Sustainability Activities Of Organization For Community And Environment

Aspects of communication that relate to sustainability activities

From the period of almost 20 years the whole world has actually become aware of the environment related problem which has been caused by these developing industries. Suggestively, many of them are now affecting the Earth environment (Finkbeiner et. al., 2010). As transportation, use of natural resources for production is the base of any organization; these elements are also the reason for uncertain changes in the global environment. Due to bad impact of this result many company had faced lot of issues related to their working operations and in many cases some have to close their operation (Kuhlman and Farrington, 2010). This happened because Industries are actually the parts of the community and there every action directly impacts the community and as a result of that same kind of action will be replied by community to the industry in the form of negative word of mouth and discards their products.

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Communication plays a very significant role in almost every field of our life right from home to our workplace. It is actually a social process that begins from of childhood to last ride of the human being.  Every organization works on some strategy it can be price rising or sales rising or keep on innovating existing products. In any strategy formation communication play a very important role in both external and internal operations. In present time every organization is well aware of significance of responsibility towards world environment (Tewari and Dave, 2012). This it has become compulsory for every organization to add social responsibility in their working operation. In present the community and other social group are in believe that from years these industries has almost exploited every social aspect of the community for their personal profit and has formed very negative effect on the whole community. Hence, it is now their turn to return the favor to the community in the form of introducing environment cares as significant part of their business. Seeing the impact of the industries on the situation of the earth environment, all the government had decided to introduce a law under which all the big industries have to spend some percentage of their profit for any social cause (Djordjevic and Cotton, 2011). Exploring the requirements of present business world, the organization has created applications for sustainable acts and so employees have to express themselves inside their organization. It is also important to express sustainability plan of the organization on the external platform. As organization is a combination of two types of customers one is internal customers which comprise of purchaser, employees, shareholder, supplier and stakeholders and other customer is community or society in which organization works. Here communication plays the most vital role in making connection in between organization and internal customer, organization and external customer and finally internal and external customer related to all the social aspect (Parguel, Benoît-Moreau and Larceneux, 2011). It has been seen that many marketing team suggest for some tag line for their products in order to make that tag line act as a brand just like for McDonald’s I am loving it and for Nike Just do it. Hence by communicating sustainability activities of the company can create a great impression on the mind of the community as well as potential customers.

Achievements in the form of CSR

In current time world is facing lot of problem related to the society, the government of the world is acting on solving these problems but as the population of the world is so high that in many cases the government is not able to reach the issue related to the community. In this way the role of the corporates comes in to play. It is believed that corporates or organization is not only part of the community but it also act as the face of the society which influences all the participants related directly or indirectly with the operations of these organizations (Bair and Palpacuer, 2015). An organization is actually the combination of individual which work for common goal. It is known that individuals are the part of the community and in this case if the goal will be related to the improvement of the society may be in the form of product or service, then every individual will put their best effort for achieve that goal the only thing is to communicate it in right way. It has been seen that the organization which is working for the development of the society has no fear related to the law that governs the ethical practices. The social aspect of the organization is not only helpful in the growth of the organization but it is very valuable for the organization for creating a unique identity in this business world (Perez-Batres et. al., 2012). By keeping social aspect as the business purpose, the organization is able communication with the world to attract the best minds of the world because all the brilliant mind of the world are in the direction of doing something better for this world and this case organization goals and objectives of these brilliant minds are the same. With the help of social aspect goal the organization is able to reduce the employee turnover ratio of the organization because the employees of this organization is actually are very proud of their self that their organization is in the purpose of solving social problems and also are also able to create very respectable image in the eyes of the society in which they are living. The organization which is in the business of social aspects do not need to invest more money for marketing as compared to those organization which are not in social aspect because their actions itself  naturally generates marketing free of cost (Pomering and Dolnicar, 2009). In marketing positive word of mouth is known as fastest and impact able mode of creating marketing which in this case naturally gets associate with these organizations.

Sustainability activities of organization within the organization

In present every organization is well aware about sustainability and so they decided that the organization should start this activity first inside the organization in order to achieve the external goals. Due to globalization the business market has become any open arena in which any small or big organization can take part (Carter and Rogers, 2008). Because of this the competition among the organization has increased and the profit share is being distributed in to various small segments. In short every organization is looking for only survival, which can be possible by connecting business operation with the community. Today organization has adopted two way communication in which they informs the stakeholder about their activities and then take feedback from them before starting their operation. One of the best example is Coca cola company in which they informed their stakeholders about their actions relate to business operation or it can be said that they have created a transparent environment in which all the stakeholders are able to know the what company is doing and then they provide the company necessary feedback which helps in improving the credibility of the organization (Pagell and Wu, 2009). Organization like Qantas which is in the business of Airlines transportation of people and material had decided to reduce their carbon emission to very low level by bringing efficiency in their current operation. This decision taken by their management was communicated to the stakeholder as well as shareholder and their this decision was well appreciated by both shareholder as well as stakeholders because they are aware that  one of the biggest reason of global warming is this carbon emission and organization must work on this. Earlier the organization had suffered a lot in their sales section due to this high carbon emission in the environment (Jabbour and Santos, 2008). Organization is now motivating their employees to display their all actions which must represent the caring attitude towards the society because many times employees are considered as the replication of behaviour of the organization. Hence, organization now trains their employees to behave in certain way which will display the attitude of the particular company in resolving the social issue related to the community in which they are working (Battilana and Dorado, 2010). As organization believes that it is the society which can help the organization not only to sustain in this dynamic market but also helps in form a separate space in this business market place.


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It can be said that we as a community are presently facing lot of uncertainty related to the present as well as for future until we will not change our way by which we will be able to connect with the surrounding we cannot become successful. For this connection only communication is one of the powerful tools in the hand of organization which will provide all the possible aspects to connect organization operation with the society issues. It is only the communication which is able to connect the emotional bond between the two participants and will help the organization and the society to join collaborative efforts to fight with future uncertainty of the society. 


Bair, J. and Palpacuer, F. (2015) CSR beyond the corporation: contested governance in global value chains. Global Networks, 15(1), pp.S1-S19.

Carter, C.R. and Rogers, D.S. (2008) A framework of sustainable supply chain management: moving toward new theory. International journal of physical distribution & logistics management, 38(5), pp.360-387.

Djordjevic, A. and Cotton, D.R.E. (2011) Communicating the sustainability message in higher education institutions. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 12(4), pp.381-394.

Finkbeiner, M., Schau, E.M., Lehmann, A. and Traverso, M. (2010) Towards life cycle sustainability assessment. Sustainability, 2(10), pp.3309-3322.

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Tewari, R. and Dave, D. (2012) Corporate social responsibility: Communication through sustainability reports by Indian and multinational companies. Global Business Review, 13(3), pp.393-405.

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