Strategic People Management: Enhancing Organizational And Individual Performance

The Challenges of Business Organizations

This video is mainly about the challenges faced by many of the business organizations. Some of the most prevalent challenges are the ethical issues, lack of cross-cultural competence, lack of a unity and team working spirit and other such problems (Deardorff, 2017). This is indeed one of the major challenges that the managers have to face. They have to find out many strategies that will help them to deal with these issues (Massey, 2017). This video is mainly showing the presentation of one of the aspiring college student who has been doing an internship in the accounts and finance department with one of the electronic manufacturing company. He has identified several issues within that company. Here in this video, he is trying to narrate all these issues in details. He is also sharing his personal views over these issues and how can he manage to solve these issues. This essay will mainly deal with the review of the video. This will also aim at providing some important tips to the students so that they can work on their communication and speaking skills.

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 This video has mainly dealt with the views of a student who is sharing his experience of having worked in one of the manufacturing companies. It is mentioned that there are many issues that have been found going on within the organizational culture (Block & Negrine, 2017). Some of the issues are unethical practices, lack of a cultural competence, lack of cooperation among the members and other such issues. 

This company mainly excels in the production of the electronic goods and quite naturally they have to maintain contact with many stakeholders. As a result of this, they have installed many computers, phones, printers and other such devices. The ethical issue that has been identified is the unnecessary usage of these devices. In other words, these are the properties of the office and are meant to be used only for the official purposes.

However as per the opinion of the intern of that company, many of the employees were using these items for their own use. They often used the printer not for printing any official documents but for getting some of their personal documents printed. Apart from this, the phone that was meant strictly for the office usage was being misused. It was often used by the employees for making prolonged calls to their families or friends. They often used the internet of the office for chatting with their friends and the family members and not for any chat with the official clients. Apart from this, there was a lack of decorum. Some of the employees were not at all punctual and they came late at their office shits and also left before shift timing being over.

There was a lack of mutual respect and cooperation among each other. There was also a lack of innovation. Some of the systems that were being used were old and backdated. They often made the pace of work very slow and the performance got hampered. There were also some issues on the part of the management board. They did not take proper measures for inculcating a team spirit within the organization.  Apart from this, the company was extremely autocratic in nature (Simon, VAn Den Dries & Wilms, 2016). The management system was very rigid and it did not seem to be employees friendly. This is because they do not take the opinions and feedbacks of their employees into consideration. The employees often suffer from this feeling that they are being avoided and neglected. This has a negative impact on the mindset of the employees and the production of the company suffers a lot (Boer, Berger, Chapman & Gertsen, 2017).  

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Issues Identified in a Manufacturing Company

However, as a manager, the student has shared some of the measures that he would have taken to solve the existing organizational issues. The first and foremost thing is to develop a proper work culture. This work culture will be equal for all and will give an equal amount of respect to each and every employee. There has to be a proper code of conduct maintained. It is also the duty of the managers to explain this code of conduct among each and every employee and make sure that the rules are being followed (Quinton & Simkin, 2017).

The managers have to indulge the employees in several team building activities. This will help the employees in developing the mutual cooperation and trust. They will be helping each other. It is essential for the company to develop an ambiance of learning. There has to be a very friendly and good environment where each and every employee will be able to learn something valuable and enrich their skills. The second is to develop the systems like the computers, the internet connections, and others.

The company must upgrade itself as per the changing times. They have to make sure that the number of technical faults is being reduced to a great extent. They have to follow a reward and punishment system for the employees. However, this system must be unbiased. The employees who are actually hard working must get the rewards. On the other hand, the ones who violate the rules must be punished. This will inculcate an ambiance of justice and decorum. This will also encourage the employees to work efficiently (Anderson, 2016). They will have to encourage the employees and motivate them. One of the best ways is to make the employees feel valued and respected within the organization. The employees must be involved while undertaking decisions for the company (Whitson et al., 2015). The managers have to consider the opinion and the feedback from all the employees so that they do not feel neglected.

