Strategies For Conducting Data Analysis: An Overview



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Discuss about the Business Research Methodology for Information on Marketing Management.

This particular article is mainly aimed to analyze the significance as well as the effectiveness of Social Media Networking. The successful implementation and brand awareness of social media marketing are also aimed to be evaluated in this particular article. Thus, the analysis of this article would also be implemented for achieving the necessary results with the data analysis. The methods would discuss the quality of the trends, reasons as well as trends and the nature. This article would help for evaluating a particular glory or the issue for illustrating data. One of the prime aims of this particular research would be to evaluate, analyse as well as discuss the dimensions as well as features of that specific glory in a particular framework. To critically analyze the factors as well as the reasons those can control the issues, data collection is required. On the other hand, the qualitative analysis always sheds light on the providing quality outcome. The major concept of this particular research was for justifying the answers by implementing a quality analysis.

Problem Statement

In this particular research article, the major issue is associated with the entire research’s cost. It was mainly done for glorifying the capitalization of car market as well as the market capitalization of the automobiles as well as car companies and their impact in order to introduce a new brand (Amelina, 2012). Therefore, in this scenario, the data collection is necessary for analyzing critically the factors as well as reasons those can control the issue. The Qualitative data analysis technique is required for working in a well-structured way for any kind of issue. Therefore, qualitative packages are utilized in this case that requires a huge amount of money.

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Research Objectives

There are few major objectives of this research based on which the entire analysis of this research would be conducted. These are as follows:

To study the effectiveness as well as efficiency of Holden Motors with the help of the Social Media Campaigning (Bryman, 2015).

To analyze the Social Media importance in order to launch the media in social network.

To investigate the marketing effectiveness as well as the new introduction’s branding

To analyze the brand promotion’s importance for a newly designed product that “Holden Motors” introduced.

For scaling the new target market of social

For predicting the viability of market

For knowing how much the social media that is newly established can cater to the mass.

For forming a fan community as well as an awareness

For predicting whether the models of the new products would make any positive result in the market

For viewing the company’s future profit after the policy becomes successful

For judging the behavioural characteristics as well as behavioural outcome of the audiences.

Aim of the Research

The major aim of this particular research article is for evaluating, analyzing as well as discussing the dimensions as well as reasons of the incident in a particular method. Data collection is necessary for critically analyzing the factors as well as reasons those can address the problem. Qualitative analysis focuses always on the production of the quality outcome. The major concept of the implementation of this research was for justifying the answers by conducting quality analysis. Apart from that, the quantitative method in the data analysis is included by implementing secondary as well as primary data analysis. These collected data through the secondary and primary data collection method were filtered first and then after the best data are chosen to conduct this particular analysis (Cermak & Reznicek, 2014). Most importantly, the statistical packages are actually utilized to give the outcome more truth as well as dimension. Several Formulas are utilized in this research so that one can make a justification of the outcomes. The factorial analysis would also help for drawing a conclusion in a generalize form.

Budget Planning

Research Questions

The questions associated with the research problem are as follows:

What are the major areas of focus to develop in the social media a new product?

What is the concept that is needed in order to develop the ad of social media for Holden Motors?

How much does it take for adapting to the existing market of a product that is newly manufactured?

How much a channel or medium can help a Holden Motor’s goods for connecting to the mass?

What are the major effects those can be implemented by a new kind of product in the social media?

How can a brand be designed by promotions?

What are the several approaches can be utilized in order to introduce a new social media concept?

Potential Output as well as Justification of the Project

As the topic is very relevant, thus the research project has been selected. The data analysis portion of this research has been implemented as the misinformation of several organizations. This particular analysis can also search for the results, which can help the companies to get a clear influence of how media has helped them for creating “brand awareness”. Many enterprises are taking help of the social websites for developing particular brands (Cohen, Manion & Morrison 2013). It is becoming a current trend. In every standard, the trend has justified it. The promotional standards have now become more effective. The firms are actually implementing much more ads with the help of digitalization. The digital media emergence is playing a significant role in the current social media trend. the organization, Holden Motors is trying hard for influencing the audiences.

Several organizations are trying also with them for displaying their services as well as products towards the large audiences (Ellison et al., 2014). There are actually 0.5 million people who purchase Holden Motors. The organizations of “social networking” can charge huge money from the companies for floating in the social websites their commercials. The strong outcome of the subject of this research article has become more prevalent in recent days (Fischer, 2015). The outcome can provide the answers to the lot of queries. The viewpoints of the companies as well as people can easily be understood from the outcome of the result (Junco, 2012). The topic relevance can provide concrete benefit towards the people who stick to it.

