Strategic Information System And IT Management In Microsoft Company

IS Strategy and its Importance

Discuss about the IS Strategy Management and Acquisition of Microsoft Company.

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Microsoft Company is a business firm founded in 1975 by both Paul Allen and Bill Gates to developed and sell primary operating system related to computer applications. It is a business firm which deals mostly with the website design, development and web hosting. The firm has different management sectors which include the strategic department, marketing team, web development team among other departments. Most of the companies prefer to use our services because of the excellent quality of the services and the products offered by the firm. The business firm has some issues to be discussed in the discussion (Rothaermel, 2015). These include the following; IS strategy, IT management structures. For any business firm to efficiently operate, it must have the laid down laws and the policies from which to work. Its officials should also have well-spelled roles and the responsibilities to avoid any confusion within the firm. Any successful business firm must have a successful leadership at the same time must invest in research SBD innovation for the improvement of the firm.

Continues research and good customer relationship is one of the critical issues that enables a firm or an organization to maximize its profit at the same time to maintain its customers. The firm should also have proper ways and rules on how to deal with any risk incurred (Krajewski, Malhotra, & Ritzman, 2015). Adequate training on its workers and the customers on the nature of the service and improvements within the firm is a key to the performance and the output of the firm at large. For this reason, the report will look into details some of the issues and strategy that is behind the success of this website solution company. Proper analysis and structures of the departments and its respective strategic plans are also looked deeply. As stated earlier every firm should invest much in research and also maintaining the customer’s relationship for maximization if the profit.

In any organization like Microsoft technologies for a business to proper it should have a very active department called IS strategy department with the following functions:

It maintains the company customer relationship through the sharing of information throughout the company. This information includes the changes and the new products offers

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The system facilitates any improvement of integration of its internal processes

The system also provides the executive management with all the strategic information management

Business Governance and Policies

To achieve maximum functionality in an organization, the business like Microsoft website solution must operate within a number of the central arguments. One of the cases states that the performance will always depend on the structures and capabilities which will support the success realization the strategic decisions put in place (Hill, Jones, & Schilling, 2014). In addition to this, it is also argued that it operates under the alignment of a two-way process where both the business and the information system can work and act on mutual drivers. Finally the strategic alliance us one that is not an event but the process of all the continuity of change and adaptation.

The above represents the model of s strategic information system in the website solution business firm. The model constitutes two different sections which ensure its functionality.This include focus comprises of Operational efficiency, Management effectiveness and business competitiveness; the other part consists of the contribution which can either be indirectly or directly depending on the functionality (Pearlson, Saunders & Galletta, 2016). They include the Data processing, Management Information System, and the strategies information systems. The above strategy model represents the structures and the way a business firm operates for the effectiveness and realization if the dream of the business. For example, Sonic website solution uses the above model for its Information System operations, and this assists it for its smooth functioning.

The business governance and policies are very essential in any business firm. The governance of an organization is a formal framework for the organization that ensures the IT management firms can support the business objectives. In today’s world of technology, firm’s Informational infrastructure can enable the smooth running of the business when proper governance structures are put in place (Saebi & Foss, 2015). Companies or firms which do not have well-spelled organization and governance structures will suffer from the IT infrastructure or the mismanagement in the IT and business strategies may fall quickly compared to their competitors.

Effective governance is very crucial for any organization success by enhancing all operation and profitability of all the business operations. The following represents the firm’s organization structures of the Sonic website solutions:

The management structure

The relationship that forms excellent communication with the customers and suppliers within the organization

The staff accountability

The schedule and the business/firms management

The repeatability and the process standardization of the firm.

Whenever there is reasonable organizational management within the firm, its operation and performance become very useful. The good governance and policies have contributed to some transformative changes in the realization of the profit maximization. These include the following

Strategic Information System in Sonic Website Solution

The migration of the company practices regarding the IT industry

Development of the efficient and the effect in the Technical architecture of the Information system

Good governance help in evaluating the existing processes and the procedures within the organization.

Supporting and deployment if the new Technology within the IT firm

Assessing if the resourceful nature of the IT weaknesses and strength

The above represents the benefits that Company gains from good governance in the organization.

The vital information system of the firm represents the company’s way of refocusing all its activities as a way of improving from the previous one; this changes the attitude of the employs in a manner that brings back into the company (Han & Kang, 2016). A strategic information system is also viewed as the cooperate strategy which helps the organization in strengthening its communication system thereby keeping and maintaining its relationship with the company. Sonic website solution is one of the IT firms which invests most in the SIS department since it is the secret for its performance (Kwon, Lee & Shin, 2014). The following represents the characteristics of the Strategic information systems if the firm and this ensures for its functionality and maximization I’d like the profits.

