Strategies For Improving CSR Practices In The Maldives Tourism Industry

Research Objectives

The topic for this research is to analyze Corporate Social Responsibility in practices: A case study of Tourism Industry Maldives.

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The main aim of this research is to analyze the corporate social responsibility practices in the context of tourism, Maldives. Following objectives will be used to complete the main aim of this research:  

  • To propose strategies in improving CSR strategies in Maldives.

The economy of Maldives highly relies on the fisheries and tourism sector. It is analyzed that tourism contributed approximately third of gross domestic product. The economic development of the country has been forced by inadequate mineral resources and agriculture. It is also affected by the small size of its domestic market. The high economic development has been increasing the entry of expatriate employees, especially in low-proficient jobs. Human resource development has not been changing with the economic development which can be resulted in a significant increment in expatriates at professional and executive jobs. In the current scenario, it is evaluated that there approximately 72,000 expatriates are performing in the tourism sector of Maldives (Tourism Development, 2017). Furthermore, in the current times, the government makes different policies regarding CSR activities which aid to increase the GDP of Maldives economy (Scheyvens, et al., 2015).

This research is beneficial for readers to develop the understanding regarding meaning and concept of corporate social responsibilities practice. It is also significant for government to gain knowledge about different strategies to improve the CSR practices. This research is effective for tourism companies to build understanding regarding CSR practices in tourism, Maldives.

Research methodology is used to complete the research in a methodological manner. There are different research approaches, design and techniques will be used to attain the aim and objectives of the research. It is described as below:

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For this research, interpretivism research philosophy will be used to due to subjective nature of research topic. It is also beneficial to pool the real information regarding CSR practices in tourism, Maldives. In addition to this, the inductive approach will be used due to its relevancy with interpretivism research philosophy (Farrington, et al., 2017).

For this research, mix research design will be used to complete the researcher as it contains the characteristic of both qualitative and quantitative research design. Further, qualitative research design will be used to gather theoretical information regarding CSR practices in Tourism, management. Along with this, quantitative research design will be used to pool the quantitative information about research issues. The researcher will also use both primary and secondary data collection methods. Primary data is collected via survey through questionnaire while secondary data is gathered via different journal article, textbook, and online and offline resources (Page, 2014). Furthermore, the close-ended questionnaire will be used to construct the self- made a questionnaire to increase the reliability and validity of information. This questionnaire will be related to each objective and demographic variables like gender, age, and experience.  

Background on the Maldives Tourism Industry

Sampling is the significant procedure to select the sample from a large number of participants. For conducting the survey through a questionnaire, probability sampling technique will be used to give equal chances to participants. In this way, simple random sampling method will be used to avoid the biases from research. This sampling method would be selected to choose the participants on a random basis in order to gather the information regarding research issues. For this research, 50 employees from 24 to 54 years old will be selected as a sample size. In this way, the population for conducting research is government agencies, Tourism Company, and civil society organization. The employees are selected to conduct the survey through questionnaire and collect their opinion towards current research concern. These employees are engaged in CSR activities in the tourism industry of Maldives (Sharpley & Telfer, 2014).

Validity shows the extent by which distinct aspect is feasibly evaluated in qualitative research. For instance, an investigator will apply reliable and genuine secondary facts and figures to assess the CSR in Practice: A Case Study of Maldives Tourism Industry. The secondary strategy is reliability, which is applied to assess the quality of a qualitative research study. An investigator will apply the identical research instruments such as authentic journal article due to subjective nature of research topic.

Please tick on your gender?

  • Male [ ]
  • Female [ ]

Please spell out your age group?

  • 24-30 years
  • 30-36 years
  • 36-42 years
  • 42-48 years
  • 48-54 years

How many years of Experience do you have in travel and tourism industry?

  • 0 to 3 years [ ]
  • 4 to 6 years [ ]
  • 7 to 9 years [ ]
  • 10 years and above [ ]

In which organization, do you working?

  • Government agencies [ ]
  • Civil society organization [ ]
  • Tourism Company [ ]

Objectives based questions

In your opinion, what are different stakeholders (hotels, travel agents, restaurants and tourists) , who are engaged in CSR?

(1-Strongly Agree




5-Strongly Disagree)

Different stakeholders







Travel agents



Do you agree that the CSR could be applicable and implemented in sustaining Maldives tourism industry?

  • Strongly Agree [ ]
  • Agree [ ]
  • Neutral [ ]
  • Disagree [ ]
  • Strongly Disagree [ ]

What are the causes for having effective corporate social responsibilities practices?

  • Profitability scale  [ ]
  • International players [ ]
  • Consumer demand  [ ]

Objective 3: To determine the monitoring, maintenance and improvement plan of tourism industry stakeholder’s activities related to CSR

In your opinion, monitoring, maintenance and improvement plan of the tourism industry and stakeholders’ activities are required to maintain the CSR?

