Successfully Launching 5G Technology: A System Thinking Approach

Successfully launching of 5G: Problem Statement

In this assignment, the topic is chosen as “successful implementation of 5G technology” for using system thinking. System thinking approach is used in this part as to determine the problem and analyze the system. System thinking is identified as approach of viewing entire system to realize the system realities with maintaining its existence with mutual interaction (Nguyen & Bosch, 2013). System thinking incorporates analysis and synthesis for viewing implications of the system.

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In this assignment, system is considered as 5G technology launch with set of coherent and organized pattern that produces set of behaviors. The behaviors are classified as function and purpose of the system.

Next-generation mobile network 5G; to successfully launch the mobile network, clearly it has several activities to be handled. Launching mobile technology requires addressing several activities such as distributing leaflets, gathering audience responses and promotional events, advertising setup, and publishing web contents (Kerzner, 2013). All these activities are meant to be well-organized and should be properly scheduled in order to achieve success in the event. Now, often launch programs fail due to lack of audiences, lack of advertising responses, and lack of prior popularities. If one particular launching event is conducted; certain audience did not turn up, then the product could not be attractive to the users and the product should fail to gain mass responses (Jackson, 2015; Highsmith, 2013). For instance, if launch program of 5G technology fails to gain mass audiences, then the launch program would fail its purpose. Generic purpose for any launch program often implies people responses, feedbacks, and social media discussions; so that before actually trying the product, audiences should be eager to use it.

Therefore, in this assignment, the problem statement is “to launch 5G technology in such a manner so that it can gain maximum audience response, gain maximum users attracted, and make users eager to try it out.”

In system thinking approach, the major consideration is proposed for considering two mutually interactive entities as ‘A’ and ‘B’. In this system, ‘A’ influences ‘B’ and ‘B’ influence ‘A’; these two entities have mutual interaction (Berkes & Ross, 2013). Now, in order to provide suitable implications of the system, necessary activities to launch 5G technology should be considered. An overall chart of activities is included in this section so that system thinking approach can be easily described (Morecroft, 2015; Cote & Nightingale, 2012). This particular chart of activities is prepared to show how the launch program should be conducted.

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Figure 1: System Thinking Approach and Activities

(Source: Created by author)   

In the above figure, system thinking approach is designed with identifying relevant activities for launch program (Swanson et al., 2012). The activities are identified as following:



Outcomes expected

Advertising online

This activity is relevant for advertising the entire event for launching (Vester, 2012). Online advertising is like incorporating dynamic advertises running in several websites.

Advertises online seeks maximum audience responses. This activity can identify audience feedback towards this event on how they are feeling about the program and how they will expect it to launch.  

Advertising media (video, audio, poster, banner) release

Advertising media is appropriate way to increase audience attention towards the product and its features (Taori & Sridharan, 2014). More audience can easily view videos and hear audios for getting overall view about the product and launch event.  

Expected outcome from this activity is to gain audience responses about product and its features (Andrews et al., 2014). In this case, 5G technology features and its importance should be portrayed in the media.   

Setting date and venue

This particular activity is relevant for conducting the actual launch program (Pirinen, 2014). This activity requires publishing launch day and venue so that audience can easily reach and attend the program.   

Expected outcome from this activity is to get major ticket sales and booking responses.

Sharing web contents (blogs, articles and news)

This activity requires publishing preview about the product, why should people use it and why not (Choudhury, 2014). The blog and articles should be posted relating the features to boost audience attention (Mueck et al., 2014). News about the launch program will raise their attention as well.

Expected outcome from this activity is seeking audience attention to program details.  

Conduct Launch Program

This activity should be conducted with attending audiences showing the product and presenting the features.  

Expected outcome from this activity is to conduct study of audience responses after giving trial to the product.   

Table 2: Activities and their importance in System Thinking

(Source: Created by author)


Figure 3: System Thinking Model

(Source: Created by author)

In the above figure, system thinking model is designed considering all activities so that launch program can be conducted. First two stocks represent online and offline media for flows of advertising. From advertising feedback flow is considered into analysis of audience responses (Marmarelis, 2012). In further activities, online and offline web content should be published. Web content flow is considered into analyzing audience responses. Finally, from responses, the program setup stock is considered with date and venue flow is accounted (Baer, 2014). As per the flow, the planning and launch setup event is designed as stock.       

System Thinking Approach

Conclusion and recommendations 

This assignment entirely concentrates over designing the system thinking model for successfully launch 5G technology. System thinking methodology is utilized as a part of this part as to decide the issue and break down of the activity. Activity decomposition is distinguished as approach of surveying whole launching program to understand the system substances with keeping up its reality with shared cooperation. System thinking requires examination and investigation for review analysis of the program. Presently, launch programs fails because of absence of groups of audiences, absence of publicizing reactions, and absence of earlier popularities. For example, if launch program of 5G technology neglects to increase mass groups of audiences, then the launch program would come up limiting its motivation. In system thinking approach, the significant thought is proposed for considering two commonly intelligent elements. In this framework, substances impacts to each; these two elements have common association.

The recommendations in the system are mentioned as following:

  1. The concerned authority should make the product or service available to the audiences and experts. The experts should provide review and rating to the system so that common people can be easily attracted towards the program.
  2. During the program preparation, the industry analysis is required to identify how the launch program can affect the audiences. Feedback analysis should identify the audience attention for the program.  
  3. If possible, the leaking of important information over social media works; for instance, people look for leaks related to upcoming product features. Leaking product information before launching would be easier for people to know more.   
  4. Concerned authority should keep the releases rolling as including web content releases; online advertise releases, and media releases. Online and offline media partners should be involved to increase chance of promotion during launch program.


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