It changes the business performances regarding the customer relationship and the improvement in technology

The Strategic Information system assist the firm in obtaining it’s laid down strategic goals intended to be achieved within the organization.

It changes the way the company runs its business since it looks into both the strengths and the weaknesses of the company and this helps to build the excellent customer relationship within the organization. The company may change regarding the out word looking at the same regarding customers’ identification on preference and tests, competitors and finally in the environment of its operation

Strategic Information system also helps the company to compete favorably by identifying the way it deals with its customers.

For the practical function of the company, there must be a well organize IT management system within the organization. The management system gives the well spelled out roles if each in the organization. Before July 2012, the Microsoft activities and functions were configured around one the individual of its functionality. For the active functions of the company regarding the Information Technology Management, the company has been structured into nine essential business functions depending on the role to be played by each department. The sections comprise of the following sections: the engineering section which has a more significant purpose and consists some subsections which include Operating Systems, Applications and Services and Cloud enterprise (Pearlson, Saunders, & Galletta, 2016). The engineering section is responsible for the design and implementation if any IT related work including the writing of programs, designing them and full implementation of the projects.

IT Management System in Microsoft Company

In addition to the above departments, there are other additional departments which makes up the management system of the Microsoft Company (Avgerou & Walsham, 2017). These sections include; the dynamics section responsible for any abrupt changes which may occur within its functionality, the Advance strategy SBD research department, the cloud and enterprise department responsible for all the business functions of the firm, Marketing and operations, the evangelism and the business developments department Human resource and Legal cooperate affairs accountable for any legal matters within the organization these departments are responsible for full implementation of the information system for the better of the company in terms of profit maximization.

Microsoft as a company has based its operation on policies and the processes from which to operate. All its systems are built on critical values of the company (Eason, 2014).The policies of the company improve both the management and strategy of the company regarding the Information Technology.

The following represents the company’s core values from which to operate

It ensures there is honesty and integrity while dealing with both the customers, staff and investors within the company.

The company also ensures that it operates on the growth and improvement with maximum respect

The company has the passion for the technological developments in all its customers and subscribers

They also provide that there is accountability among the customers and other staff

They also have a policy of dreaming big and following their dreams to ensure the improvement in the IT management.

Apart from the core values from which the company operate, there are also other policies and procedures from which the company operates; these include the following

  • The standard in business conducts
  • The compliance with the regulations
  • The policy responsible for lobbying
  • The fair information practices among the customers and the staff.
  • Finally, they believe in diversity

Microsoft Company some cooperate officers who ensure its functionality and service to the customers. The following represents the cooperate offices within the Microsoft company.

Cooperate, officer,

Role and function

Chief executive officer(CEO)

The overall director of the company

Executive president

Governance and business if the company

Chief Marketing Officer

Marketing and customer business

Executive vice president

Sales marketing and operations

Digital Officer

Engineering and operations

Executive vice president 2

in charge of Human Resources

Microsoft has three steps in which it treats and reduces its risk depending on the nature of the threat. The risk mitigations involve some measures which include the following: the first step is to identify the risk and what it is likely to cost regarding the value added after the identification of the risk quantifies it by looking at its nature and the effects to the business. In addition to the above steps, the third step is to plan for the risk and finally monitor and act on it.

For the successful business firm must have a successful leadership at the same time must invest in research SBD innovation for the improvement of the firm (Ptak & Schragenheim, 2016). Continues study and good customer relationship is one of the critical issues that enables a firm or an organization to maximize its profit at the same time to maintain its customers. The firm should also have proper ways and rules on how to deal with any risk incurred. Adequate training on its workers and the customers on the nature of the service and improvements within the firm is a key to the performance and the output of the firm at large. For this reason, the report will look into details some of the issues and strategy that is behind the success of this website solution company. Proper analysis and structures of the departments and its respective strategic plans are also looked into details (Arvidsson, Holmström, & Lyytinen, 2014). As stated earlier every firm should invest much in research and also maintaining the customer’s relationship for maximization if the profit

For the last two to three years on the horizon, Microsoft technologies have experienced a tremendous impact both externally and internal operation. One of the most significant improvements of the company is the upgrading if the windows which are up to date (Schwalbe, 2015). The efficient management has also ensured excellent quality of the services provided to the customers and investors. Finally, the Microsoft Company has been rank the best provider for of the computer windows and applications.


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