush head are cleaned separately. The SmartGuide comes with the toothbrush as an accessory. The user can mount it on the washroom area wall using the wall mount accessory. It assists the user interact with the toothbrush in a more efficient manner. During purchase, the SmartGuide is set to the demonstration mode which is not effective for the users. The user can reset the toothbrush from this state to their brush mode of choice using the reset button in the battery compartment. The user can now set the timer as they prefer based on their dental hygiene plan. It allows for response to events on different accounts. When the charger unit is plugged in to a power outlet, the toothbrush begins charging. A blue light indicator turns on to show that the toothbrush is charging. When a user applies too much pressure when brushing their teeth, the pressure sensor detects and shows a red indicator light to warn the user to reduce the pressure applied while brushing. The toothbrush synchronizes with the Oral-B App that runs on the smartphone, either android based or iOS based. The SmartGuide is assigned to its own toothbrush handle in cases where more than one person is using the toothbrush in the home. This is important to avoid interference and a mix up of messages from the toothbrush handle. The state chart is a type of the unified modelling language in software development that focusses on designing the system behavior. It uses states and events to demonstrate the interaction. The software is used to draw the state diagram of both electric brush and Smart guide. The features and functionalities are easy to grasp before using the toothbrush as indicated on the manual. In the brush set, the first thing you do is you set up the toothbrush. The head of the brush should be wet and then an individual’s favourite tooth paste can be used to clean the tooth. The entrance of the power is a zero. When you set up the brush, you can now connect the brush handle to the bristles and power it on. Powering it on will change the state to one and show an indicator of the green light. One can brush the teeth. The brush head is used to clean the teeth before enabling the electrical section to avoid splashing out the paste. In the Brush mode, one begins the brushing process from the outside to the inside and finally the end is to clean on the chewing surfaces of the mouth. Load the sensitive mode on the smart guide of the toothbrush in the early stages of using the toothbrush to avoid getting the tooth gums damaged or bleeding. One can consult a physician when the bleeding is continuous while loading the sensitive mode. Brushing the teeth is recommended to brush the teeth for 30 seconds per quadrant. If the brush detects that a lot of pressure is being applied by the user, the brush will send a pressure warning or a pressure alert which will take the brush to idle state. After 2 seconds the brush will check if the pressure has been reduced; if the pressure has been reduced it will check the pressure level and either proceed to brushing again else it will go back to idle state. After all the quadrants are fully brush, you now power off the brush. Similarly, we have the smart screen. The smart screen has few steps. The smart screen runs on a smart phone app. You power on, after 20 seconds, the screen displays the instructions on how to use the brush. After about 150 seconds it synchronizes data from the tooth brush. While enabling tongue cleaning mode, it is recommended to use the sensitive head of the electric tooth brush. As it is a sensitive cleaning mode, the tooth paste is not required. One can brush without the tooth paste. Gently provide slow motion while cleaning the tongue. Repeat this motion for the whole tongue. 20 seconds of gentle motion on the tongue is enough for brushing. The Smart Guide helps to intimate the completion of 20 seconds brushing, using a smiley face. The timer is set for the professional timer mode and the 2-minutes timer mode. In 2-minute timer, when two minutes completes, the device signals green color light with a short shuttering sound. In professional timer, the green color with short shuttering sound is played for every 30 seconds. This timing will vary with 40 seconds when it moves into the next quadrant. Generally, deep clean mode is recommended. Resetting the timing for each time is not necessary because, it automatically resets even if the device is either switched off or paused. To change the timer mode to ‘two minutes’, the mode button should be long pressed for 3 seconds. After showing 30 seconds on Smart Guide, the button should be pressed. Then, in the timer on/off button should be pressed, to set 2-minutes timer. When excessive pressure is given on the tooth, the green light changes to red light. Then, the cleaning mode will automatically change from daily clean or deep clean mode to sensitive mode. This process is checked periodically when giving a small press on the toothbrush, while brushing. After completing brushing and finding the pressure sensor it will be automatically turned off and enables the tongue cleaning mode.

In a nutshell, state charts are used in the analysis state of system modelling and in the design. The state charts are useful in describing the system behavior of business systems as well as product systems. The exercise seeks to develop state chart diagrams for the system or product and ensure the coordination of all the entities. The state charts design the behavior of the system, they can be very complex with nested states within other states as well as the use of the multiple parallel concurrent states. The state charts are useful to help design an object’s method logic.