Conceptual Framework

From the discussion made in the above section, in short it can be stated that the organizations of social media play a significant role in the creative market implementation. Media’s role has been undeniable. It always has provided a great encouragement to the development of product areas as well as to the brand awareness. In addition, it has been noticed that the innovation is the major as well as the prime tool in order to develop a new product. Nevertheless, the performance of Holden Motors has been reviewed in several countries. It also has implemented the concepts in such a manner through which the firms can impact the market creativity (Khandelwal & Yadav, 2014). A fact has also been noticed that the social channels have major role to develop the brand image. It can be implemented only after the organization can be viewed well to the audiences (Young, 2014). Holden Motors are trying their best for influencing the audiences. This organization also tries with them for displaying their services as well as products to the large audiences. Near about 0.5 Million people are there who are faithful to the company. The companies of social networking want huge money in social sites from companies for floating their commercials (Maloney, 2012). In recent days, the organization appears in each list of the fastest top hundred developing organizations in the world. The framework that they utilize for catering to the larger mass is quite simple. They have managed a very simple approach to enter the common people’s household (Zander & Mosterman, 2012). Now, people are focusing on the social sites all around the earth for anything. The helpful as well as the useful techniques are very much common so that every person can enjoy the advantages. The rising number of the openings of account as well as audiences has provided the companies as in the market if company has the large advantage. The options as well as features have helped these networking websites for capturing the mass interest (Mertens, 2014). The previous workforces were utilized for promoting any brand and for creating awareness. It is also utilized for taking a huge amount of money from the organization. The cost could result in the organization to bankruptcy, if the process is failed. The enterprises now just require for putting their ads on any websites of networking (Petty, Thomson & Stew, 2012). Now, they depend just on the people of media for this particular job. They are acquiring the handful services of people within the company in order to arrange the program as well as the task (Zhang, 2013).  Therefore, an enormous change has been encountered due this matter in the cost structure of the organization. Now, they make much less investments in the brand promotions but attain huge advantages (Raut, 2013). The organizations now appoint particular executives for their brand promotion. These people utilize the social medium as well as media tools for engaging the consumers to their product. They can make even the web page of Holden Motors in order to attain viewership. It has provided to the companies in the current years.

Data Collection Methods


This particular would be utilized with the help of the qualitative method, associated with the qualitative method for analyzing the crisis. Therefore, a systematic analysis is necessary for clarifying the content that is suitable for the research associated with an easier entry (Rina, 2014). Thus, this particular analysis would be done for achieving the desired the results as well as target. The qualitative method shall be used for identifying the research characteristics. These methods would discuss the quality as well as the nature of the variables, trends as well as causes. It would assist for addressing the issue or a particular glory for illustrating data (Wang & Karimi, 2014). The pivotal aim of this research would be for evaluating, analyzing as well as investigating the dimensions as well as characteristics of the incident in a definite technique. Data analysis is required for analyzing critically the factors as well as the reasons those can track the crisis (Yin, 2013). Qualitative research focuses always on providing the quality result. The major concept of the research was for justifying the answers by the analysis of quality. Apart from that, the quantitative method is included with the help of the secondary as well as the primary data analysis (Robson & McCartan, 2016). Those particular data actually first were filtered and the best data are then chosen for the discussion. The Packages of statistics are utilized to provide an outcome more truth as well as dimension (Rudolph, 2013). Several Formulas are utilized so that one can make a justification of the outcomes. The factorial analysis would help for drawing a conclusion in a generalized manner.

In the proposed research, the research proposal would be made depending on the searching present literature. It would incorporate qualitative and quantitative methods for conducting the necessary analysis of the subject (Rosca, 2013). The status quo’s recommendation accordingly would be done.

Survey Method

It is such a methodology for gathering information on the issue associated with the topic. It can be considered by specific structure or by questioning an individual range (Rudolph, 2013). It would also give a look to the necessary transformation as well as clarify for the situation to initiate outcomes. The recommendation would also make a contribution to the incident.


