Strategies For Regaining Employee Satisfaction In The Workplace

Importance of Employee Satisfaction

Using support from peer reviewed academic journals, discuss “the most effective means for employees to regain job satisfaction”.

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It is important to develop proper policies to deal with the human resources in the organisation. The changing business environment requires an organisation to focus on developing the satisfaction of the employees. In achieving the desired level of production the management is required to motivate the employees to work effectively during the production process. Employee dissatisfaction leads to reduced morale at the workplace as they are unhappy with the working conditions. The unhappy employees tend to respond destructively to the job dissatisfaction which negatively impacts the production level of the business. The focus on developing the working conditions is essential in achieving the desired job satisfaction for the employees (Jacobs, Yu & Chavez 2016). A continuous development of a business is attained through consideration of employees needs at the workplace. The essay argues that employees act in a destructive manner when unhappy thus important for an organisation to focus on regaining employee satisfaction.

The performance appraisal is used by an organisation in determining the human resource contribution to the achievement of the desired level of production. Proper staffing strategies are required to be implemented to reduce the cases of job dissatisfaction in a business. The staffs directly impact the performance of the organisation due to the involvement in the production processes. Dissatisfied staffs act destructively in response to the working conditions which reduces the competitiveness of an organisation in the targeted market. Proper analysis of the employees’ needs is used to deal with the issue of dissatisfaction in the business (Bardus et al. 2014). The management and staffs are required to focus on building a strong relationship that will contribute to employee satisfaction in the market. The destructiveness of the unhappy staffs makes it difficult for an organization to maximize production in the long run production process. The human resource management is expected to evaluate the flow of the market in determining the appropriate policy to implement in the organisation. Job satisfaction is required to develop the self-esteem and confidence of employees for an increased production level of the businesses (Yang et al. 2018). Self-esteem assists the staff in identifying the appropriate plan to implement in dealing with the issue of dissatisfaction in the market. Market analysis by the human resource management is used in developing a proper working environment which is better than competitors in the market. The enhanced working conditions are used to deal with the dissatisfaction of employees for the achievement of the desired level of production.

Performance Appraisal

Employee empowerment is used to regain employee satisfaction in business. The empowerment programs are used to reduce cases of unhappy employees who are destructive to the flow of the company. The empowerment of employees requires an organization to allow staff to have control of various operations in the business (Fernandez & Moldogaziev 2015). The programs are used in increasing the commitment of employees towards the accomplishment of personal and corporate targets of production. The staffs’ loyalty to the company is evident by working towards the achievement of desired production level in the market. According to Laschinger et al. (2014), proper evaluation of staffs needs and cultural background assist in developing plans that will increase commitment in the market. The dissatisfaction of employees has a low level of commitment in the organization which reduces the production of the business. Proper evaluation of the workplace assists in developing plans that will increase the overall performance of the employees for an increased performance in the market.

 The empowerment programs are used in the decision-making process where the views of staffs are considered in developing strategies for the company. The involvement of employees in decision-making process assists in enhancing the production level due to a reduced level of resistance in the market. The employee provides the management with ideas that will reduce the cost of production and increase the productivity of the business (Allen, Lehmann-Willenbrock & Sands 2016). The top management is expected to consider the views of the staffs in the decision involving the production due to their extensive experience. The employees are highly involved in production process thus important to consider their feedback on various policies implemented by the company. The staffs feel valued when involved in the decision-making process of the company. Staffs are able to develop plans that are beneficial to the business through the consideration of the internal and external factors affecting production. Staffs embrace change when there is increased involvement in the decision-making process making it possible to attain the desired production level. Grant (2016) states that dynamic external business environment requires the management to focus on increasing performance of employees through identifying the challenges at the workplace. The human resources management is able to make a reasonable decision through employee empowerment for an increased competitiveness of the organisation in the targeted market.

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Organisational restructuring is used to regain the job satisfaction in the market for an increased market performance. The restructuring is used to continuously improve the operations of the company for an increased motivation to the employees. The changes in the market require an organisation to focus on a flexible staffing policy that will deal with issues in the market. Proper evaluation of business environment assists the company to implement a proper restructuring plan that will maximise operations in a specific industry (Turk 2017). The HRM is required to consider the trends in the workplace to make the employees satisfied with their production processes. The external business environment analysis is used in developing an organisational structure that will provide a smooth flow of production in the market. The restructuring process is required to be positive which focus on the promotion of employees rather than firing employees. An organisation that implements an outdated organisational structure makes it hard to motivate the staffs through job satisfaction (Slack, Corlett & Morris 2015). The operational cost and processes are considered in developing the appropriate organisational structure that will enhance production in the market.

