Sustainability Framework For Mining Industry

Objective of the Report

The concept of the sustainable development refers to a meeting of the needs or the requirements of the present generation without necessarily compromising the need of the future generation when they will attempt to satisfy the same needs. Sustainable mining includes the balancing of the social, financial and issues of the environment in order to ensure that the company continues to prosper as well as ensuring that the livelihood of the communities is not compromised. The activities involve include the engagement of the community and involvement of the required investments at the designated points(Wang and Yue 2017).

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 The activities should be carried out in a manner that respects the human rights, ensuring the protection of the environment while acting with a lot of integrity and a lot of transparency. The companies that have always managed to solve the problems of the environment and also the social issues are known to be doing well as far as the address of the challenges is concerned. Such companies will definitely do better and deliver effective growth and returns. This paper seeks to highlight the framework of the desired sustainability in the area of mining while following the ten basic principles The principles are outlined to assist the companies to understand the requirements for sustainability(Waclawik et al 2017).

Different sectors have been involved as the stakeholders of the perspectives of the sustainability in the entire process. The vision of the mining industries in the African countries was adopted in the recent years. The vision advocates for the equitable, transparent and maximum exploitation of the mineral sources. This has been done in order to underpin the process of the growth that is sustainable and also to effectively address the concept of the socio-economic development(Yakovleva 2017). Most of the companies have recognized the need to have a balanced system of the environment, governance, and the socio-economic activities. The interest of different diverse interests of the involved stakeholders must be taken into consideration as well. The need is to effectively balance the trade-off. The sector of mining is known to be very large and to some extent include a number of stakeholders or actors. The extent goes beyond the consideration of the large-scale mining groups. The small-scale companies in the mining sectors and the artesian are regarded as the key players In this sector(Martinat et al 2017).

 The large companies have always worked to perform the mining process using very complicated and even sophisticated technology. The medium and also the small scale companies use their middle-level technology to assist in the exploration and the discoveries of the mineral deposits. The artesian though uses very crude ways of solving the mining problems, they too are considered the key players in the sector of the mining. The entire life cycle of the mining process begins with the processes of exploration, development and also the closure of the entire process. In each of the stages, the impacts to the expectation will be analyzed in the sense that it can either be positive or negative. In the sector of mining, there is always no guarantee that the exploration process wills results into the development of the project that is associated with higher commercial risk(Schoenberger 2016).

Sustainability in Mining Industry

The companies have seen the need to properly manage the complex array of the environmental issues and as well as the stakeholders that have various expectations. Normally they have been working so as to achieve the specific objectives. They are often working in achieving the objectives of the vision and possible mission of the companies. Sustainable businesses in the sector of the mining are focused in the ensuring that the following objectives are achieved;

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  • Management of risks effectively
  • Obtain and maintain the social license that allows them to operate
  • Reduction of the impacts that are considered negative
  • The building of the reputation
  • Ensuring there is a proper reputation that is connected with the financial community
  • Ensuring that there is a proper relationship that has the government and in the local community

A mining industry must handle various issues in a way that generates profits and this will definitely make it sustainable. The managers will be expected to generate the profit responsibly for as long as it is capable of ensuring that the cost is kept at the minimum level while at the same time considering maximizing the revenue. In the processes of ensuring that the profitability is managed at the respective level. The creation of such levels will depend on the mine and the government that generates the revenue. In Africa for instance, the mining industry has emerged to be a very vibrant economic engine. The GDP of the continent has gone to high with most the countries developing a very robust economy that is known to be sustainable in various departments(Pimentel,  Gonzalez and Barbosa 2016).

The mining industries have contributed immensely to the development of the continent through the generation of the royalties and the revenues. There has been the creation of the jobs and the local procurements. The mining companies have supported the communities around by supporting the fragile projects of the communities. In the recent suggestions of the development, the companies have opted to develop the communities through the sharing of the responsibilities. In the cases of the low-income countries, mining industries can source directly foreign exchange for the direct means of the development. However, for some cases, the economies of the states have been described based on the reserves of the natural resources. These countries are known to be more developed than those countries that lack the reserves of the minerals completely. The transparency and accountability of the extractive industry that has been termed as the major drivers. Much of the  effects have been considered to (Espinoza and Rojo 2017).