The questions regarding the issue related to the collected data through the customer focus groups, phone calls, e-mails as well as the personal interviews. The questionnaire form design would follow procedures:

the question those are theory-oriented has to be short, crisp and clear

Questions have to be based on the aimed topic

Interviewer has to ask sequentially the questions

Questions have to reveal the answer.

the supervisors should verify form of questionnaire

The adjustments of sample as well as the testing part should be done if necessary

The gathered information should be interpreted and displayed by the results. If few of the forms did not meet or were not filled the objectives of the research should not be considered.

Software Packages

The research should incorporate major goals, descriptive statement regarding the vocabulary as well as statement of relative significance (Takhar-Lail & Ghorbani, 2015). Vocabulary can be the subject to conduct the research. The time for completing the survey, the style utilized in the assembly should be according to the purposed timeline.

The detailed outcome is necessary for including the recommendations and initiatives. The recommendations can be implemented based on the major findings. The research would also apply the qualitative technique for investigating the current scenario. The research always should explore creative industries for generalizing the findings. The findings are necessary for finding the development strategy, strengths as well as potential and also generate concepts to improve the outcome quality. Qualitative method should be applied for illustrating the statistical contents. It would help for generating findings as well as for contributing to build the qualitative analysis over the assembled quantitative data. The research was conducted with the help of one-on-one method of interview. Similar significance was provided to every time and questions were mentioned.

Research Limitation

The research has several consequences related to the excessive promotions of limited brand in order to gather necessary data. Ineffective tools sometimes are utilized that do not implement any particular transformations. Some technologies can remain unknown due to this reason. It can also be translated for matching the language of the official authority. In addition, little official statistics are related to economic state of the state. The result would be reflected in the proposed research. The research is lacking in a specific area. It is the comment relevance provided by the sample people. In one or two particular area, this particular research was implemented. Thus, it can’t provide the understanding and thought guaranty of people all over the world. It is not possible for generating data from each networking website as few millions of networking websites are developing in daily manner. The activity of people are outnumbered several past data programs. The data collection team and the supervisor can’t move around each place worldwide. Thus, the African or Asian audiences think regarding this fact is hard for justifying. Nevertheless, the data has provided little knowledge regarding the entire result. many permutations and combinations are there those can be build by the sample details. huge amount of data can’t justify always the analysis and answers. Thus, a filtered but small set of data is very helpful for generating exact findings and answers of the subject.


Few analyses can be considered from the given literature. the analysis can become the path for the marketers for just presenting products but to also the customers. Thee advantages from the above literature are as follows:

It must be cost-effective for campaigning over the social websites for the Holden Motors. The brand can cater to a bigger audience by doing so.

Now the world is an international market place. Social media is that platform where the brand an keep its new product for displaying to each person.

Literature Review

The media involvement can clearly make a regulation of the segmentation. the brand should consider their new product that is going to be launched for the target audience.

Several communication systems as well as media types should create a community. The community implementation can provide the brand a stronghold as well as they can make a justification of their good to others.

Nowadays, the sizable volume as well as amount of social media and social circle has provided a helping hand towards the brand.

The brand has to modify the products and they always have to make the consumers feel that the organization is with them continuously.

The effectiveness of the social networking websites can be found from the analysis for the brand awareness.

Study Organization

Holden Motors have been considered for the analysis. Their current data are considered for discussing the relevance effectively. This research has met the necessary requirements of concerned area. The techniques of survey are utilized also for demonstrating more qualitatively the approach. The profit level as well as the current data of these organizations have been considered. Various statistical packages have been applied to generate the outcome. the methods of communication have taken the data and the relevant data are considered by the process of filtering.

Gannt Chart

Task Name

Start Day

End Day


Project Proposal




Literature Review




Data Collection




Data Analysis




Final Report




Budget of the Project


Estimated Amount

Literature Review

$ 1500

Data Collection

$ 2500

Data Analysis

$ 2000

Total Budget

$ 6000

(Source: Created by Author)


It has been noticed that the section of literature review is considered about $ 1500. The considered online resources are not free of cost. The time as well as the amount portray the duration of its completion. The method of data collection must be precise. The approach had to be structured for accomplishing the job purposefully. The total expenditure and the travelling cost is calculated. The total estimation is about $ 2500. The section of data analysis is little difficult. For this purpose the data analysts were recruited. They actually considered a sizable amount for analyzing the data. The packages of software were purchased for analysis. It is a laborious as well as time-consuming job. It takes approximately one month of its completion. The amount was about $ 2000. Thus, the total budget becomes about $ 6000.


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