Employee empowerment

The organisational restructuring requires a proper evaluation of function to add departments that will assist employees to work effectively. According to Zhu (2015), the business structure is used in determining the organisational culture implemented in the company. It is necessary for a business to evaluate the organisational culture of the staff to ensure that there is a continuous flow of operations in the market. The business is made efficient through organisational restructuring which considers the changes in the industry. An organisation is expected to perform a staff survey that will be used in determining the appropriate organisational structure to implement in the market. The organisational structure used by a business is required to provide a positive performance through an increased level of job satisfaction (Mellor, Hao & Zhang 2014). The staffs are required to be provided with more control in the new organisational structure for an improvement in production levels. The departments created are required to offer guidance to the staffs for a steady flow of operations. The department is required to make the employees stronger by building strong work relations that are aimed at acquiring the department targets of production. The department cooperation is used in developing a sustainable competitive edge in the market.

Training and development are used by the HRM to regain employee satisfaction at an organisation. It is essential to focus on enhancement of staff skills and knowledge in dealing with the various issues in the market. According to Bratton and Gold (2017), training and development by an organisation provide staff with the necessary information for quality production. An organisation is required to focus on innovation and technology use for a constant flow of the business. The innovation of employees is used to develop new methods of production that are cost effective. An innovative organisation is able to offer products and services that are widely accepted in the targeted market. The HRM is required to focus on the right type of training technique to improve the morale of employees (Miner 2015). The processes of training are required to focus on developing the skills and knowledge of staffs for an enhanced competitiveness of the company. The content of the training is required to focus on employee satisfaction through the development of new techniques and procedures to deal with issues facing the organisation. The leaders in the organisation are supposed to develop training and development content that will assist staff to deliver standardised products to the consumers. The focus on customer service training is vital in acquiring a continuous increase of the market share.

Organisational Restructuring

The dissatisfaction of employees is caused by the inability to effective performs the assigned tasks by the management. Training and development in the organisation are used to regain satisfaction to employees by handling the weaknesses at the workplace. The workplace skills are required to provide information to effectively perform production functions. Hanaysha (2016) state that strengthening of skills and knowledge is needed in acquiring a sustainable competitive advantage in the market. Training is required to increase the capability of staffs to perform duties without constant supervision from the management. According to Ford (2014), training and developing structuring is used in providing consistency in production through the understanding of policies in the company. The staffs should be exposed to information that will assist to deliver on the set targets by the management. The employees are satisfied when the company invests in training and development programs. The training programs are an indication that the management is focused on developing a supportive workplace that will maximise productivity in the industry. 

The human resource management is required to focus on teamwork for an increased employee satisfaction in the business. Teamwork is necessary for dealing with the issues facing the organisation for a steady flow of operations (Hanaysha & Tahir 2016). The informal and formal teams in an organisation should focus on increasing the productivity of the business. There is an increased efficiency and communication at the workplace through the use of teamwork in production. The management is required to develop a feasible common goal that the team is required to meet during the production process. A proper evaluation of the market assists the management in developing an attainable target that will improve the performance of staffs (McDonald & Wilson 2016). The working environment is enhanced through the focus on teamwork in production. HRM is required to use teams in dealing with challenges facing the business in the market. Professional growth is achieved by a staff through teamwork at the workplace where people are required to share ideas that will maximise production.

The assignment of complex tasks to an individual leads to job dissatisfaction which is destructive for the business. The complex tasks are supposed to be assigned to teams to provide a smooth flow of production in the market (Cordon, Mestre & Walliser 2017). Teamwork is effective in sharing of ideas that will assist in handling a complex task that is assigned by the management.  According to Boughzala and De Vreede (2015), the collaboration in the team is used in developing a plan that will deal with difficult tasks in the business. The teams are able to develop a plan that is used in completing a particular project in the industry. It is important for the team members to respect each other for a steady flow of production processes. Teamwork cooperation and conflict resolutions are used to regain job satisfaction in the business.

Training and Development


An organisation is required to focus on job satisfaction for a sustainable competitive advantage in the targeted market. Proper evaluation of staff needs assists in developing a proper human resource policy that will deal with issues of dissatisfaction at the workplace. Flexible staffing policies are used in making sure that the company is able to adapt to changes in the business environment. Dissatisfied employees are unhappy and destructive to the business. The HRM is required to consider techniques to regain job satisfaction in the market. Employee empowerment, training, organisational restructuring and teamwork is used by the HRM in regaining job satisfaction.


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