Synergy Auto Repairs: Social Enterprise For Disadvantaged Youth Training In Automobile Repair

Introducing Synergy Auto Repairs and Its Program for Disadvantaged Youth Training

Discuss About The Ethical Development And Human Understanding.

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According to Ridley-Duff and Bull (2015) the term “social enterprise” is defined as an organization that directly involves itself in the sale of its goods and services and also has specific social objectives that serves as the primary purpose of the organization. These are not volunteer organizations as they operate as a company and sell its products and services in the market. These organizations register themselves either as profitable or non-profitable organizations. The profits earned by the organization are used in the funding of the social programs.

The organization that is chosen for the purpose of the following article is Synergy Auto Repairs which is located in Australia. The organization involves the participation of the disadvantaged and disengaged young people in a training and work experience program that is organized by the organization itself (Okoye and Okwelle 2013). The program motivates the interests of the individuals in the cars and is aimed to help them to build a career in the particular field as the interests of the people involved in the program.

While enquiring about the training process and assessing the quality, a trainer replied that the participants are engaged in the training of painting the automobiles and in the panel beating along with other life skills and personal development.  In the program, only eight people are allowed to participate at a time. These participants are then placed within the business premises after receiving the authorised training from the organization which is a half year course. This half year training program make the participants ready imposing the skills which are required for ente4ring into the industry, says the training head of the organization. According to the trainer of the organization, the participants are trained and supervised by the experienced people and other experts in the organization. This is ensuring that the quality and the standard of the products are maintained.

The head of the training department of the organization described the full program that they cover. According to her, the Synergy Program is based in North Melbourne and operates as a fully commercial panel shop. The organization offers full repair services of the smashes that are provided by the staffs and the trainers of the organizations. In addition to gaining knowledge in the field, the participants are also allowed to engage in the other courses that are offered by the organization. The participants are taught to perform the tasks of painting cars by means of spray painting and that of panel beating. Participants need to complete a Certificate II Paint and Panel delivered by the educators and the instructors of Kangan Technical and Further Education (TAFE) on the basis of one day per site.

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Overview of Synergy’s Training Program: Certificate II Paint and Panel

The outline of the components of the program, as described by a trainer is very closely tied to other aspects of the program such as the flow-through mode (selection and exit processes), the intervening elements, assessing the impact of the program and sustainability of t5ghe program. The program goals have positive impact on the lives of the young people who are involved with the crimes related to the automobiles. The program involves these people as a part of it and allows them to participate in a formal and authorized program which is provided by the organization.

The related documents and by assessing the data collected by conducting an interview, the objectives stated by the Synergy Program are:

  • It inspires and prevents the participants to involve in any kind of offences, particularly related to the motor vehicles.
  • It helps the participants to transform their lives as well as the lives of the other participants and co-workers by means of bringing change into the behaviour and other development skills.
  • The program provides effective path for the employment and further vocational trainings. Often people are referred to the organization so that the people can develop certain skills and can reduce the sentence of the criminal act.

The senior manager of the Synergy Auto Repairs is of the view that among all the countries in the world, Australia has the highest rates of Motor Vehicle Theft (MVT). It has been estimated that out of four car thefts that occurs, the juvenile offenders are responsible for three thefts. The acts performed by the juveniles like those of joyriding, driving after consuming drugs and other such items and other such unsafe driving practices places both the offenders and other road users at risk of severe injury or death.

In the country of Australia, the young people who are found guilty of offences are given either a community sentence which is generally not supervised or a supervised sentence. The people, who are given a supervised sentence, are also provided with certain services which can help them to reduce the period of the sentence and also the frequency and seriousness of the cause of the present and future offences. As stated by training executive, the first specific such diversification programs for the motor vehicles offenders were started by the UK probation services in the year 1970s. These programs were developed keeping in mind the interests of the offenders for the cars. The aim of these programs was to reduce the offence and involve them in their training, and maintainable of the cars as well as allowing them to perform activities such as racing. The present day programs have changed and focus on the vocational training and other life skills besides the behaviour development skills.