Apart from this, the company has to work on the cultural competence. They have to conduct the cross-cultural sessions so that the employees can respect each other irrespective of the religious, social or ethnic backgrounds. The company has to hire employees from all the different cultural backgrounds. This will ensure an exchange of diverse ideas. In this way, the company can diversify its culture and also improve its overall performance. All these measures will surely be very helpful for the company and they will be able to strengthen their client base.

The communication style and the effectiveness of the presentation were more or less good. The communication of the students the delivery of the speech was done in a confident manner. There was a good and detailed description of all the observations that was gained during the internship period (Benn, Edwards & Williams, 2014). The student also gave good references for the articles that he has used while finding out the solution to the ethical problems within the organization. In the video, the student talked about one of the articles that he has read, which were by the CEO of the Deloitte Company. A good amount of ideas were taken from 5his article and also from many other articles written by other authors. The student had also recorded all the observations and has narrated them without missing out on an important point.

Measures to Solve Organizational Issues

One of the major strengths of the presentation is the detailed ideas and the observations. The presentation is also precise and is done in a simple manner. This will be easily understandable by anyone who is listening to this presentation. The student has also talked about his own personal views on the organizational issues and the ways in which he would try to solve them. The lucid language of this presentation also can be considered as one of the major strengths of the communication style.

There is always a scope for improvement. The student must try to work on his fluency and the accents of the English language. In the future, as a manager, he has to deal with many clients both from on a National and International basis. So, it is very important for him to develop a very fluent English speaking capacity along with good accents. Being a manager he has to deal with several organization issues. He will have to communicate with the employees and collect their feedback and opinions as well. It is thus important for him to have a strong grip over the English speaking skill. This is also because English is one of the globally accepted languages. He has to work on his accents. There was a problem in understanding the name of the company where he is had interned previously. He has to be clearer with his accents. This will help him to deal with all the stakeholders, both internal and external in a clear and uninterrupted manner (Cardon, 2014).

Apart from this, it seemed at some points the student was fumbling a bit and was repeating many sentences that were already discussed earlier. This is one of the very common issues that often happens during any presentation sessions. However, the student must try and overcome this with due practice. Another scope of improvement is doing an extensive study from the works of many authors.

It is always essential to talk about or cite the authors while delivering any presentation. However, the student has talked about one of the authors who is the CEO of the Deloitte Company but he must have used some more examples in order to make the presentation more informative. The communication was overall done in a good, easy and simple manner. The information given was clear and precise. There are some gaps that the student has to work on. This will help him to develop a better communication style in the future.


Anderson, P. (2016). Nicolai J. Foss and Tina Saebi, eds.: Business Model Innovation: The Organizational Dimension.

Benn, S., Edwards, M., & Williams, T. (2014). Organizational change for corporate sustainability. Routledge.

Block, E., & Negrine, R. (2017). The populist communication style: Toward a critical framework. International Journal of Communication, 11, 20.

Boer, H., Berger, A., Chapman, R., & Gertsen, F. (2017). CI Changes from Suggestion Box to Organisational Learning: Continuous Improvement in Europe and Australia: Continuous Improvement in Europe and Australia. Routledge.

Cardon, P. W. (2014). Business Communication: Developing Leaders for a Networked World (3e). McGraw-Hill.

Deardorff, D. K. (2017). Cross?Cultural Competence. The International Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication, 1-6.

Massey, D. W. (2017). Discussion of “Recognizing Ethical Issues: An Examination of Practicing Industry Accountants and Accounting Students”. Journal of Business Ethics, 142(2), 277-283.

Quinton, S., & Simkin, L. (2017). The digital journey: Reflected learnings and emerging challenges. International Journal of Management Reviews, 19(4), 455-472.

Simon, M., VAn Den DriesT, F., & Wilms, T. (2016). Driving Customer-Centric Growth: A Practical Roadmap: The Pivotal Role of Insights and Analytics In the Customer-Centric Organization. Journal of Advertising Research, 56(2), 159-168.

Whitson, J. A., Wang, C. S., See, Y. H. M., Baker, W. E., & Murnighan, J. K. (2015). How, when, and why recipients and observers reward good deeds and punish bad deeds. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 128, 84-95.