  • Strongly Agree [ ]
  • Agree [ ]
  • Neutral [ ]
  • Disagree [ ]
  • Strongly Disagree [ ]

Is macro (policy level) implementation plan of Maldives tourism is effective to maintain CSR practices?

  • Strongly Agree [ ]
  • Agree [ ]
  • Neutral [ ]
  • Disagree [ ]
  • Strongly Disagree [ ]

Do you agree that micro (ground level) implementation plan of Maldives tourism is effective to maintain CSR practices?

  • Strongly Agree [ ]
  • Agree [ ]
  • Neutral [ ]
  • Disagree [ ]
  • Strongly Disagree [ ]

Please provide your beliefs on propose strategies in improving CSR strategies in Maldives

 (1-Strongly Agree,  




5-Strongly Disagree)

Ways or Strategies






Educating workforces about CSR

Set the national CSR guidelines

Provide the recognition and incentives to the company

Recognition should be provided to both top performers and average performers

As per Spalding et al. (2017), it can be stated that CSR is a concept in which corporation integrate the social and environmental issues in their business operations. It is also used to interact with the stakeholders on a voluntary basis. In support of this, (Najeeb, 2014)stated that CSR is the commitment of a business with respect to sustainable economic development. For CSR practices, the company engages with their families, workforces, local society and community at large as it could be beneficial for business development. Furthermore, CSR is conceptualized procedure which contributes to three pillars of sustainable development like social development, environmental protection, and economic growth.

Research Methodology

According to Hopkins (2016), there are different causes for having effective corporate social responsibilities practices. These causes are profitability scale, consumer demand, and international players. In this way, it can be stated that the Maldives tourism is developed on the natural beauty of its island and white sandy beaches. Further, it is built on the colorful house reefs abundant and crystal clear lagoons. In addition, western Europeans are primarily targeted by the Maldives tourism. Travelers of Maldives economy is highly sophisticated who demand more of CSR from their hosts. Tourist becomes aware of the natural environment hence resorts emphasize on the environmental protection as the primary CSR engagement.

In contrast to this, Menon (2016) evaluated that tourism is considered as profitability industry in the Maldives. Furthermore, resort operations are large businesses with respect to high employment rate and maximum revenue. Consequently, resorts are competent to engage in CSR budgets and worked at larger scale. Along with this, resorts are able to make an investment in CSR programs as compared to other sectors. It is also opined that the potential of Maldives tourism industry has influenced chain of the international hotel into the nation. By using the CSR, the international hotel can perform best practices in the tourism industry.  

Najeeb (2016) recommended that CSR awareness program should be used by the company to improve the CSR practices in the tourism sector of Maldives. The corporation should make efforts to use the principles of CSR by educating themselves and workforces about it. CSR is a key avenue for the company as it should promote it by their own initiatives.  

In favored to this, Leslie (2014) stated that government should set the national CSR guidelines and focus on focal points of CSR activities. In this way, it can be stated that government should generate a designated focal point to develop, organize and endorse the national CSR agenda. Moreover, CSR should not be obligatory for a company as it could create the complexity to run the business operation.

As per the view of Hughes et al. (2015), the government should provide the recognition and incentives to the company for implementing the CSR initiatives. In this way, the government can use different measures like subsidies and duty exemption like reduction in import duty for environment-friendly products as well as initiation of CSR awards. Recognition should be provided to both top performers and average performers to do better. Along with this, the government should set the performance standard and makes improvement in recognition and awards. Consequently, it would be effective to improve the corporate social responsibilities practices in Maldives tourism industry.  

Survey Techniques and Sample Size

This research incorporates the different parts. In such case, the theoretical framework demonstrates the theoretical aspects of several authors about the corporate social responsibilities practice in the context of Tourism, Maldives. Furthermore, research methodology depicts the different approaches and techniques to complete the research in an effective and efficient management. The next chapter illustrates the findings of collected information to arrive at a valid conclusion. This finding focuses on CSR practices in the tourism industry. In the last chapter, conclusion depicts the summary of whole research (Najeeb, 2016).  

Time framework acts as a blueprint for conducting the research in a methodological way. It shows the different activities that will be used to accomplish the aim and objectives in a given time period (Spalding, et al., 2017). The research plan for this research project is described as below:

Table 1: Research Timeframe for completing the project

Gantt chart shows the graphical illustration of the action plan which is used to describe how the research practices would be performed step by step. It can be seen as below:

Activities that would be performed

Number of weeks to perform the activities
















Select appropriate research issue

Construct research aim and objectives

Gathering the information via using primary and secondary sources of data collection

Designing of questionnaire

Selecting the suitable sample of the targeted population through sampling tool

Data analysis and interpretation of findings

Writing on Final draft  

Submission of report

As per the above time framework, it can be evaluated that pooling data regarding research issue and data interpretation will be completed in longer duration as compared to implementing other activities.


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