The study of the field of ethics or moral philosophy involves systematizing, defending and recommending the concepts that are related to the right and wrong behaviour of the people. The term ethics is derived from the Greek word “ethicos” or “ethos” which means habit or custom followed by the people. The ethical theories are a part of the decision making process as these theories represent the viewpoints of the guidance taken by the individuals in the process of decision making (Chesney-Lind and Pasko 2013). The ethical theories that are employed to seek guidance in the decision making emphasises on the aspects of an ethical dilemma that is important to them and leads them towards the most ethically correct solution keeping in mind the guidelines and within the ethical theory.  Four broad categories of the theories are related to the ethics. These are deontology, utilitarianism, rights and virtues.

Ethical Theories in Decision Making: Deontology, Utilitarianism, Rights and Virtues

The demonological theory was developed by a German philosopher, Immanuel Kant. The theory states that every individual must obey the promise and duties while involved in the ethical decision making process. This means that an individual is bound to obey and follow his or her duties towards another individual or society. This is because, according to the theory, following and fulfilling the duties is considered as ethically correct (Melden 2013).

The main drawback of this theory is that there is no logical way to determine the duties and responsibilities of an individual. This is so because most of the time th3e duties and responsibilities of a person conflict with each other and the person have to choose between the two, which according to the theory might result to be une4thical in nature. 


The utilitarian ethical theory is based on the ability of a person to predict the results or consequences of an action that is being performed. The followers of this theory states that the choice of the action that produces the most benefit to the people at large is the most correct and ethical action.

Like other theories, this theory also some disadvantages. One of the major disadvantages of the theory is that a person cannot determine that the action he or she is performing would generate better outcomes and will be accurate in nature. The actions might lead to inaccurate and unsatisfactory results.

The ethical theories ion rights states that the rights that are established by the society are protected and are given the highest priority. Rights are considered as the ethically correct as well as valid because a large number of people follow them. People also have the right to implement the rights on the others only if they have the power and authority as well as have such abilities and resources to do so (Peter 2015). 

The major complications of this theory lie in the fact that one must determine the characteristics of the rights that are prevalent in the society. It is the duty of the society to consider and implement the right that it must follow and wants that the people of the society to follow. Besides, the society must decide the goals and the3 ethical priorities for the society.

This theory of ethics judges the characters of an individual rather than judging the actions of the persons.  This theory is of the view that while performing an action, the person might be deviated or from the behaviour that the person normally possesses. The theory takes into account the morals, reputation and motivation so as to analyse the unusual and thee ethical behaviour of the person is ethically correct or not.       The major and the most important weakness in the theory is that the theory does not consider the change in the morality oflthe person.

The human resource department of the organization states that the organization in discussion, Synergy Auto Repairs, is trying to bring about changes in the characters and morality of the young offenders. The organization through the process of training is trying to achieve the goals and the nation crime free and safe.  The youngsters who are attracted towards the cars and other vehicles and are stealing them, are being not only ethical wrong but also they are treated as criminals which is the breach of law. The organization is helping these people to overcome the actions and reduce their sentence. They are teaching them how to spray paint a car and maintain them through a course for duration of half year and providing authorised certificates to them as well. The organization also involves these people to undergo better job opportunities by involving them in certain vocational training and other such services thus bringing development in the society.


The organization helps the young offenders to reduce their period of sentence for MTV by allowing them to participate in the programs. Australia is one of highest rated MTV countries in the world. The offences are normally done by the young people who are in demand of the cars but are not so advantageous to have them. Training these young people to allow them to perform the job of painting the cars and panel beating not only makes them skilful but also develops the nation by reducing the number of crimes.


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Melden, A., 2013. Ethical theories. Read Books Ltd.

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Nolen-Hoeksema, S. and Rector, N.A., 2015. Abnormal psychology. Boston: McGraw-Hill.

Okoye, K.R.E. and Okwelle, P.C., 2013. Complex mix of socio-political synergy on technical vocational education and training (TVET) in Nigeria. Kuwait Chapter of the Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 3(3), p.28.

Peters, R.S., 2015. Psychology and Ethical Development (Routledge Revivals): A Collection of Articles on Psychological Theories, Ethical Development and Human Understanding. Routledge.

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