Unfortunately, there has been a very crucial problem in most of the resource-rich countries in Africa. Most of the countries in the continent of Africa have recorded very high cases of corruption leading to almost 90% of the recorded cases. The national wealth of any country can easily be depleted in the cases when the people involved are the politicians. The access of the land title deeds has been characterized by the issue of the bribes thus putting the companies operation cost and their employees using a lot of money. The cases of the corruption normally undermine the level of trust in the institution and these results in the unsustainable exploitation of the resources that are known to exist naturally(Essah and Andrews  2016).

Stakeholders and Vision in Mining Industry

 This has been pointed out as a lack of clarity between the bribery and giving of the gifts. Companies and the communities normally benefit when they ensure that transparency helps in the generation of the profits. The companies of the mining will always ensure that the transparency and also the accountability that will permit the publishing of the financial resorts Artisans and small-scale refers to the informal operation of mining that requires low technology. This technology is normally regarded as very useful in the facilitating the minimal machinery. Considering that the local benefits that the companies take, the feasibility of the planning and constrictions in the sites.

Mining companies that are on the continent of Africa are faced with the potential requirements of the human rights. This is done either directly indirectly through complicity. There were numerous cases of the clashes regarding the striking of the workers in the sector of the business. The protection of the well-being of the workers will always result in the creation of the policies that are an inconsistency with the requirements. The human rights are regarded as the very crucial rights or the fundamental rights of the individuals. All the individuals are entitled to these rights regardless of the location or the place of residence. Fundamental rights do not create boundaries on the sex,ethnic origin, religion, color among others(Lei, Pan and Lin 2016).


Any mining industry will require land for the its activities.  The land that is required for agriculture is small as compared to the piece of land utilized for the mining activities. Considering that land has got some cultural and historical significance, issues do erupt when purchases are done. The use of the land has been a hot issue at a time when the demand for land has been increasing(Suopajärvi et al 2016). The process of sustainability can only be achieved in the event that land acquisition processes are smoothly done and at a lower cost. It is estimated that over 80% of the resources raised are normally used in the mining processes out of which 50% is spent on the land acquisition process. Different countries have different ways of managing to manage the issues of land. However, the state will always take the primary or the central role in the making or issuance of the title deeds. The state, therefore, makes the land available to the private operators. The land ownership pattern will vary from one country to another country. In the traditional law, the ownership of the land does not refer to the subsurface materials

Objectives of Sustainable Businesses in Mining Industry


In order to effectively solve the problems   of the competition in the market, the company must have understanding of some few issues that are related to the mining sector.. In order to ensure that full understanding of the process  is achieved , the following issues must be addressed properly(Erkayao?lu. and Demirel 2016)

There is a need for the companies to fully understand the important environmental and socio-economic activities that must be balanced alongside the governance of the issues. The type of the administrative issues will determine the response given by the workers of the company in the times of the crisis, These responses do  impact the businesses negatively.(Braun, Hennig and Lottermoser 2017).

Engage with the stakeholders

In order to effectively handle the emerging issues, the stakeholders must be brought on board and their view brought into the consideration of the decision making process.

 In any other business set up of the business, there is a need to have the management issues addressed from the top. The business analysis can help in the review of the analysis on how sustainability can be achieved. All the directives in regard to the decision making are usually obtained from the policies of the company.

The policies of the company will always ensure that the resources are made available. There is a need to ensure that the issues of sustainability are addressed while putting the initiatives and properly dressed human and economic factors in place. The capacity to assist in the realization of the commitment is fully known. The measure, evaluate and monitor the entire process of the development that has already been highlighted This will start with the recognition of the old ways that had been used previously in the same sector of the mining industries.

As the discovery of the minerals continues in the African continent, there  has been rising in the interest by the international communities and companies to help in the exploitation. Understanding of business processes can be shared with the profits that such companies generate. As had indicated earlier the activities of mining in the respective areas are normally faced with several challenges.

 Most companies strive to carry out businesses in a way that allows for the creation of the opportunities for other related businesses. In the process of creating business opportunities, jobs and decent works are availed to the people living within the area. There is the protection of the rights of the human and also protection of the environment. All the above issues when properly addressed will lead to the managing of the risk The communities have helped to build more resilient communities hence fostering sustainable livelihoods


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